#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-
import logging
import logging.config
import ConfigParser
import numpy as np
import random
import codecs
import os
from collections import OrderedDict
path = os.getcwd()
logger = logging.getLogger()
# loggerInfo = logging.getLogger("TimeInfoLogger")
# Consolelogger = logging.getLogger("ConsoleLogger")
conf = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
trainfile = os.path.join(path,os.path.normpath(conf.get("filepath", "trainfile")))
wordidmapfile = os.path.join(path,os.path.normpath(conf.get("filepath","wordidmapfile")))
thetafile = os.path.join(path,os.path.normpath(conf.get("filepath","thetafile")))
phifile = os.path.join(path,os.path.normpath(conf.get("filepath","phifile")))
paramfile = os.path.join(path,os.path.normpath(conf.get("filepath","paramfile")))
topNfile = os.path.join(path,os.path.normpath(conf.get("filepath","topNfile")))
tassginfile = os.path.join(path,os.path.normpath(conf.get("filepath","tassginfile")))
K = int(conf.get("model_args","K"))
alpha = float(conf.get("model_args","alpha"))
beta = float(conf.get("model_args","beta"))
iter_times = int(conf.get("model_args","iter_times"))
top_words_num = int(conf.get("model_args","top_words_num"))
class Document(object):
def __init__(self):
self.words = []
self.length = 0
class DataPreProcessing(object):
def __init__(self):
self.docs_count = 0
self.words_count = 0
self.docs = []
self.word2id = OrderedDict()
def cachewordidmap(self):
with codecs.open(wordidmapfile, 'w','utf-8') as f:
for word,id in self.word2id.items():
f.write(word +"\t"+str(id)+"\n")
class LDAModel(object):
def __init__(self,dpre):
self.dpre = dpre #获取预处理参数
#聚类个数K,迭代次数iter_times,每个类特征词个数top_words_num,超参数α(alpha) β(beta)
self.K = K
self.beta = beta
self.alpha = alpha
self.iter_times = iter_times
self.top_words_num = top_words_num
self.wordidmapfile = wordidmapfile
self.trainfile = trainfile
self.thetafile = thetafile
self.phifile = phifile
self.topNfile = topNfile
self.tassginfile = tassginfile
self.paramfile = paramfile
# p,概率向量 double类型,存储采样的临时变量
# nw,词word在主题topic上的分布
# nwsum,每各topic的词的总数
# nd,每个doc中各个topic的词的总数
# ndsum,每各doc中词的总数
self.p = np.zeros(self.K)
# nw,词word在主题topic上的分布
self.nw = np.zeros((self.dpre.words_count,self.K),dtype="int")
# nwsum,每各topic的词的总数
self.nwsum = np.zeros(self.K,dtype="int")
# nd,每个doc中各个topic的词的总数
self.nd = np.zeros((self.dpre.docs_count,self.K),dtype="int")
# ndsum,每各doc中词的总数
self.ndsum = np.zeros(dpre.docs_count,dtype="int")
self.Z = np.array([ [0 for y in xrange(dpre.docs[x].length)] for x in xrange(dpre.docs_count)]) # M*doc.size(),文档中词的主题分布
for x in xrange(len(self.Z)):
self.ndsum[x] = self.dpre.docs[x].length
for y in xrange(self.dpre.docs[x].length):
topic = random.randint(0,self.K-1)#随机取一个主题
self.Z[x][y] = topic#文档中词的主题分布
self.nw[self.dpre.docs[x].words[y]][topic] += 1
self.nd[x][topic] += 1
self.nwsum[topic] += 1
self.theta = np.array([ [0.0 for y in xrange(self.K)] for x in xrange(self.dpre.docs_count) ])
self.phi = np.array([ [ 0.0 for y in xrange(self.dpre.words_count) ] for x in xrange(self.K)])
def sampling(self,i,j):
topic = self.Z[i][j]
word = self.dpre.docs[i].words[j]
#if word==j:
# print 'true'
self.nw[word][topic] -= 1
self.nd[i][topic] -= 1
self.nwsum[topic] -= 1
self.ndsum[i] -= 1
Vbeta = self.dpre.words_count * self.beta
Kalpha = self.K * self.alpha
self.p = (self.nw[word] + self.beta)/(self.nwsum + Vbeta) * \
(self.nd[i] + self.alpha) / (self.ndsum[i] + Kalpha)
# for k in xrange(1,self.K):
# self.p[k] += self.p[k-1]
# u = random.uniform(0,self.p[self.K-1])
# for topic in xrange(self.K):
# if self.p[topic]>u:
# break
p = np.squeeze(np.asarray(self.p/np.sum(self.p)))
topic = np.argmax(np.random.multinomial(1, p))
self.nw[word][topic] +=1
self.nwsum[topic] +=1
self.nd[i][topic] +=1
self.ndsum[i] +=1
return topic
def est(self):
# Consolelogger.info(u"迭代次数为%s 次" % self.iter_times)
for x in xrange(self.iter_times):
for i in xrange(self.dpre.docs_count):
for j in xrange(self.dpre.docs[i].length):
topic = self.sampling(i,j)
self.Z[i][j] = topic
def _theta(self):
for i in xrange(self.dpre.docs_count):#遍历文档的个数词
self.theta[i] = (self.nd[i]+self.alpha)/(self.ndsum[i]+self.K * self.alpha)
def _phi(self):
for i in xrange(self.K):
self.phi[i] = (self.nw.T[i] + self.beta)/(self.nwsum[i]+self.dpre.words_count * self.beta)
def save(self):
# 保存theta文章-主题分布
logger.info(u"文章-主题分布已保存到%s" % self.thetafile)
with codecs.open(self.thetafile,'w') as f:
for x in xrange(self.dpre.docs_count):
for y in xrange(self.K):
f.write(str(self.theta[x][y]) + '\t')
# 保存phi词-主题分布
logger.info(u"词-主题分布已保存到%s" % self.phifile)
with codecs.open(self.phifile,'w') as f:
for x in xrange(self.K):
for y in xrange(self.dpre.words_count):
f.write(str(self.phi[x][y]) + '\t')
# 保存参数设置
logger.info(u"参数设置已保存到%s" % self.paramfile)
with codecs.open(self.paramfile,'w','utf-8') as f:
f.write('K=' + str(self.K) + '\n')
f.write('alpha=' + str(self.alpha) + '\n')
f.write('beta=' + str(self.beta) + '\n')
f.write(u'迭代次数 iter_times=' + str(self.iter_times) + '\n')
f.write(u'每个类的高频词显示个数 top_words_num=' + str(self.top_words_num) + '\n')
# 保存每个主题topic的词
logger.info(u"主题topN词已保存到%s" % self.topNfile)
with codecs.open(self.topNfile,'w','utf-8') as f:
self.top_words_num = min(self.top_words_num,self.dpre.words_count)
for x in xrange(self.K):
f.write(u'第' + str(x) + u'类:' + '\n')
twords = []
twords = [(n,self.phi[x][n]) for n in xrange(self.dpre.words_count)]
twords.sort(key = lambda i:i[1], reverse= True)
for y in xrange(self.top_words_num):
word = OrderedDict({value:key for key, value in self.dpre.word2id.items()})[twords[y][0]]
f.write('\t'*2+ word +'\t' + str(twords[y][1])+ '\n')
# 保存最后退出时,文章的词分派的主题的结果
logger.info(u"文章-词-主题分派结果已保存到%s" % self.tassginfile)
with codecs.open(self.tassginfile,'w') as f:
for x in xrange(self.dpre.docs_count):
for y in xrange(self.dpre.docs[x].length):
f.write(str(self.dpre.docs[x].words[y])+':'+str(self.Z[x][y])+ '\t')
# 数据预处理,即:生成d()单词序列,以及词汇表
def preprocessing():
with codecs.open(trainfile, 'r','utf-8') as f:
docs = f.readlines()
# 大的文档集
dpre = DataPreProcessing()
items_idx = 0
for line in docs:
if line != "":
tmp = line.strip().split()
# 生成一个文档对象:包含单词序列(w1,w2,w3,,,,,wn)可以重复的
doc = Document()
for item in tmp:
if dpre.word2id.has_key(item):# 已有的话,只是当前文档追加
else: # 没有的话,要更新vocabulary中的单词词典及wordidmap
dpre.word2id[item] = items_idx
items_idx += 1
doc.length = len(tmp)
dpre.docs_count = len(dpre.docs) # 文档数
dpre.words_count = len(dpre.word2id) # 词汇数
logger.info(u"共有%s个文档" % dpre.docs_count)
logger.info(u"词与序号对应关系已保存到%s" % wordidmapfile)
return dpre
def run():
# 处理文档集,及计算文档数,以及vocabulary词的总个数,以及每个文档的单词序列
dpre = preprocessing()
lda = LDAModel(dpre)
if __name__ == '__main__':