pg restore日志在哪里 preparing iphone for restore_ios


pg restore日志在哪里 preparing iphone for restore_ios_02

If your iPhone 6’s screen is cracked or the home button is broken, you may want to think twice before getting it fixed by anyone other than Apple. Seeking repairs from a third-party repair service could render your device unusable the next time it updates.

如果您的iPhone 6屏幕破裂或主页按钮损坏,您可能需要三思而后行,然后再由Apple以外的任何人进行维修。 从第三方维修服务寻求维修可能会使您的设备在下次更新时无法使用。

Anger is mounting as iPhone 6 and 6s users discover that third-party repairs can eventually brick their phones. The problem apparently stems from when these services use non-Apple supplied parts to fix iPhones. The next time the unlucky owner updates their device, they get an Error 53, which effectively makes it all but worthless.

随着iPhone 6和6s用户发现第三方维修最终可能会使他们的手机变砖, 愤怒越来越高 。 问题显然出在这些服务使用非Apple提供的部件修复iPhone时。 不幸的所有者下次更新他们的设备时,会收到错误53,实际上使它几乎一文不值。

This means whatever pictures, videos, texts, and other data you might have stored on your iPhone is gone and cannot be retrieved. Not to mention you’re left without a phone.

这意味着您可能存储在iPhone上的所有图片,视频,文本和其他数据均已消失,无法检索。 更不用说您没有电话了。

Because this error only affects iPhones with the Touch ID fingerprint sensor, this error is only showing on iPhone 6 and 6s devices. Any iPhone version prior to that is apparently unaffected. However, the error can appear even if you’re repairing something other than the home button–some parts (like the screen) are paired with the home button in a way that can still trigger this error if they are replaced.

由于此错误仅影响具有Touch ID指纹传感器的iPhone,因此该错误仅在iPhone 6和6s设备上显示。 之前的任何iPhone版本显然都不会受到影响。 但是,即使您要修理“主页”按钮以外的其他东西,也会出现该错误-有些部件(例如屏幕)与“主页”按钮配对时,如果更换了它们,仍会触发此错误。

Also, the error apparently only appears when the phone attempts to perform a system update, which means that you may be able to use your phone for days or even weeks following a repair, as long as you don’t accept that software update.


Currently, Apple claims to have no fix for the dreaded Error 53, so you’re well advised to take precautions if you’re thinking of getting your iPhone fixed by anyone else other than Apple or an authorized repair person.

目前,Apple声称没有针对可怕的Error 53的修复程序,因此,如果您要考虑由Apple或授权维修人员以外的任何其他人修复iPhone,则建议您采取预防措施。

So, what can you do? The first most obvious thing you can do is get your phone repaired by Apple with genuine Apple parts. Just note that if your phone is out of warranty, or the problem with it isn’t covered by your warranty, that repair can cost big bucks. But it’s not worth skimping on repair costs if it means your phone will break one day.

所以,你可以做什么? 您可以做的第一件事就是,由Apple维修Apple原装零件,以进行维修。 请注意,如果您的手机不在保修范围内,或者保修范围内不包含此问题,则维修费用可能很高。 但是,如果这意味着您的手机会坏掉一天,那么不值得花些时间维修费用。

Sure, you could get it repaired and then simply not update your phone, but we don’t recommend this. For one, Apple frequently updates iOS to address performance and security issues. Not updating your phone could leave you open to potential issues, not to mention that you could be missing out on the latest and greatest features. Furthermore, it’s possible there’s a reason this Error 53 exists–after all, Touch ID is designed to keep your phone more secure, and getting a non-Apple part installed could make your phone less secure on its own.

当然,您可以修理它,然后根本不更新手机,但是我们不建议这样做。 首先,Apple经常更新iOS以解决性能和安全性问题。 不更新手机可能会使您面临潜在的问题,更不用说您可能会错过最新和最出色的功能。 此外,错误53的存在可能是有原因的-毕竟,Touch ID旨在使您的手机更安全,而安装非Apple部件可能会使手机本身的安全性降低。

This is also a good time for a reminder: back up your phone.  Do it regularly. Whether you’re getting it repaired by a third party or not, it can save you a lot of headaches down the line. Anything can go wrong during a repair, so having your iPhone backed up to iTunes and synced with iCloud prior to service will go a long way to towards relieving potential headaches and heartbreak.

这也是提醒您的好时机: 备份手机 。 定期做。 无论您是否要由第三方维修,它都可以为您省去很多麻烦。 在维修过程中任何事情都可能出错,因此在维修之前将iPhone备份到iTunes并与iCloud同步将大大有助于缓解潜在的头痛和伤心欲绝。

We should expect the Error 53 controversy to get louder as more and more people get their iPhones fixed by third-party repair services. But to be honest, we can’t really fault Apple on this one. Repairing your iPhone with knockoff components could constitute a pretty large security threat, and while we don’t necessarily think it deserves a bricked phone, the potential for malfeasance is definitely there.

随着越来越多的人通过第三方维修服务修复iPhone,我们应该期望Error 53的争议会越来越大。 但老实说,我们不能真的在这方面对苹果提出批评。 使用仿冒品修理您的iPhone可能会构成相当大的安全威胁,尽管我们不一定认为它值得拥有一部坚固的手机,但绝对存在潜在的渎职行为 。

For the time being, it looks like the only “solution” to Error 53 is to take your iPhone into an Apple store or send it back. So take care of your phone, and only solicit repairs from authorized people. You’ll be happy you did.

目前看来,错误53的唯一“解决方案”是将您的iPhone带入Apple商店或将其寄回。 因此,请妥善保管您的手机,并仅请授权人员进行维修。 您会很高兴的。

