linux shell 可以用户定义函数,然后在shell脚本中可以随便调用。
[ function ] funname [()] { action; [return int;] }
- 1、可以带function fun() 定义,也可以直接fun() 定义,不带任何参数。
- 2、参数返回,可以显示加:return 返回,如果不加,将以最后一条命令运行结果,作为返回值。 return后跟数值n(0-255)
#!/bin/bash fun1(){ echo "this is my first function" } echo "function start" fun1 echo "function end"
$ ./ function start this is my first function function end
#!/bin/bash funWithReturn(){ echo "这个函数会对输入的两个数字进行相加运算..." echo "输入第一个数字: " read aNum echo "输入第二个数字: " read anotherNum echo "两个数字分别为 $aNum 和 $anotherNum !" return $(($aNum+$anotherNum)) } funWithReturn echo "输入的两个数字之和为 $? !"
这个函数会对输入的两个数字进行相加运算... 输入第一个数字: 1 输入第二个数字: 2 两个数字分别为 1 和 2 ! 输入的两个数字之和为 3 !
函数返回值在调用该函数后通过 $? 来获得。
在Shell中,调用函数时可以向其传递参数。在函数体内部,通过 $n 的形式来获取参数的值,例如,$1表示第一个参数,$2表示第二个参数...
#!/bin/bash funWithReturn(){ echo "this function have params" echo "the first para is $1" echo "the sec para is $2" echo "the hir para is $3" echo "the fourth para is $4" } funWithReturn 1 2 3 4
$ ./ this function have params the first para is 1 the sec para is 2 the hir para is 3 the fourth para is 4
注意,$10 不能获取第十个参数,获取第十个参数需要${10}。当n>=10时,需要使用${n}来获取参数。
参数处理 | 说明 |
$# | 传递到脚本的参数个数 |
$* | 以一个单字符串显示所有向脚本传递的参数 |
$$ | 脚本运行的当前进程ID号 |
$! | 后台运行的最后一个进程的ID号 |
$@ | 与$*相同,但是使用时加引号,并在引号中返回每个参数。 |
$- | 显示Shell使用的当前选项,与set命令功能相同。 |
$? | 显示最后命令的退出状态。0表示没有错误,其他任何值表明有错误。 |
#!/bin/bash echo "\$# is $# " echo "\$* is $* " echo "\$$ is $$ " echo "\$@ is $@ " echo "\$? is $? " echo "\$- is $- " echo "\$3 is $3 " echo "\$2 is ${2} " echo "\$0 is $0 " echo "\$0 is $(basename $0) "
$ ./ 1 2 3 4 5 $# is 5 $* is 1 2 3 4 5 $$ is 1288920 $@ is 1 2 3 4 5 $? is 0 $- is hB $3 is 3 $2 is 2 $0 is ./ $0 is
#!/bin/bash #start webmin service start() { /etc/webmin/start >/dev/null 2> /dev/null if [ $? = '0' ] then echo "webmin is success start" fi } #stop webmin service stop() { /etc/webmin/stop > /dev/null 2> /dev/null if [ $? = '0' ] then echo "webmin is success stop" fi } #status webmin status() { /usr/bin/netstat -ano | /usr/bin/grep 10000 > /dev/null if [ $? != '0' ] then echo "webmin is not start" else echo "webmin is running" fi } ########read input############## str=$1 if [ ${str} = 'start' ] then start elif [ ${str} = 'stop' ] then stop elif [ ${str} = 'status' ] then status else echo "please use {start,stop,status}" fi
#!/bin/bash #chkconfig: 2345 80 90 #description:tomcat #input(start stop status) to operate tomcat service #start funciton(start tomcat service use /opt/apache-tomcat/apache-tomcat-7.0.72/bin/ export CATALINA_HOME=/opt/apache-tomcat/apache-tomcat-7.0.72 start(){ /usr/bin/sh "${CATALINA_HOME}"/bin/ if [ "$?" != "0" ] then echo "service is not success start" else echo "service is success start" fi exit 1 } #stop function stop(){ /usr/bin/sh "${CATALINA_HOME}"/bin/ if [ "$?" != "0" ] then echo "service is not success stop" else echo "service is success stop" fi } #status function status(){ /usr/bin/ps -le | /usr/bin/grep java >/dev/null 2> /dev/null if [ "$?" != "0" ] then echo "service is not start" else echo "service is running" fi } #read input and dispose function input=${1} case ${input} in start) start ;; stop) stop ;; status) status ;; *) echo "please use {start to start tomcat,stop to stop tomcat,status to read tomcat status!}" esac