Material Design
概述 - Introduction √ by iceskysl

What is material?
环境 - Environment
Material 属性 - Material properties
高度和阴影 - Elevation and shadows

真实的动作 - Authentic Motion √ by zhenbeiju
交互响应 - Responsive Interaction √ by 7heaven
有意义的转场动画 - Meaningful Transitions √ by Jingsha
打动用户的细节 - Delightful Details √ by com360

色彩 - Color √ by arjinmc
图标 - Icons 90% by Haoxiqiang(还剩一段未翻译)
图像 - Imagery 85% by lhyqy5(部分句子未翻译)
字体排版 - Typography √ by acely
书写 - Writing √ by tornoteli

准则 - Principles √ by lightlz
单位和度量 - Units and measurements
度量与边框 - Metrics and Keylines √ by CodeDiving
结构 - Structure √ by donlianggit
自适应 UI - Adaptive UI

底部窗口 - Bottom Sheets √ by com360
按钮 - Buttons √ by 7heaven
按钮:浮动动作按钮 - Buttons: Floating Action Button
卡片 - Cards √ by ThatMrL
纸片 - Chips √ by Kris
数据表格 - Data tables
提示框 - Dialogs √ by Kris
分隔线 - Dividers √ by Kris
网格 - Grids √ by CodeDiving
列表 - Lists √ by CodeDiving
列表控制 - List controls √ by leiweibo
菜单 - Menus √ by CodeDiving
选择器 - Pickers
进度和动态 - Progress and Activity √ by SamanthaChou
选择控制 - Selection controls
滑片 - Sliders √ by siton

Snackbars 与 Toasts - Snackbars and Toasts √ by chenzimu7
副标题 - Subheaders √ by marshluca
开关 - Switches √ by vincent4j
Tabs - Tabs √ by vincent4j
文本框 - Text fields √ by SamanthaChou
工具提示 - Tooltips √ by lhyqy5

App 结构 - App structure
数据格式 - Data formats
空状态 - Empty states
错误 - Errors
数据格式 - Data formats 100% by IsNoFate
错误 - Errors 100% by IsNoFate
手势 - Gestures √ by Jingsha
启动屏幕 - Launch screens
加载图像 - Loading Images
抽屉式导航 - Navigation drawer √ by hcz017
导航 - Navigation
导航过渡 - Navigational transitions
滚动技巧 - Scrolling techniques
搜索 - Search √ by lhyqy5
内容选取 - Selection √ by lhyqy5
设置 - Settings √ by ZeroLu
刷新 - Swipe to refresh √ by awong1900
促进的动作 - Promoted Actions √ by ZeroLu
影像处理 - Imagery Treatment √ by ZeroLu

可达性 - Accessibility √ by fortianwei
双向性- Bidirectionality

调色板 - Color Palettes √ by iceskysl
设备 - Devices
布局模板 - Layout Templates √ by iceskysl

Roboto 字体 - Roboto Font √ by iceskysl
贴片集 - Sticker Sheets √ by iceskysl