如果我們正在尋找改進我們業務的方法, 我們應該首先找到願景和使命,而不是我們將要做什麼或我們將如何去做它。最終,我們要實現的目標必須與業務目標和願景相一致。企业激励机制模型 (Business Motivation Model) 是一個OMG建模符號,用於支持如何對快速變化的世界做出反應的商業決策。一個企業可以通過獲得BMM的建模工具,然後創建自己的BMM與特定的企業業務資訊填充模型使用它。有兩個廣泛的目的:


(Baseline first: Identify and integrate strategic initiatives into a business. In this approach you go through a discovery phase of the current state of a business, identify the problem areas and opportunities and come up with a target state that's elaborated from the current state.)

企业激励机制模型 (Business Motivation Model)_企业激励模型


Target first: Identify the future direction of an enterprise mostly based on recognizing and reacting to changes. This approach starts by assessing the problem areas and opportunities. The target state of business is shaped based on the result of assessment.

企业激励机制模型 (Business Motivation Model)_BMM_02


​What is Business Motivation Model (BMM)? ​

​Strategic Planning with BMM Guide-Through​

​Business Motivation Model diagram​

​Business Motivation Modeling Tool​