Backup Is Slow


There are a few conditions in which your backup may be slow:


● First-time backup


● First backup after a software update or changing a large amount of data


● A long time since the last backup


To speed up your backup, try to minimize other computer processes:


● Don't back up during any of these processor-intensive activities:


?m Disc burning


?m Movie rendering


?m Spotlight indexing


● Quit unused applications to free up memory, or install more memory in the computer.


● Verify the source and destination disks with Disk Utility.


● Use a different drive cable if you get I/O errors in the system.log.


● If your drive supports multiple interfaces, try a different one.


● Try backing up without a USB or FireWire hub.


● For network backups, pick a time when the network is less busy.


● Use wired networks instead of wireless.


Backup Disk Is Full


Time Machine won't start if your disk is full. You have already learned that Time Machine works behind the scenes to "thin" your backups to keep them from being too large. You can also try to:


● Exclude more files from your backup


● Delete large files from your backups


● Remove non-Time Machine files from your backup drive


● Purchase a larger backup drive


Backup Is Interrupted


Because Time Machine stores its backups somewhere other than your startup volume, the communication can be interrupted during a backup. Here are some scenarios and their results:


● Your network connection is lost during a Time Machine backup to a network volume. It might take up to 2-3 minutes for the computer to notice that the network has disconnected, but the Finder will likely show an error that the connection to the network drive was lost:


Time Machine may show a separate error:


Errors may vary somewhat depending on the nature of the failure. With either of these errors, the Time Machine preference pane should show "Failed" for the latest backup. Click the Info icon for further information about the failure. Time Machine continues the backup when the network connection re-establishes.


● If the locally connected drive is accidentally disconnected during a Time Machine backup, you get the following error:


The backup itself then fails with the following error:


As with network backup interruptions, the error messages may vary. Be sure to record the error messages in your notes. Time Machine resumes when the drive reconnects.


● You close your portable and put it in sleep mode while Time Machine performs the backup. There is no error and Time Machine resumes when you take the unit out of sleep mode.


● You put your computer to sleep or shut it down while Time Machine performs the backup. Time Machine stops the backup and resumes when you turn the machine back on or take it out of sleep mode.

当时间机器在备份的时候 ,你把你的电脑进入睡眠或者关闭。时间机器将停止备份,并且当你正常启动的时候,备份工作将继续。

● You unmount the external drive while Time Machine backs up to it. Time Machine stops the backup and the drive unmounts. It may take several seconds longer than usual to unmount. Time Machine resumes the backup when you reconnect the drive.


Can't Find Item to Restore


If you can't find an item to restore, it might not have been backed up yet. There's no way to overcome this, but make sure that Time Machine is on and the drive is recognized in the Time Machine preference pane.


Time Machine also deletes backups after they're too old. If you delete a file and forget you deleted it until Time Machine deletes the last backup that contains it, then the file is gone from your backup as well.


You can also browse your Time Machine backups in the Finder. You can copy things from there, but don't try to use the Finder to add items to or delete items from a Time Machine backup. You can use Spotlight to search your Time Machine backups in the Finder.


Can't Find Backup Drive


You already learned that Time Machine requires volumes of a certain format and does not show some storage devices like iPod or iDisk.


If you set up Time Machine with a drive, but Time Machine then loses track of that drive during a backup, you see an error that the storage location can't be found:


This can happen if you accidentally disconnect your drive cable or if a network outage occurs during a network backup.


When either of these situations happens between backups, the Time Machine preference pane shows the drive name in gray with a generic internal hard drive icon and indicates that the next backup occurs "when disk is connected":


Read or Write Errors (I/O Errors) Copying Files to and from Drives

A read or write error happens when the drive tells the computer that not all information successfully copied. Occasional read or write errorsare acceptable; frequent errors may indicate a drive that is about to fail, even if the SMART status of the drive reads "Verified."

当电脑告诉你不是所有的文件都已经成功复制,这可能是读写错误发生了。偶然的读写错误是可接受的;频繁的错误是指出驱动器出现问题。即使 smart已经验证过

A bad cable or a bad external hard drive enclosure can cause read or write errors, also called I/O errors. You can see I/O errors in the system.log file.


File or Directory Damage


If the source volume has a damaged file on your source volume, then the backup is likely damaged as well, unless the damage happened after the file was backed up. Directory damage can cause file damage. Disk Utility's "Repair Disk" verifies and repairs directory damage; however, repairing the directory does not repair previously damaged files.


NOTE: For a large Time Machine volume, it can take multiple hours to verify or repair a disk's directory.


Star Animation Is Slow

The animation's appearance on computers that have built-in Intel graphics or older, slower graphics cards with low video RAM (VRAM) may be slow or irregular. Adding more RAM to the system might help.


Limitations with FileVault Home Directories

Time Machine only backs up the home directory of a FileVault user while that user is logged out.
