java easyexcel列隐藏注解 excel怎么隐藏注解_java easyexcel列隐藏注解


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We’ve shown you how to hide cells, rows, and columns and how to hide worksheets/tabs and entire workbooks in Excel. Additionally, you can hide items such as comments, formulas, overflow text, and gridlines. We’ll show you how to hide these items.

我们已经向您展示了如何在Excel中隐藏单元格,行和列,以及如何隐藏工作表/选项卡和整个工作簿。 此外,您可以隐藏诸如注释,公式,溢出文本和网格线之类的项目。 我们将向您展示如何隐藏这些项目。

(Hide Comments)

When you add a comment to a cell in Excel, a small red triangle displays in the upper-right corner of the cell to indicate a comment was added. When you hover your mouse over the cell, or select the cell, the comment displays in a popup window.

当您Excel中的单元格添加注释时,该单元格的右上角会显示一个红色小三角形,表示已添加注释。 将鼠标悬停在单元格上方或选择该单元格时,注释将显示在弹出窗口中。

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If you have a lot of comments in your worksheet, you may not want to see the red triangles and have comments popup as you move your mouse around the worksheet. To hide the comments, click the “File” tab.

如果您的工作表中有很多注释,则可能不希望看到红色三角形,并且在工作表上移动鼠标时会弹出注释。 要隐藏评论,请单击“文件”选项卡。

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On the backstage screen, click “Options” in the list of items on the left.


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On the “Excel Options” dialog box, click “Advanced” in the list of items on the left.

在“ Excel选项”对话框中,在左侧的项目列表中单击“高级”。

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Scroll down to the “Display” section. Under “For cells with comments, show”, select the “No comments or indicators” radio button.

向下滚动到“显示”部分。 在“对于带有注释的单元格,显示”下,选择“无注释或指示符”单选按钮。

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Click “OK” to accept the change and close the “Excel Options” dialog box.

单击“确定”接受更改,然后关闭“ Excel选项”对话框。

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The red triangles and comment popup windows are now hidden.


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The comments are still associated with their respective cells and can be viewed by clicking the “Review” tab and clicking “Show All Comments” in the “Comments” section.


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All the comments in your worksheet are displayed without having to hover over the cells. To hide the comment popup windows, click “Show All Comments” again. The comment popup windows are hidden but the red triangles remain visible.

将显示工作表中的所有注释,而无需将鼠标悬停在单元格上。 要隐藏评论弹出窗口,请再次单击“显示所有评论”。 注释弹出窗口被隐藏,但红色三角形仍然可见。

NOTE: If you want to show or hide a comment for a certain cell, select that cell and click “Show/Hide Comment” in the “Comments” section of the “Review” tab. You can select multiple cells with comments using the “Ctrl” key to show or hide the comments on those cells only.

注意:如果要显示或隐藏某个单元格的评论,请选择该单元格,然后在“审阅”选项卡的“评论”部分中单击“显示/隐藏评论”。 您可以使用“ Ctrl”键选择多个带有注释的单元格,以仅显示或隐藏这些单元格上的注释。

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Clicking the “Show All Comments” button so it toggles off changes the “For cells with comments, show” option back to “Indicators only, and comments on hover” automatically.


(Hide Formulas)

There are two things you need to do to hide a formula. First, you must apply the “Hidden” setting to the cell and then protect the worksheeet.

隐藏公式需要做两件事。 首先,您必须将“隐藏”设置应用于单元格,然后保护工作表。

Select the cell for which you want to hide the formula and right-click on the selected cell. Select “Format Cells” from the popup menu.

选择要为其隐藏公式的单元格,然后右键单击所选的单元格。 从弹出菜单中选择“格式化单元格”。

NOTE: You can select multiple cells and hide the formulas for all the selected cells.


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Click the “Protection” tab on the “Format Cells” dialog box, and select the “Hidden” check box so there is a check mark in the box. Click “OK” to accept the change and close the dialog box.

单击“设置单元格格式”对话框上的“保护”选项卡,然后选择“隐藏”复选框,以便在该复选框中有一个复选标记。 单击“确定”接受更改并关闭对话框。

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The formulas won’t be hidden until you protect the sheet. To do this, click the “Review” tab and click “Protect Sheet” in the “Changes” section.

在保护工作表之前,公式不会隐藏。 为此,请单击“审阅”选项卡,然后在“更改”部分中单击“保护表”。

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The “Protect Sheet” dialog box displays. To prevent other users from unhiding the formulas, enter a password in the “Password to unprotect sheet” edit box. Specify the actions you want to allow users to perform on the worksheet by selecting check boxes in the “Allow all users of this worksheet to” list. Click “OK” to accept your changes and close the dialog box.

显示“保护表”对话框。 为防止其他用户取消隐藏公式,请在“取消保护工作表的密码”编辑框中输入密码。 通过选中“允许此工作表的所有用户访问”列表中的复选框,指定要允许用户在工作表上执行的操作。 单击“确定”接受更改并关闭对话框。

NOTE: The password is not required, but we recommend you enter one if you don’t want other users to be able to unprotect the worksheet.


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A dialog box displays asking you to confirm your password.


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The formulas in the selected cells do not display in the Formula Bar, but the results of the formulas remain visible in the cells. If you entered a password when protecting the sheet, other users will not be able to use the “Show Formulas” button on the “Formulas” tab to display all the formulas in the worksheet.

所选单元格中的公式不会显示在“公式栏”中,但是公式的结果在单元格中仍然可见。 如果在保护工作表时输入了密码,其他用户将无法使用“公式”选项卡上的“显示公式”按钮来显示工作表中的所有公式。

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To unhide the formulas, click “Unprotect Sheet” in the “Changes” section of the “Review” tab.


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If you entered a password when protecting the sheet, the “Unprotect Sheet” dialog box displays, prompting you for the password. Enter the password in the “Password” edit box and click “OK”. If you didn’t enter a password when protecting the sheet, the sheet will be unprotected with no further prompts.

如果在保护工作表时输入密码,则会显示“取消保护工作表”对话框,提示您输入密码。 在“密码”编辑框中输入密码,然后单击“确定”。 如果在保护工作表时未输入密码,则工作表将不受保护,不会再显示任何提示。

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Select the cells for which you hid the formulas, right-click on the cells, and select “Format Cells” from the popup menu. Deselect the “Hidden” option on the “Protection” tab of the “Format Cells” dialog box so there is NO check mark in the box.

选择要为其隐藏公式的单元格,右键单击这些单元格,然后从弹出菜单中选择“设置单元格格式”。 在“设置单元格格式”对话框的“保护”选项卡上取消选择“隐藏”选项,因此该框中没有复选标记。

Another way to hide formulas from other users is to convert the formulas to static values and save the workbook with a different filename. Then, distribute this new workbook to the users.

对其他用户隐藏公式的另一种方法是将公式转换为静态值,然后使用其他文件名保存工作簿。 然后,将此新工作簿分发给用户。

(Hide Overflow Text)

When you type a lot of text into a cell in Excel, it overflows over to the adjacent cells. For example, the text entered into cell A1 in the image below overflows into cells B1 through E1.

当您在Excel中的单元格中键入大量文本时,它将溢出到相邻的单元格中。 例如,下图中输入到单元格A1中的文本溢出到单元格B1至E1中。

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If we type text into cell B1, the overflow text from cell A1 is blocked by the text in cell B1.


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If you want to hide the overflow text in a cell, such as A1 in this example, without having to type anything into the adjacent cells, right-click on the cell and select “Format Cells” from the popup menu.


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On the “Format Cells” dialog box, click the “Alignment” tab. Select “Fill” from the “Horizontal” drop-down list. Click “OK” to accept the change and close the dialog box.

在“设置单元格格式”对话框中,单击“对齐”选项卡。 从“水平”下拉列表中选择“填充”。 单击“确定”接受更改并关闭对话框。

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The overflow text from cell A1 is hidden even though there is no text in cell B1.


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You can prevent text from overflowing to adjacent cells using the “Wrap Text” feature. Select the cell containing overflowing text and access the “Format Cells” dialog box as described earlier in this article. Click the “Alignment” tab and select the “Wrap text” check box so there is a check mark in the box. Click “OK” to accept the change and close the dialog box.

您可以使用“自动换行”功能防止文本溢出到相邻的单元格中。 选择包含溢出文本的单元格,然后访问本文前面所述的“设置单元格格式”对话框。 单击“对齐方式”选项卡,然后选择“自动换行”复选框,以便该复选框中有一个复选标记。 单击“确定”接受更改并关闭对话框。

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When you choose to wrap text in a cell, the cell height is adjusted to accommodate the text. If you want to keep the row height at the standard value (15) for a single line of text, right-click on the row number and select “Row Height” from the popup menu.

当您选择在单元格中换行时,将调整单元格的高度以容纳文本。 如果要将单行文本的行高保持在标准值(15),请右键单击行号,然后从弹出菜单中选择“行高”。

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On the “Row Height” dialog box, type “15” in the edit box and click “OK”.

在“行高”对话框中,在编辑框中键入“ 15”,然后单击“确定”。

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The row height is adjusted and the remaining text that doesn’t fit on the first line appears to be hidden.


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If you don’t change the “Row Height” back to its original value and you turn off the “Wrap text” feature, you’ll notice that the text now takes up only one line but the height of the row remains the same as it was when it adjusted to accommodate the wrapped text. You can either set the “Row Height” to “15” or you can automatically adjust the row height to fit the one line of text using the “AutoFit Row Height” feature. Make sure the “Home” tab is the active tab on the ribbon and click “Format” in the “Cells” section. Select “AutoFit Row Height” in the “Cell Size” section on the drop-down menu.

如果您没有将“行高”更改回其原始值,而是关闭了“换行文字”功能,则会注意到该文本现在仅占据一行,但行高与它是在进行调整以适应换行的文本时。 您可以将“行高”设置为“ 15”,也可以使用“自动调整行高”功能自动调整行高以适合一行文本。 确保“主页”选项卡是功能区上的活动选项卡,然后在“单元格”部分中单击“格式”。 在下拉菜单的“单元格大小”部分中选择“自动调整行高”。

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(Hide Gridlines)

If you are displaying your worksheet in a presentation, you can hide the gridlines to make the presentation of the data in your worksheet cleaner. There are a couple of different methods you can use to hide all the gridlines in a worksheet. For the first method, click the “View” tab.

如果要在演示文稿中显示工作表,则可以隐藏网格线以使工作表中的数据演示更加整洁。 您可以使用两种不同的方法来隐藏工作表中的所有网格线。 对于第一种方法,请单击“查看”选项卡。

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Select the “Gridlines” check box in the “Show” section so there is NO check mark in the box.


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For the second method, click the “Page Layout” tab.


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Under “Gridlines” in the “Sheet Options” section, select the “View” check box so there is NO check mark in the box.


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Remember, you can also hide other items in Excel such as cells, rows, and columns and worksheets/tabs and even entire workbooks.


