
  • 带箭头坐标轴
  • 带箭头曲线
  • 实例演示
  • 例1 带箭头曲线
  • 例2 带箭头曲线+带箭头坐标轴
  • 联系作者



fabric 带箭头的直线 带形箭头_坐标轴




fabric 带箭头的直线 带形箭头_数据可视化_02



function H = arrowPlot(X, Y, varargin)
%ARROWPLOT Plot with arrow on the curve.
%   ARROWPLOT(X, Y) plots X, Y vectors with 2 arrows directing the trend of data.
%   You can use some options to edit the properties of arrow or curve.
%   The options that you can change are as follow:
%       number:		The number of arrows, default number is 2;
%       color:		The color of arrows and curve, default color is [0, 0.447, 0.741];
%       LineWidth:	The line width of curve, default LineWidth is 0.5;
%       scale:		To scale the size of arrows, default scale is 1;
%       limit:		The range to plot, default limit is determined by X, Y data;
%       ratio:		The ratio of X-axis and Y-axis, default ratio is determined by X, Y data;
%             		You can use 'equal' for 'ratio', that means 'ratio' value is [1, 1, 1].
%   Example 1:
%   ---------
%      t = [0:0.01:20];
%      x = t.*cos(t);
%      y = t.*sin(t);
%      arrowPlot(x, y, 'number', 3)
%   Example 2:
%   ---------
%      t = [0:0.01:20];
%      x = t.*cos(t);
%      y = t.*sin(t);
%      arrowPlot(x, y, 'number', 5, 'color', 'r', 'LineWidth', 1, 'scale', 0.8, 'ratio', 'equal')
%   Copyright 2017 TimeCoder.


例1 带箭头曲线

% 绘制带箭头图形
t = [0:0.01:20];
x = t.*cos(t);    
y = t.*sin(t);
arrowPlot(x, y, 'number', 3)   % 'number', 3 表示曲线上均匀分布3个箭头标识

fabric 带箭头的直线 带形箭头_坐标轴_03

% 绘制带箭头图形
t = [0:0.01:10];
x = cos(t);
arrowPlot(t, x, 'number', 6)

fabric 带箭头的直线 带形箭头_数据可视化_04

例2 带箭头曲线+带箭头坐标轴


% 绘制带箭头图形 + 箭头坐标轴
plot_with_arrow();     % 使用plot_with_arrow绘制箭头坐标轴
hold on
t = [0:0.01:20];
x = t.*cos(t);
y = t.*sin(t);
arrowPlot(x, y, 'number', 5, 'color', 'r', 'LineWidth', 1, 'scale', 0.8, 'ratio', 'equal');
Arrow_Xlabel([],'X/m','pp');    % x轴标签
Arrow_Ylabel([],'Y/m','pp');    % y轴标签

fabric 带箭头的直线 带形箭头_matlab_05

% 绘制带箭头图形 + 箭头坐标轴
plot_with_arrow();     % 使用plot_with_arrow绘制箭头坐标轴
hold on
t = [0:0.01:20];
x = t.*cos(t);
y = t.*sin(t);
arrowPlot(x, y, 'number', 5, 'color', 'r', 'LineWidth', 1, 'scale', 0.8, 'ratio', 'equal');
Arrow_Xlabel([],'X/m','pp');    % x轴标签
Arrow_Ylabel([],'Y/m','pp');    % y轴标签

fabric 带箭头的直线 带形箭头_matlab_06

% 绘制带箭头图形 + 箭头坐标轴
plot_with_arrow([],[],[],[],'aa');     % 使用plot_with_arrow绘制箭头坐标轴
hold on
t = linspace(0,2*pi,600);
x = cos(t);
y = sin(t);
plot(x,y,'r')       % 绘制直径1圆
plot(3*x,3*y,'r')   % 绘制直径3圆
ind = 25 + 0:100:600;
for ii = 1:length(ind)   % 循环绘制斜线
    hold on
    arrowPlot([3*x(ind(ii)) x(ind(ii))], [3*y(ind(ii)) y(ind(ii))], 'number', 2, 'color', 'r');
axis equal

fabric 带箭头的直线 带形箭头_fabric 带箭头的直线_07