

systemctl list-unit-files   #查看开机启动表如图下:

centos 查看系统启动时间 centos7查看开机启动项_centos 查看系统启动时间

 最左边就是服务 ,最右边就是状态 。如当你想要服务器开机启动firewalld(防火墙)输入

systemctl enable firewalld


Query or send control commands to the systemd manager.

  -h --help           Show this help
     --version        Show package version
     --system         Connect to system manager
  -H --host=[USER@]HOST
                      Operate on remote host
  -M --machine=CONTAINER
                      Operate on local container
  -t --type=TYPE      List units of a particular type
     --state=STATE    List units with particular LOAD or SUB or ACTIVE state
  -p --property=NAME  Show only properties by this name
  -a --all            Show all loaded units/properties, including dead/empty
                      ones. To list all units installed on the system, use
                      the 'list-unit-files' command instead.
  -l --full           Don't ellipsize unit names on output
  -r --recursive      Show unit list of host and local containers
     --reverse        Show reverse dependencies with 'list-dependencies'
     --job-mode=MODE  Specify how to deal with already queued jobs, when
                      queueing a new job
     --show-types     When showing sockets, explicitly show their type
  -i --ignore-inhibitors
                      When shutting down or sleeping, ignore inhibitors
     --kill-who=WHO   Who to send signal to
  -s --signal=SIGNAL  Which signal to send
     --now            Start or stop unit in addition to enabling or disabling it
  -q --quiet          Suppress output
     --no-block       Do not wait until operation finished
     --no-wall        Don't send wall message before halt/power-off/reboot
     --no-reload      Don't reload daemon after en-/dis-abling unit files
     --no-legend      Do not print a legend (column headers and hints)
     --no-pager       Do not pipe output into a pager
                      Do not ask for system passwords
     --global         Enable/disable unit files globally
     --runtime        Enable unit files only temporarily until next reboot
  -f --force          When enabling unit files, override existing symlinks
                      When shutting down, execute action immediately
     --preset-mode=   Apply only enable, only disable, or all presets
     --root=PATH      Enable unit files in the specified root directory
  -n --lines=INTEGER  Number of journal entries to show
  -o --output=STRING  Change journal output mode (short, short-iso,
                              short-precise, short-monotonic, verbose,
                              export, json, json-pretty, json-sse, cat)
     --plain          Print unit dependencies as a list instead of a tree

而是使用“list unit files”命令。
--show types显示套接字时,显式显示其类型
--no block不要等到操作完成
--no reload在启用/禁用单元文件后不重新加载后台进程
导出、json、json漂亮、json sse、cat)


systemctl start <你要开启的服务器项> #开启哪一项

systemctl enable <你要开启的服务器项> 

systemctl disable <你要开启的服务器项> 

systemctl stop <你要开启的服务器项> 

systemctl restart <你要开启的服务器项>


systemctl list-unit-files | grep enabled  #grep 可以理解为是一个查找命令


1、要将脚本移动到/etc/rc.d/init.d目录下 mv /home/xiaojie/demo.sh /etc/rc.d/init.d

2、增加脚本的可执行权限 chmod +x /etc/rc.d/init.d/demo.sh

3、添加脚本到开机自动启动项目中 cd /etc/rc.d/init.d chkconfig --add demo.sh chkconfig demo.sh on