


TensorFlow提供非常丰富的API,最底层的API—TensorFlow Core—提供了完整的编程控制接口。更高级别的API则是基于TensorFlow Core API之上,并且非常容易学习和使用,更高层次的API能够使一些重复的工作变得更加简单。比如tf.contrib.learn帮助你管理数据集等。

这篇博文将从TensorFlow Core开始。





在线tensorflow拟合函数 tensorflow r_在线tensorflow拟合函数


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将各种各样的数据抽象成张量表示,然后再输入神经网络模型进行后续处理是一种非常必要且高效的策略。因为如果没有这一步骤,我们就需要根据各种不同类型的数据组织形式定义各种不同类型的数据操作,这会浪费大量的开发者精力。更关键的是,当数据处理完成后,我们还可以方便地将张量再转换回想要的格式。例如Python NumPy包中numpy.imread和numpy.imsave两个方法,分别用来将图片转换成张量对象(即代码中的Tensor对象),和将张量再转换成图片保存起来。

高维向量(Multidimensional Arrays)在matlab中的定义

An array having more than two dimensions is called a multidimensional array in the MATLAB® application. Multidimensional arrays in MATLAB are an extension of the normal two-dimensional matrix. Matrices have two dimensions: the row dimension and the column dimension.

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You can access a two-dimensional matrix element with two subscripts: the first representing the row index, and the second representing the column index.

Multidimensional arrays use additional subscripts for indexing. A three-dimensional array, for example, uses three subscripts:

  • The first references array dimension 1, the row.
  • The second references dimension 2, the column.
  • The third references dimension 3. This illustration uses the concept of a page to represent dimensions 3 and higher.

To access the element in the second row, third column of page 2, for example, you use the subscripts (2,3,2).

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As you add dimensions to an array, you also add subscripts. A four-dimensional array, for example, has four subscripts. The first two reference a row-column pair; the second two access the third and fourth dimensions of data.

Most of the operations that you can perform on matrices (i.e., two-dimensional arrays) can also be done on multidimensional arrays.


需要和高维数组(Tensor)打交道的话,思考时不要想着row, column, page这些术语, 要用dim_1, dim_2,... dim_M 来思考。好多地方说Matlab是先存column, 用我们的术语其实就是Matlab按照从左到右:dim_1, dim_2,... dim_M的顺序存储元素。例如想想下面 2 x 4 x 3 x 5 矩阵的存储顺序:


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Rank本意是矩阵的秩,不过Tensor Rank和Matrix Rank的意义不太一样,这里就还叫Rank防止混淆了。Tensor Rank的意义看起来更像是维度,比如Rank = 1就是向量,Rank = 2就是矩阵了。(Rank = 0就是一个值了)

官网原话:A tensor's rank is its number of dimensions. 

3# a rank 0 tensor; this is a scalar with shape []
[1.2., 3.] # a rank 1 tensor; this is a vector with shape [3]
[[1., 2., 3.], [4., 5., 6.]] # a rank 2 tensor; a matrix with shape [2, 3]
[[[1., 2., 3.]], [[7., 8., 9.]]] # a rank 3 tensor with shape [2, 1, 3]


Shape就是Tensor在各个维度上的长度组成的数组,譬如Rank = 0的Tensor Shape = [](因为没有维度嘛),Rank = 1的Tensor Shape = [ a ],Rank = 2的Tensor Shape = [ a, b ]这样。