ios14读取u盘app 苹果手机读取usb的软件_mysql


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If you need more storage space on your iPhone, the easiest way to tack some on is with a special flash drive that features a lightning port on one end and a USB port on the other. You’ll use an app designed for that drive to actually manage files.

如果您的iPhone需要更多存储空间,最简单的解决方法是使用特殊的闪存驱动器,该闪存驱动器的一端具有闪电端口,而另一端具有USB端口。 您将使用为该驱动器设计的应用程序来实际管理文件。

Unfortunately, there isn’t really a single way to manage flash drives on iOS. Each brand of flash drive has its own, proprietary app for managing files. It’s pretty frustrating. Obviously, we can’t show you how to use every app for every drive out there. What we can do is give you an idea of the process works.

不幸的是,在iOS上并没有真正的单一方法来管理闪存驱动器。 每个品牌的闪存驱动器都有自己的专有应用程序来管理文件。 真令人沮丧。 显然,我们无法向您展示如何为每个驱动器使用每个应用程序。 我们能做的是为您提供有关流程工作原理的信息。

The various apps and drives also share some of the same limitations. For example, transfers appear to be limited to photos, videos, and audio files. There doesn’t seem to be a way to move other types of files around, regardless of which drive or app you’re using.

各种应用程序和驱动器也共享一些相同的限制。 例如,传输似乎仅限于照片,视频和音频文件。 无论您使用的是哪个驱动器或应用程序,似乎都无法移动其他类型的文件。

For this guide, we’re using an Omars flash drive from Amazon ($43). This seems to be one of the most popular options, so if you haven’t yet purchased and are doing some preemptive research, then it’s a solid choice. Plus, you get the added benefit of having this guide to follow along with.

在本指南中,我们使用来自亚马逊Omars闪存驱动器 (43美元)。 这似乎是最受欢迎的选项之一,因此,如果您尚未购买并正在进行一些先发研究,那么这是一个不错的选择。 另外,您将获得本指南的额外好处。

Alright, with that out of the way, here’s the skinny.


(Step One: Get Your App)

The first thing you’ll need to do is get the app for your flash drive. In our case, the app for the Omars is called Witstick.

您需要做的第一件事就是为您的闪存驱动器获取应用程序。 在我们的案例中,Omars的应用程序称为Witstick

If you’re not sure which app your flash drive uses, there are a couple of options. First, check the manufacturer’s documentation. If that doesn’t help, then you can plug the drive into the phone and it may prompt you to get the compatible app from the App Store, though this can’t be confirmed for all models.

如果不确定您的闪存驱动器使用哪个应用程序,则有两种选择。 首先,检查制造商的文档。 如果仍不能解决问题,则可以将驱动器插入手机,这可能会提示您从App Store获取兼容的应用程序,尽管不能在所有型号上都确认。

Once you’ve figured out what app you need and you’ve got it installed, you’re on your way.


(Step Two: Plug In Your Flash Drive and Fire Up the App)

With the appropriate app installed, go ahead and plug in your flash drive if you haven’t already. If the app isn’t running, you should get a prompt to launch it now. Do that.

安装适当的应用程序后,请继续并插入闪存驱动器(如果尚未安装)。 如果该应用程序未在运行,则应提示您立即启动它。 去做。

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Here’s where things start to get different if you’re not using the Omars drive. Like we said earlier, if you’re using a different drive with a different app, the techniques should still be roughly the same.

如果您不使用Omars驱动器,这里的情况就会开始变得不同。 就像我们之前说过的,如果您在不同的应用程序上使用不同的驱动器,则技术应该仍然大致相同。

The Witstick app has a pretty clear and upfront layout. At the top, you can clearly see how much space is taken up on your phone, and on the drive.

Witstick应用程序具有非常清晰和前期的布局。 在顶部,您可以清楚地看到手机和驱动器上已占用了多少空间。

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Just below that are a handful of various transfer options, including multi-media options, file management, file transfer, and one touch backup. Here’s a quick look at each one:

紧随其后的是各种传输选项,包括多媒体选项,文件管理,文件传输和一键式备份。 快速浏览一下每个:

  • Multi-Media: This just launches the camera for taking pictures, but then records photos and videos directly onto the drive.
    多媒体 :这只是启动相机拍照,然后将照片和视频直接记录到驱动器上。
  • File Management: Manage files on the stick, as well as move files from the phone to the stick. And vice-versa.
    文件管理:管理棒上的文件,以及将文件从手机移到棒上。 反之亦然。
  • File Transfer: Almost the same as file management, but just for pictures.
  • One Touch Backup: Back up all images, videos, and/or audio files with a single tap. Also has an option to do this automatically when you connect the drive.
    一键式备份:单击即可备份所有图像,视频和/或音频文件。 还可以选择在连接驱动器时自动执行此操作。

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Of these options, the one you’ll likely end up using most often is File Management. The layout here is very similar to what you’d expect from a file management tool. The default look—the WitStick option—shows what’s on the drive. The other options are at the bottom: Photo album, Music, and Local. The Local option is used just for moving stuff from the drive back to the phone.

在这些选项中,您可能最常使用的一个是“文件管理”。 这里的布局与文件管理工具所期望的非常相似。 默认外观-WitStick选项-显示驱动器上的内容。 其他选项位于底部:相册,音乐和本地。 本地选项仅用于将内容从驱动器移回手机。

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To move things back and forth, just use the “Select” button at the top, and then tap all the items you want to move.


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Tap the “Move” button at the bottom, and then select the location you’d like to move the items to. Finally, tap the “Paste” button to initiate the move.

点击底部的“移动”按钮,然后选择要将项目移动到的位置。 最后,点击“粘贴”按钮开始移动。

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If you’re moving images or videos from your phone to the stick, then it’ll also ask if you’d like to delete these items from the phone post-transfer.


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While there’s unfortunately no easy way to provide a generic, one size fits all guide to using a flash drive with iOS, hopefully this guide at least somewhat explains what you can expect from the experience.


