Ansible Shell Module – Executing Multiple Commands

Ansible is an open-source automation tool used for managing and configuring systems. It simplifies IT infrastructure management and streamlines the process of deployment, provisioning, and configuration. Ansible provides various modules to execute commands on remote systems, and the Shell module is one such module. In this article, we will explore how to use the Ansible Shell module to execute multiple commands and its benefits.

The Ansible Shell Module:
The Ansible Shell module allows users to run arbitrary shell commands on remote systems. It is useful when there is a need to execute multiple commands or complex shell commands that cannot be directly executed using other Ansible modules. The Shell module runs commands within the shell of the target operating system, and the output is returned to the Ansible playbook.

Executing Multiple Commands:
To execute multiple commands using the Ansible Shell module, we use the 'args' parameter. This parameter accepts a list of commands as an argument. Each command is executed sequentially, and the output is returned for further processing or analysis. The following example demonstrates the execution of multiple commands using the Shell module:

- name: Execute Multiple Commands
hosts: target_hosts
- name: Run Multiple Commands
- echo "Command 1"
- echo "Command 2"
- echo "Command 3"
register: output

- name: Display Output
msg: "{{ output.stdout_lines }}"

In this example, we define a playbook that executes three commands: "Command 1," "Command 2," and "Command 3." The 'shell' module is used to execute these commands, and the output is registered in the 'output' variable. Finally, we use the 'debug' module to display the output on the console.

Benefits of Using Ansible Shell Module for Multiple Commands:

1. Flexibility: The Ansible Shell module provides flexibility in executing multiple commands. It allows us to combine multiple commands into a single playbook task, reducing the need for separate tasks for each command. This enhances the readability and maintainability of Ansible playbooks.

2. Sequential Execution: The Shell module executes multiple commands sequentially, ensuring that dependencies between commands are maintained. This is particularly useful when there is a need to run commands in a specific order or when the output of one command is required as input for another command.

3. Shell Command Compatibility: There might be instances where a specific command or script needs to be run using shell commands rather than using built-in Ansible modules. The Shell module allows users to execute any shell command, providing versatility and compatibility with various shell-based tools and scripts.

4. Output Parsing and Analysis: The Shell module provides access to the output of the executed commands, allowing users to parse and analyze the output. This can be beneficial in scenarios where command output needs to be processed, filtered, or used for decision-making within the playbook.

The Ansible Shell module offers a flexible and convenient way to execute multiple commands on remote systems. Its ability to execute complex shell commands and handle their output simplifies automation tasks. When working with Ansible, understanding the Shell module and its capabilities is essential. By utilizing the Shell module effectively, you can enhance your Ansible playbooks' functionality, making them more powerful and versatile in managing your IT infrastructure.