
  • 一、目录
  • 二、未来汽车基础设施需求
  • 三、整车架构
  • 四、CP vs AP
  • 五、AP架构
  • 1.Execution Management与State Management的关系
  • 2.Service-oriented communication
  • 2.Diagnostic Management
  • 3.Persistency
  • 4.Log and Trace
  • 5.安全支持
  • 6.安全方法
  • 7.信息安全
  • 8. AutoSar:Transparent To Other standards
  • 9.AP development Workflow & Methodology
  • 10.AP EB Developemt Enviroment
  • 11. Adaptive Applications


  • Requirements
  • Execution Management & State Management
  • Vehicle EE Architecture
  • Service-oriented Communication
  • Vehicle Software Architecture
  • Diagnostic Management
  • Domain Hardware Architecture
  • Persistency
  • Adaptive AUTOSAR Motivation
  • Log And Trace
  • AUTOSAR Product Comparison
  • Safety Support
  • AUTOSAR Software Architecture
  • Transparent To Other standards
  • Development Environment
  • AP Development Workflow & Methodology



  • Automated Driving
  • Car-2-X applications
  • Vehicle in the cloud
  • Vehicle in the cloud


  • High computing power
  • High data rates
  • High availability, fail-operational systems
  • Update over the air
  • Safety and security needs



  • 以太网CAN/CAN-FD以及网关连接到一个中央网关上
  • 以小的控制器为主

未来Vehicle EE 架构

  • 以大的控制器为主


  • OS(QNX 、Linux、Android、PikeOS),domain控制器级别的OS(基于MCU、MPU就称之为domain)
  • OTA、Diagnostic、BigData
  • Safety、Security
  • domain级别的OS

Domain 硬件架构

  • 多处理器(CPU、GPU)
  • Cameras、RFadra、Lidar
  • 以太网、CAN、LIN、FlexRay


  • 目前大多厂商以一个高通芯片上虚拟出一个QNX一个Android
  • AutoSar是一个在OS上的应用(中间件),它并不是OS
  • 自动驾驶推动了AP的产生

四、CP vs AP

Adaptive AUTOSAR Technology Sharing(一)_汽车

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Adaptive AUTOSAR Technology Sharing(一)_汽车_03

Developed in C++ (C14/17)

  • OS will provide POSIX PSE51 interfaces to the application but Adaptive Platform will require further features

Platform Health Management

  • Alive Supervision

Execution Management

  • Lifecycle management of platform (machine) and application (process) incl.
    privileges of access control and machine states
  • Communication Management
    SOME/IP based including serialization and service discovery.
    publish/subscribe mechanism for intra- and inter-ECU communication.


  • Event memory management and diagnostic service handling.

Update and Configure Management

  • UCM is responsible for updating, installing, deleting and saving software records on the adaptive platform

State Management

  • Mainly responsible for the state switching of the entire machine state and its functional groups, and notify the EM to perform related state switching.


  • It is a design style and development method of web application, based on HTTP, can use XML format definition or JSON format definition.

ldentity and Access Management

  • Introduces separation of privileges for adaptive applications and prevents privilege escalation during attacks

Log And Truce

  • Use AUTOSAR standard protocol DLT, function similar to Glog(google).

Time Synchronization

  • For time synchronization between different systems, the accuracy can reach sub-microsecond level


  • Provides APIS for common encryption operations and security key management.

Signal to Service

  • can总线是以信号为基础的
  • COnversion from data signal to service

Adaptive AUTOSAR Technology Sharing(一)_ide_04

1.Execution Management与State Management的关系

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2.Service-oriented communication

  • SW components executed on the adaptive platform will use service-oriented communication.
  • Communication paths can be established at design- and at run-time.
  • Adaptive AUTOSAR Technology Sharing(一)_汽车_07


  • ara::com


  • Method、Event、Field

  • Proxy、Skeleton

  • Tag Length Value/TLV(【基础】TLV 报文格式详细解析

  • Transport layer Security/TLS
    (2)实验六 TLS协议报文解析

  • Design and Implementation

  • Code Generation
  • Adaptive AUTOSAR Technology Sharing(一)_sed_08

  • Service Discovery finds all local and remote Service Instances in the System.

  • Available Service Instances are represented by Proxies (P1…P3) to the Application.

  • Application can choose which Service Instance(s) to use.

Adaptive AUTOSAR Technology Sharing(一)_汽车_09

2.Diagnostic Management


  • ISO 14229-5(UDSon IP)
  • including fault-memory(DTL)handing
  • including transport layers(ie.DoIP - ISO 13400-x)
  • ARA service: Uses ara::com interface
  • Adaptive AUTOSAR Technology Sharing(一)_sed_10

Adaptive AUTOSAR Technology Sharing(一)_ide_11


In AUTOSAR Adaptive the Persistency cluster provides a library based implementation to access non-volatile memory to Adaptive Applications so that data can be stored non volatilely.

Key-Value Storage

  • Multiple values stored in one storage location
  • Addressing of single values by using a key as idefier
  • Multiple storage locations/databases can be used
  • Database format not specified by AUTOSAR

Stream Storage

  • Raw access to storage locations/files
  • Used for access to files in any format
  • API derived from C++ Standard Library std::fstream classes
  • Adaptive AUTOSAR Technology Sharing(一)_汽车_12

4.Log and Trace

The AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform Logging provides interfaces for Applications to initialize a Logging
framework, forwarding logging information and to convert decimal values into the hexadecimal or binary system.

  • There are three main storage media for this function :Terminal, File. and Remote Client.

Main Tasks

  • Provide interfaces for Adaptive applications to forward logging data.
  • Provide interfaces for data conversion (Hex, Dec, Bin).

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  • Support the development of secure systems through the two standards
  • To provide layered automotive security approach, to define measures at specific layers:
  • Individual ECU
  • In vehicle network
  • E/E architecture
  • Connected vehicle

Provide and support Coexistence and Interoperability of Security measures between CP and AP

Adaptive Platform Security Feature Team

  • Responsible for providing features that enable the development of a secure system
  • Provide security controls to platform functional clusters and for secure deployment of adaptive platform application

Adaptive AUTOSAR Technology Sharing(一)_Management_16

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8. AutoSar:Transparent To Other standards

  • The adaptive AUTOSAR specification is not original, but draws on the strengths of various companies, such ad SOME/IP、DDS、RESTful、TimeSync、etc
  • Adaptive AUTOSAR Technology Sharing(一)_sed_18


  • Safety && Security
  • Connect
  • OTA
  • Adaptive AUTOSAR Technology Sharing(一)_Management_19

9.AP development Workflow & Methodology

  • platform development
  • application development
  • integration
  • deployment
  • execution

Adaptive AUTOSAR Technology Sharing(一)_ide_20

Adaptive AUTOSAR Technology Sharing(一)_Management_21

10.AP EB Developemt Enviroment

Adaptive AUTOSAR Technology Sharing(一)_sed_22

AP Vector Development Environment

  • OS-TYPE: Xubuntu 16.04
  • SDE: Eclipse
  • Compiler: GNU GCC/G++
  • Tool: Yocto/Cmake/make


  • HW-Arch: i386
  • OS-TYPE: Linux
  • Tool: QEMU
  • Adaptive AUTOSAR Technology Sharing(一)_汽车_23

Use case:
Application development without machine or system context

  • Quick definition of service interfaces
  • IARXML as configuration file format
  • Validation of configuration model consistency
  • Frontend to call the C+ + code generators for.

Service-Interface headers
Proxy and skeleton code

Current development state

  • Configuration of ServiceInterfaces
  • SOME/IP deployment is not supported up to now
  • Adaptive AUTOSAR Technology Sharing(一)_Management_24

11. Adaptive Applications


  • Multi-threaded
  • Execution states
  • Manifest contains platform related
    information (recovery action,dependencies to services or libraries)
  • Instance config contains application specific static information (variant, options, …


  • ara::com for communication with adaptive services
    (basic services and user applications)

  • PSE51 is the usable OS API subset

  • The Adaptive AUTOSAR Foundation clusters (Execution Managemer+ Persistency, etc.) are available