ios自定义日历 苹果日历默认设置_ios自定义日历

ios 日历

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When you add an event to the Calendar app in iOS and OS X, it gets saved to a specific calendar by default, which may not be the calendar you use most often. However, if you have several calendars, you can choose which of those calendars is used as the default.

当您将事件添加到iOS和OS X中的“日历”应用程序时,默认情况下会将该事件保存到特定的日历中,该日历可能不是您最常用的日历。 但是,如果您有多个日历,则可以选择将那些日历中的哪个用作默认日历。

Your iOS and OS X devices can all have different sets of calendars, and, therefore, each device can have a different default calendar set. We’ll show you how to change the default calendar for new events in iOS and OS X so you don’t have to change it manually every time on each device.

您的iOS和OS X设备都可以具有不同的日历集,因此,每个设备可以具有不同的默认日历集。 我们将向您展示如何为iOS和OS X中的新事件更改默认日历,因此您不必每次都在每个设备上手动更改它。

(How to Set the Default Calendar in iOS)

To set the default calendar in on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch, tap the calendar icon on the Home screen.

要在iPhone,iPad或iPod Touch上设置默认日历,请点击主屏幕上的日历图标。

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On the Settings screen, tap “Mail, Contacts, Calendars”.


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Towards the bottom of the Mail, Contacts, Calendars screen is the “Default Calendar” setting. It shows which calendar is currently the default. To change the default calendar, tap “Default Calendar”.

在“邮件,联系人,日历”屏幕的底部,是“默认日历”设置。 它显示了哪个日历当前为默认日历。 要更改默认日历,请点击“默认日历”。

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The currently selected default calendar is indicated by a red check mark on the right. To select a different default calendar, tap the one you want to use.

当前选择的默认日历在右侧用红色复选标记表示。 要选择其他默认日历,请点击要使用的日历。

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The newly selected default calendar is now indicated with a red check mark…


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…and is shown on the Default Calendar option on the Mail, Contacts, Calendars screen.


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Now, when you create a new event in the Calendar app on your iOS device, the calendar you selected is the default.


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(How to Set the Default Calendar in OS X)

To set the default calendar in the Calendar app in OS X, open the Calendar app and select “Preferences” from the “Calendar” menu.

要在OS X的“日历”应用程序中设置默认日历,请打开“日历”应用程序,然后从“日历”菜单中选择“首选项”。

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On the General screen, click the blue arrows button on the “Default Calendar” drop-down list.


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Select the calendar you want to use as the default from the list.


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The chosen calendar displays in the Default Calendar box. To close the Preferences dialog box, click the red “X” button in the upper-left corner.

所选日历显示在“默认日历”框中。 要关闭“首选项”对话框,请单击左上角的红色“ X”按钮。

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Now, you can create a quick event by clicking the plus sign button…


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…or by selecting “New Event” from the “File” menu.


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Enter your event in the Create Quick Event popup box.


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The default calendar is indicated with a colored box on the drop-down list in the upper-right corner of the event popup.


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If you decide to change the calendar on which this event appears, simply click on the drop-down list and select another calendar. The currently selected calendar is indicated with a check mark to the left of the calendar name.

如果您决定更改此事件出现的日历,只需单击下拉列表并选择另一个日历。 当前选择的日历在日历名称的左侧带有复选标记。

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Note that when you change the default calendar on iOS or OS X, it only applies to any new events you create. Events you created on the default calendar previous to this change still appear on the that calendar. If you need these events to appear on the newly selected default calendar, you must move them there manually.

请注意,当您在iOS或OS X上更改默认日历时,它仅适用于您创建的任何新事件。 您在此更改之前在默认日历上创建的事件仍会显示在该日历上。 如果您需要这些事件出现在新选择的默认日历上,则必须手动将其移动到那里。


ios 日历