1. 列出连接到ESXi的LUN列表

[root@localhost:~] esxcli storage core device list
Display Name: Local ATA Disk (t10.ATA_____Samsung_SSD_850_EVO_mSATA_120GB_________S249NX0H810954Z_____)
Has Settable Display Name: true
Size: 114473
Device Type: Direct-Access
Multipath Plugin: NMP
Devfs Path: /vmfs/devices/disks/t10.ATA_____Samsung_SSD_850_EVO_mSATA_120GB_________S249NX0H810954Z_____
Vendor: ATA
Model: Samsung SSD 850
Revision: 1B6Q
SCSI Level: 5
Is Pseudo: false
Status: on
Is RDM Capable: false
Is Local: true
Is Removable: false
Is SSD: true
Is VVOL PE: false
Is Offline: false
Is Perennially Reserved: false
Queue Full Sample Size: 0
Queue Full Threshold: 0
Thin Provisioning Status: yes
Attached Filters:
VAAI Status: unknown
Other UIDs: vml.0100000000533234394e5830483831303935345a202020202053616d73756e
Is Shared Clusterwide: false
Is SAS: false
Is USB: false
Is Boot Device: true
Device Max Queue Depth: 31
No of outstanding IOs with competing worlds: 31
Drive Type: unknown
RAID Level: unknown
Number of Physical Drives: unknown
Protection Enabled: false
PI Activated: false
PI Type: 0
PI Protection Mask: NO PROTECTION
Supported Guard Types: NO GUARD SUPPORT
DIX Enabled: false
Emulated DIX/DIF Enabled: false
Display Name: Local ATA Disk (t10.ATA_____HGST_HTS541010A9E680__________________________JD1008CC2ET37V)
Has Settable Display Name: true
Size: 953869
Device Type: Direct-Access
Multipath Plugin: NMP
Devfs Path: /vmfs/devices/disks/t10.ATA_____HGST_HTS541010A9E680__________________________JD1008CC2ET37V
Vendor: ATA
Model: HGST HTS541010A9
Revision: A560
SCSI Level: 5
Is Pseudo: false
Status: on
Is RDM Capable: false
Is Local: true
Is Removable: false
Is SSD: false
Is VVOL PE: false
Is Offline: false
Is Perennially Reserved: false
Queue Full Sample Size: 0
Queue Full Threshold: 0
Thin Provisioning Status: unknown
Attached Filters:
VAAI Status: unsupported
Other UIDs: vml.01000000002020202020204a44313030384343324554333756484753542048
Is Shared Clusterwide: false
Is SAS: false
Is USB: false
Is Boot Device: false
Device Max Queue Depth: 31
No of outstanding IOs with competing worlds: 31
Drive Type: unknown
RAID Level: unknown
Number of Physical Drives: unknown
Protection Enabled: false
PI Activated: false
PI Type: 0
PI Protection Mask: NO PROTECTION
Supported Guard Types: NO GUARD SUPPORT
DIX Enabled: false
Emulated DIX/DIF Enabled: false

2. 查看现有硬盘的naa号

esxcli storage core device list | grep

3. 查看硬盘信息

[root@localhost:~] esxcli storage core device smart get -d t10.ATA_____Samsung_SSD_850_EVO_mSATA_120GB_________S249NX0H810954Z_____
Parameter Value Threshold Worst
---------------------------- ----- --------- -----
Health Status OK N/A N/A
Media Wearout Indicator 99 0 99
Write Error Count 100 10 100
Read Error Count N/A N/A N/A
Power-on Hours 99 0 99
Power Cycle Count 99 0 99
Reallocated Sector Count 100 10 100
Raw Read Error Rate 200 0 200
Drive Temperature 49 0 28
Driver Rated Max Temperature 49 0 28
Write Sectors TOT Count 99 0 99
Read Sectors TOT Count N/A N/A N/A
Initial Bad Block Count 100 10 100