2. 前言



  • 一次性把所有可能会用到的WSDL文档都纳入编译,以便得到一份尽可能齐全的ONVIF接口代码。我这样做是为了省事,但我希望你在心底里能明白一件事情:ONVIF有好多个模块,每个模块分别对应着不同的WSDL文档,如果你只是想实现其中某个模块的功能,其实只要拿那个模块对应的WSDL文档来编译即可(可以忽略其他WSDL)。比如你只是想实现「设备发现」功能,只要拿remotediscovery.wsdl来编译即可。
  • 为了让代码同时兼容Windows和Linux两个平台(未考虑其他平台),在我后续专栏中的示例代码都会做一些兼容性的处理。如果你是用Windows来开发,那得用Microsoft Visual Studio SP1(或更高版本),后续会涉及到SOAP协议数据「中文字符乱码」的问题,Microsoft Visual Studio SP1以下的版本不好处理。
  • 把我所遇到的问题尽可能的提前进行说明,至于没其他问题,只能大家自己搞定了,也欢迎大家来一起交流(留言/邮箱)。

3. gSOAP工具下载




gSOAP有分商业版「commercial edition」和开源版「open source edition」,我撰写本专栏用的是gSOAP开源版「gsoap_2.8.45」。

4. wsdl2h和soapcpp2简介



5. wsdl2h不支持HTTPS


wsdl2h.exe -P -x -o onvif.h -c -s -t typemap.dat  https://www.onvif.org/ver10/network/wsdl/remotediscovery.wsdl https://www.onvif.org/ver10/device/wsdl/devicemgmt.wsdl https://www.onvif.org/ver10/media/wsdl/media.wsdl
Saving onvif.h

**  The gSOAP WSDL/WADL/XSD processor for C and C++, wsdl2h release 2.8.45
**  Copyright (C) 2000-2017 Robert van Engelen, Genivia Inc.
**  All Rights Reserved. This product is provided "as is", without any warranty.
**  The wsdl2h tool and its generated software are released under the GPL.
**  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
**  A commercial use license is available from Genivia Inc., contact@genivia.com
**  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Reading type definitions from type map "typemap.dat"

Cannot connect to https site: SSL/TLS support not enabled, please rebuild wsdl2h with SSL/TLS enabled using 'make secure' or download the WSDL/WADL and XSD files and rerun wsdl2h on these files directly by specifying the file names on the command line.







  1. 重新编译gSOAP源码,生成带SSL/TLS的wsdl2h工具。
  2. 自己手动下载WSDL文档后,再用本地WSDL文档执行wsdl2h命令。



6. 编译gSOAP源码让wsdl2h支持HTTPS


6.1 准备环境


  1. 安装Bison我采用源码编译安装的方式: 官网:http://www.gnu.org/software/bison/ 版本:bison-2.7.91.tar.gz 安装:详见bison-2.7.91/INSTALL说明
  2. 安装Flex我采用源码编译安装的方式: 官网:http://flex.sourceforge.net/ 版本:flex-2.6.0.tar.gz 安装:详见flex-2.6.0/INSTALL说明
  3. 安装OpenSSL我采用源码编译安装的方式:官网:https://www.openssl.org/ 版本:openssl-1.0.2h 安装:详见openssl-1.0.2h/INSTALL说明 备注:我采用默认安装路径/usr/local/ssl/,这个路径等下编译gSOAP源码时会用到

6.2 编译gSOAP源码


$ cat INSTALL.txt


See README.txt for an overview of the gSOAP software.

Visit www.genivia.com/downloads.html for download and installation instructions.

按提示,访问www.genivia.com/downloads.html查看详细的安装说明,详见「Installing gSOAP on Unix/Linux」章节,除此之外,你也可以通过./configure -h查看更多的帮助信息。


$ cd gsoap-2.8
$ ./configure --with-openssl=/usr/local/ssl
$ make
$ make install



$ which wsdl2h soapcpp2


$ wsdl2h -h
wsdl2h: error while loading shared libraries: libssl.so.1.0.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory


  1. 将.so文件路径「/usr/local/ssl/lib」追加到/etc/ld.so.conf文件末尾。
$ echo /usr/local/ssl/lib >> /etc/ld.so.conf
  1. 使得修改立刻生效:
$ ldconfig


7. 使用gSOAP生成ONVIF框架代码

gSOAP官网上有一篇文章「How do I use gSOAP with the ONVIF specifications」,专门介绍如何使用gSOAP生成ONVIF框架代码,链接如下:


找到「How do I use gSOAP with the ONVIF specifications」章节。


(1). 参考gSOAP官网说明修改gsoap\typemap.dat

参考「How do I use gSOAP with the ONVIF specifications」(https://www.genivia.com/resources.html)说明,看是否需要修改typemap.dat。我用的gSOAP工具版本是gsoap_2.8.45,typemap.dat文件刚好符合要求,不用改。

(2). 使用wsdl2h工具,根据WSDL产生头文件


$ cd gsoap-2.8/gsoap/
$ mkdir -p samples/onvif
$ wsdl2h -P -x -c -s -t ./typemap.dat -o samples/onvif/onvif.h https://www.onvif.org/ver10/network/wsdl/remotediscovery.wsdl https://www.onvif.org/ver10/device/wsdl/devicemgmt.wsdl https://www.onvif.org/ver10/media/wsdl/media.wsdl

各个选项的含义,可通过wsdl2h.exe -help查看帮助。其中-c为产生纯c代码,不然为c++代码;-s为不使用STL库,-t为typemap.dat的标识。


$ wsdl2h -P -x -c -s -t ./typemap.dat -o samples/onvif/onvif.h https://www.onvif.org/ver10/network/wsdl/remotediscovery.wsdl https://www.onvif.org/ver10/device/wsdl/devicemgmt.wsdl https://www.onvif.org/ver10/media/wsdl/media.wsdl
Saving samples/onvif/onvif.h

**  The gSOAP WSDL/WADL/XSD processor for C and C++, wsdl2h release 2.8.45
**  Copyright (C) 2000-2017 Robert van Engelen, Genivia Inc.
**  All Rights Reserved. This product is provided "as is", without any warranty.
**  The wsdl2h tool and its generated software are released under the GPL.
**  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
**  A commercial use license is available from Genivia Inc., contact@genivia.com
**  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Reading type definitions from type map "./typemap.dat"
Connecting to 'https://www.onvif.org/ver10/network/wsdl/remotediscovery.wsdl' to retrieve WSDL/WADL or XSD... connected, receiving...
Done reading 'https://www.onvif.org/ver10/network/wsdl/remotediscovery.wsdl'
Connecting to 'https://www.onvif.org/ver10/device/wsdl/devicemgmt.wsdl' to retrieve WSDL/WADL or XSD... connected, receiving...
  Connecting to 'https://www.onvif.org/ver10/device/wsdl/../../../ver10/schema/onvif.xsd' to retrieve schema '../../../ver10/schema/onvif.xsd'... connected, receiving...
    Connecting to 'http://docs.oasis-open.org/wsn/b-2.xsd' to retrieve schema... connected, receiving...
      Connecting to 'http://docs.oasis-open.org/wsrf/bf-2.xsd' to retrieve schema... connected, receiving...
      Done reading 'http://docs.oasis-open.org/wsrf/bf-2.xsd'
      Connecting to 'http://docs.oasis-open.org/wsn/t-1.xsd' to retrieve schema... connected, receiving...
      Done reading 'http://docs.oasis-open.org/wsn/t-1.xsd'
    Done reading 'http://docs.oasis-open.org/wsn/b-2.xsd'
    Connecting to 'https://www.onvif.org/ver10/device/wsdl/../../../ver10/schema/common.xsd' to retrieve schema... connected, receiving...
    Done reading 'https://www.onvif.org/ver10/device/wsdl/../../../ver10/schema/common.xsd'
  Done reading '../../../ver10/schema/onvif.xsd'
Done reading 'https://www.onvif.org/ver10/device/wsdl/devicemgmt.wsdl'
Connecting to 'https://www.onvif.org/ver10/media/wsdl/media.wsdl' to retrieve WSDL/WADL or XSD... connected, receiving...
Done reading 'https://www.onvif.org/ver10/media/wsdl/media.wsdl'

Warning: 2 service bindings found, but collected as one service (use option -Nname to produce a separate service for each binding)

To finalize code generation, execute:
> soapcpp2 samples/onvif/onvif.h

(3). 因「鉴权(认证)」需要,修改onvif.h头文件


#import "wsse.h"

如果onvif.h不加入#import "wsse.h",使用soap_wsse_add_UsernameTokenDigest函数会导致编译出错(错误信息如下):

wsse2api.c(183): error C2039: “wsse__Security”: 不是“SOAP_ENV__Header”的成员

(4). 使用soapcpp2工具,根据头文件产生框架代码

$ soapcpp2 -2 -C -L -c -x -I import:custom -d samples/onvif/ samples/onvif/onvif.h

各个选项的含义,通过soapcpp2.exe -help查看帮助。


wsa5.h(288): **ERROR**: service operation name clash: struct/class 'SOAP_ENV__Fault' already declared at wsa.h:273


#import "wsdd10.h" // wsdd10.h中又#import "wsa.h"
#import "wsa5.h"   // wsa.h和wsa5.h两个文件重复定义了int SOAP_ENV__Fault

解决方法:修改import\wsa5.h文件,将int SOAP_ENV__Fault修改为int SOAP_ENV__Fault_alex,再次使用soapcpp2工具编译就成功了,命令执行过程如下:

$ soapcpp2 -2 -C -L -c -x -I import:custom -d samples/onvif/ samples/onvif/onvif.h  

**  The gSOAP code generator for C and C++, soapcpp2 release 2.8.45
**  Copyright (C) 2000-2017, Robert van Engelen, Genivia Inc.
**  All Rights Reserved. This product is provided "as is", without any warranty.
**  The soapcpp2 tool and its generated software are released under the GPL.
**  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
**  A commercial use license is available from Genivia Inc., contact@genivia.com
**  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

soap12.h(54): *WARNING*: option -1 or -2 overrides SOAP-ENV namespace

soap12.h(55): *WARNING*: option -1 or -2 overrides SOAP-ENC namespace

Using project directory path: samples/onvif/
Saving samples/onvif/soapStub.h annotated copy of the source interface file
Saving samples/onvif/soapH.h serialization functions to #include in projects
Using wsdd service name: wsdd
Using wsdd service style: document
Using wsdd service encoding: literal
Using wsdd schema import namespace: http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/04/discovery
Saving samples/onvif/wsdd.nsmap namespace mapping table
Using tdn service name: RemoteDiscoveryBinding
Using tdn service style: document
Using tdn service encoding: literal
Using tdn schema namespace: http://www.onvif.org/ver10/network/wsdl
Saving samples/onvif/RemoteDiscoveryBinding.nsmap namespace mapping table
Using tds service name: DeviceBinding
Using tds service style: document
Using tds service encoding: literal
Using tds schema namespace: http://www.onvif.org/ver10/device/wsdl
Saving samples/onvif/DeviceBinding.nsmap namespace mapping table
Using trt service name: MediaBinding
Using trt service style: document
Using trt service encoding: literal
Using trt schema namespace: http://www.onvif.org/ver10/media/wsdl
Saving samples/onvif/MediaBinding.nsmap namespace mapping table
Saving samples/onvif/soapClient.c client call stub functions
Saving samples/onvif/soapC.c serialization functions

Compilation successful (2 warnings)

(5). 拷贝其他还有会用的源码

$ cp stdsoap2.c stdsoap2.h plugin/wsaapi.c plugin/wsaapi.h custom/duration.c custom/duration.h  samples/onvif/



(6). 关联自己的命名空间,修改stdsoap2.c文件


extern SOAP_NMAC struct Namespace namespaces[];


#include "wsdd.nsmap"


(7). 大功告成


$ ls -l onvif/
总用量 9796
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root    2254 4月  27 17:02 DeviceBinding.nsmap
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root    6725 4月  29 14:30 duration.c
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root    4051 4月  29 14:30 duration.h
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root    2254 4月  27 17:02 MediaBinding.nsmap
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 3031182 4月  27 16:57 onvif.h
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root    2254 4月  27 17:02 RemoteDiscoveryBinding.nsmap
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 9277873 4月  27 17:02 soapC.c
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root  406017 4月  27 17:02 soapClient.c
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 5158122 4月  27 17:02 soapH.h
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 1344868 4月  27 17:02 soapStub.h
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root  593718 4月  29 14:30 stdsoap2.c
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root  151026 4月  29 14:30 stdsoap2.h
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root   64006 4月  29 14:29 wsaapi.c
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root    7153 4月  29 14:29 wsaapi.h
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root    2254 4月  27 17:02 wsdd.nsmap


8. 我的封装
