
Group 和 Facet的区别就是:




public class TestSimpleSolr {

private static final String solrUrl = "";

private static final String solrCore = "solrcore1";

// 进行 Facet 的也必须 在配置文件中 INDEX = true


public void testQueryFacet() throws Exception {

HttpSolrClient client = new HttpSolrClient(solrUrl);

SolrQuery query = new SolrQuery("手机");

query.setStart(0); //索引

query.setRows(20); //每页显示20条

query.set("df", "item_keywords"); //默认域 

query.addSort("item_price", ORDER.asc); //排序

query.addSort("item_cname", ORDER.desc);

query.addSort("id", ORDER.asc);

//query.setFields("id"); //设置返回的域 只返回id 其他为NULL 这个就是FL

query.addFilterQuery("item_price:[100000 TO 1000000]"); //添加过滤条件

/**  ----------Facet相关--------------  **/

query.setFacet(true); //设置开启facet 

query.setFacetMinCount(1); // 设置返回的数据中每个分组的数据最小值,比如设置为1,则统计数量最小为1,不然不显示

query.setFacetLimit(10); // 限制facet返回的数量

// query.addFacetField("item_cname","item_price"); //设置需要facet的字段

query.addFacetField("item_cname"); //设置需要facet的字段

query.addFacetQuery("item_price:[1 TO 100000]"); //设置facetQuery

query.addFacetQuery("item_price:[100000 TO 1000000]");

query.addFacetQuery("item_price:[1000000 TO *]");

query.setFacetMissing(false); //不统计null的值


/**  ----------Facet相关--------------  **/

/** -------------Highlight相关--------- **/

query.setHighlight(true); //设置高亮

query.addHighlightField("item_title"); //设置高亮的域

query.setHighlightSimplePre("<H1>"); //前缀

query.setHighlightSimplePost("</H1>"); //后缀

/** -------------Highlight相关--------- **/

QueryResponse response = client.query(solrCore, query);

/** ----------Facet处理结果相关---------- **/

Map<String, Integer> facetQuery = response.getFacetQuery();

for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> map : facetQuery.entrySet()) {

System.out.println(map.getKey() + ":" + map.getValue());


List<FacetField> facetFields = response.getFacetFields();

for (FacetField ff : facetFields) {


System.out.println(ff.getName() + ":" + ff.getValueCount());

List<Count> counts = ff.getValues();

for (Count count : counts) {

           System.out.println("name=" + count.getName() + "\tcount=" + count.getCount());




/** ----------Facet处理结果相关---------- **/

SolrDocumentList result = response.getResults();

/** ----------Highlight处理结果相关 ------------ **/

for (SolrDocument doc : result) {

Map<String, Map<String, List<String>>> highlighting = response.getHighlighting();

List<String> list = highlighting.get(doc.get("id")).get("item_title");

if (list != null) {

doc.setField("item_title", list.get(0));



/** ----------Highlight处理结果相关 ------------ **/

System.out.println("状态 = " + response.getStatus());

long numFound = result.getNumFound();

System.out.println("查询总数 = " + numFound);

List<SolrItem> beans = SolrUtil.getBeans(SolrItem.class, result);

for (SolrItem solrItem : beans) {





//进行Group by的必须索引 Index = true


public void testGroup() throws Exception {

HttpSolrClient client = new HttpSolrClient(solrUrl);

SolrQuery query = new SolrQuery("手机");

query.set("df", "item_keywords"); //默认域 

query.setParam(GroupParams.GROUP, true);

query.setParam(GroupParams.GROUP_FIELD, "item_cname"); 

query.setParam(GroupParams.GROUP_QUERY, "item_price:[100000 TO 1000000]", "item_price:[1000000 TO *]");

query.setParam(GroupParams.GROUP_LIMIT, "1");

query.setStart(0); //索引

query.setRows(20); //每页显示20条

QueryResponse response = client.query(solrCore ,query);

if (response != null) {

GroupResponse groupResponse = response.getGroupResponse();

if (groupResponse != null) {

List<GroupCommand> groupList = groupResponse.getValues();

for (GroupCommand groupCommand : groupList) {

List<Group> groups = groupCommand.getValues();

for (Group group : groups) {

System.out.println(group.getGroupValue() + ":" + group.getResult().getNumFound());








public void testAdd() throws Exception {

HttpSolrClient client = new HttpSolrClient(solrUrl);

String sql = "SELECT"+

" t1.id,t1.title as item_title,"+

" t1.cid as item_cid,"+

" t1.sell_point as item_sell_point,"+

" t1.price as item_price,"+

   " t1.num as item_num,t1.p_w_picpath as item_p_w_picpath,"+

" t2.name as item_cname,"+

" t3.item_desc"+

 " FROM"+

" tb_item t1"+

     " LEFT JOIN tb_item_cat t2 ON t1.cid = t2.id"+

   " LEFT JOIN tb_item_desc t3 ON t1.id = t3.item_id";

   List<SolrItem> list = new BaseDao().findResult(SolrItem.class, sql);

   long start = System.currentTimeMillis();

   SolrUtil.addBeans(list, client, solrCore);

   long end = System.currentTimeMillis();

   System.out.println(end - start);



public void testDel() throws Exception {

HttpSolrClient client = new HttpSolrClient(solrUrl);

SolrUtil.deleteByQuery(client, solrCore, "*:*");


