IBM 的DB2数据库应用的还比较广泛,不过关于连接这一块的文章还是比较少的,所以本人就在这贴出关于DB2的数据库,连接方式,共大家学习。

Providers for IBM DB2
DB2 .NET Data Provider
Type:    .NET Framework Class LibraryUsage:  IBM.Data.DB2.DB2Connection
Manufacturer:  IBMMore info about this class library »
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The Server key value syntax is a server name / ip address and an optional port number (note the : in between).
Defining the connection pooling pool size
Server=myAddress:myPortNumber;Database=myDataBase;UID=myUsername;PWD=myPassword;Max Pool Size=100;Min Pool Size=10;
Disable connection pooling
Server=myAddress:myPortNumber;Database=myDataBase;UID=myUsername;PWD=myPassword; Pooling=false;
Connection pooling, time in pool
Server=myAddress:myPortNumber;Database=myDataBase;UID=myUsername;PWD=myPassword; Connection Lifetime=60;
Defines how many seconds the connection can remain idle in the pool before its removed from the pool.
Connection pooling, do not pool
Server=myAddress:myPortNumber;Database=myDataBase;UID=myUsername;PWD=myPassword; Connection Reset=false;
Specifying schema
Server=myAddress:myPortNumber;Database=myDataBase;UID=myUsername;PWD=myPassword; CurrentSchema=mySchema;
All unqualified SQL objects used with the current connection will be qualified with the provide schema name
Microsoft OLEDB provider for DB2
Type:    OLE DB ProviderUsage:  Provider=DB2OLEDB
Manufacturer:  MicrosoftMore info about this provider »
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Provider=DB2OLEDB;Network Transport Library=TCPIP;Network;Initial Catalog=MyCtlg;Package Collection=MyPkgCol;Default Schema=Schema;User ID=myUsername;Password=myPassword;
Provider=DB2OLEDB;APPC Local LU Alias=MyAlias;APPC Remote LU Alias=MyRemote;Initial Catalog=MyCtlg;Package Collection=MyPkgCol;Default Schema=Schema;User ID=myUsername;Password=myPassword;
IBM OLE DB Provider for DB2
Type:    OLE DB ProviderUsage:  Provider=IBMDADB2
Manufacturer:  IBMMore info about this provider »
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Provider=IBMDADB2;Database=myDataBase;Hostname=myServerAddress;Protocol=TCPIP; Port=50000;Uid=myUsername;Pwd=myPassword;
.NET Framework Data Provider for OLE DB
Type:    .NET Framework Wrapper Class LibraryUsage:  System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection
Manufacturer:  MicrosoftMore info about this wrapper class library »
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Bridging to IBM OLE DB Provider for DB2
This is just one connection string sample for the wrapping OleDbConnection class that calls the underlying OLEDB provider. See respective OLE DB provider for more connection strings to use with this class.
Provider=IBMDADB2;Database=myDataBase;Hostname=myServerAddress;Protocol=TCPIP; Port=50000;Uid=myUsername;Pwd=myPassword;
IBM DB2 Driver for ODBC and CLI
Type:    ODBC DriverUsage:  Driver={IBM DB2 ODBC DRIVER}
Manufacturer:  IBMMore info about this driver »
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Driver={IBM DB2 ODBC DRIVER};Database=myDataBase;Hostname=myServerAddress;Port=1234; Protocol=TCPIP;Uid=myUsername;Pwd=myPassword;
.NET Framework Data Provider for ODBC
Type:    .NET Framework Wrapper Class LibraryUsage:  System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection
Manufacturer:  MicrosoftMore info about this wrapper class library »
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Bridging to IBM DB2 Driver for ODBC and CLI
This is just one connection string sample for the wrapping OdbcConnection class that calls the underlying ODBC Driver. See respective ODBC driver for more connection strings to use with this class.
Driver={IBM DB2 ODBC DRIVER};Database=myDataBase;Hostname=myServerAddress;Port=1234; Protocol=TCPIP;Uid=myUsername;Pwd=myPassword;