


static double ArryToDouble(byte[] Array,int Pos)   
		long accum = 0; 
		accum = Array[Pos+0] & 0xFF;
		accum |= (long)(Array[Pos+1] & 0xFF)<<8;
		accum |= (long)(Array[Pos+2] & 0xFF)<<16;
		accum |= (long)(Array[Pos+3] & 0xFF)<<24;
		accum |= (long)(Array[Pos+4] & 0xFF)<<32;
		accum |= (long)(Array[Pos+5] & 0xFF)<<40;
		accum |= (long)(Array[Pos+6] & 0xFF)<<48;
		accum |= (long)(Array[Pos+7] & 0xFF)<<56;
		return Double.longBitsToDouble(accum); 
	static byte[] DoubleToArray(double Value)
		long accum = Double.doubleToRawLongBits(Value);
		byte[] byteRet = new byte[8];
		byteRet[0] = (byte)(accum & 0xFF);
		byteRet[1] = (byte)((accum>>8) & 0xFF);
		byteRet[2] = (byte)((accum>>16) & 0xFF);
		byteRet[3] = (byte)((accum>>24) & 0xFF);
		byteRet[4] = (byte)((accum>>32) & 0xFF);
		byteRet[5] = (byte)((accum>>40) & 0xFF);
		byteRet[6] = (byte)((accum>>48) & 0xFF);
		byteRet[7] = (byte)((accum>>56) & 0xFF);
		return byteRet;

	static float ArryToFloat(byte[] Array,int Pos)   
		int accum = 0; 
		accum = Array[Pos+0] & 0xFF;
		accum |= (long)(Array[Pos+1] & 0xFF)<<8;
		accum |= (long)(Array[Pos+2] & 0xFF)<<16;
		accum |= (long)(Array[Pos+3] & 0xFF)<<24;
		return Float.intBitsToFloat(accum); 
	static byte[] FloatToArray(float Value)
		int accum = Float.floatToRawIntBits(Value);
		byte[] byteRet = new byte[4];
		byteRet[0] = (byte)(accum & 0xFF);
		byteRet[1] = (byte)((accum>>8) & 0xFF);
		byteRet[2] = (byte)((accum>>16) & 0xFF);
		byteRet[3] = (byte)((accum>>24) & 0xFF);
		return byteRet;


package common.util;

 * 对数字和字节进行转换。<br>
 * 基础知识:<br>
 * 假设数据存储是以大端模式存储的:<br>
 * byte: 字节类型 占8位二进制 00000000<br>
 * char: 字符类型 占2个字节 16位二进制 byte[0] byte[1]<br>
 * int : 整数类型 占4个字节 32位二进制 byte[0] byte[1] byte[2] byte[3]<br>
 * long: 长整数类型 占8个字节 64位二进制 byte[0] byte[1] byte[2] byte[3] byte[4] byte[5]
 * byte[6] byte[7]<br>
 * float: 浮点数(小数) 占4个字节 32位二进制 byte[0] byte[1] byte[2] byte[3]<br>
 * double: 双精度浮点数(小数) 占8个字节 64位二进制 byte[0] byte[1] byte[2] byte[3] byte[4]
 * byte[5] byte[6] byte[7]<br>
public class NumberBytes {

	 * 将一个2位字节数组转换为char字符。<br>
	 * 注意,函数中不会对字节数组长度进行判断,请自行保证传入参数的正确性。
	 * @param b
	 *            字节数组
	 * @return char字符
	public static char bytesToChar(byte[] b) {
		char c = (char) ((b[0] << 8) & 0xFF00L);
		c |= (char) (b[1] & 0xFFL);
		return c;

	 * 将一个8位字节数组转换为双精度浮点数。<br>
	 * 注意,函数中不会对字节数组长度进行判断,请自行保证传入参数的正确性。
	 * @param b
	 *            字节数组
	 * @return 双精度浮点数
	public static double bytesToDouble(byte[] b) {
		return Double.longBitsToDouble(bytesToLong(b));

	 * 将一个4位字节数组转换为浮点数。<br>
	 * 注意,函数中不会对字节数组长度进行判断,请自行保证传入参数的正确性。
	 * @param b
	 *            字节数组
	 * @return 浮点数
	public static float bytesToFloat(byte[] b) {
		return Float.intBitsToFloat(bytesToInt(b));

	 * 将一个4位字节数组转换为4整数。<br>
	 * 注意,函数中不会对字节数组长度进行判断,请自行保证传入参数的正确性。
	 * @param b
	 *            字节数组
	 * @return 整数
	public static int bytesToInt(byte[] b) {
		int i = (b[0] << 24) & 0xFF000000;
		i |= (b[1] << 16) & 0xFF0000;
		i |= (b[2] << 8) & 0xFF00;
		i |= b[3] & 0xFF;
		return i;

	 * 将一个8位字节数组转换为长整数。<br>
	 * 注意,函数中不会对字节数组长度进行判断,请自行保证传入参数的正确性。
	 * @param b
	 *            字节数组
	 * @return 长整数
	public static long bytesToLong(byte[] b) {
		long l = ((long) b[0] << 56) & 0xFF00000000000000L;
		// 如果不强制转换为long,那么默认会当作int,导致最高32位丢失
		l |= ((long) b[1] << 48) & 0xFF000000000000L;
		l |= ((long) b[2] << 40) & 0xFF0000000000L;
		l |= ((long) b[3] << 32) & 0xFF00000000L;
		l |= ((long) b[4] << 24) & 0xFF000000L;
		l |= ((long) b[5] << 16) & 0xFF0000L;
		l |= ((long) b[6] << 8) & 0xFF00L;
		l |= (long) b[7] & 0xFFL;
		return l;

	 * 将一个char字符转换位字节数组(2个字节),b[0]存储高位字符,大端
	 * @param c
	 *            字符(java char 2个字节)
	 * @return 代表字符的字节数组
	public static byte[] charToBytes(char c) {
		byte[] b = new byte[8];
		b[0] = (byte) (c >>> 8);
		b[1] = (byte) c;
		return b;

	 * 将一个双精度浮点数转换位字节数组(8个字节),b[0]存储高位字符,大端
	 * @param d
	 *            双精度浮点数
	 * @return 代表双精度浮点数的字节数组
	public static byte[] doubleToBytes(double d) {
		return longToBytes(Double.doubleToLongBits(d));

	 * 将一个浮点数转换为字节数组(4个字节),b[0]存储高位字符,大端
	 * @param f
	 *            浮点数
	 * @return 代表浮点数的字节数组
	public static byte[] floatToBytes(float f) {
		return intToBytes(Float.floatToIntBits(f));

	 * 将一个整数转换位字节数组(4个字节),b[0]存储高位字符,大端
	 * @param i
	 *            整数
	 * @return 代表整数的字节数组
	public static byte[] intToBytes(int i) {
		byte[] b = new byte[4];
		b[0] = (byte) (i >>> 24);
		b[1] = (byte) (i >>> 16);
		b[2] = (byte) (i >>> 8);
		b[3] = (byte) i;
		return b;

	 * 将一个长整数转换位字节数组(8个字节),b[0]存储高位字符,大端
	 * @param l
	 *            长整数
	 * @return 代表长整数的字节数组
	public static byte[] longToBytes(long l) {
		byte[] b = new byte[8];
		b[0] = (byte) (l >>> 56);
		b[1] = (byte) (l >>> 48);
		b[2] = (byte) (l >>> 40);
		b[3] = (byte) (l >>> 32);
		b[4] = (byte) (l >>> 24);
		b[5] = (byte) (l >>> 16);
		b[6] = (byte) (l >>> 8);
		b[7] = (byte) (l);
		return b;






String MyNumber ="1234";   
int MyInt = Integer.parseInt(MyNumber);


字符串转换成byte, short, int, float, double, long等数据类型,可以分别参考Byte, Short, Integer, Float, Double, Long类的parseXXX 方法。




int MyInt = 1234;   

String MyString = "" + MyInt;


01.package com.array.test;
02.03.import java.io.IOException;
06. * @ version 1.0
07. * @ author  wangwei
08. * @ created on  2008-10-17
09. */10.public class ByteAndLongArrayTest {
11.12.    /**
13.     * long数组转化为byte数组
14.     * 
15.     * @param longArray
16.     * @return
17.     * @throws IOException
18.     */19.    public static byte[] longToByte(long[] longArray)throws IOException{
20.        byte[] byteArray=new byte[longArray.length*8];
21.        for(int i=0;i<longArray.length;i++)
22.        {
23.            byteArray[0+8*i]=(byte)(longArray[i]>>56);
24.            byteArray[1+8*i]=(byte)(longArray[i]>>48);
25.            byteArray[2+8*i]=(byte)(longArray[i]>>40);
26.            byteArray[3+8*i]=(byte)(longArray[i]>>32);
27.            byteArray[4+8*i]=(byte)(longArray[i]>>24);
28.            byteArray[5+8*i]=(byte)(longArray[i]>>16);
29.            byteArray[6+8*i]=(byte)(longArray[i]>>8);
30.            byteArray[7+8*i]=(byte)(longArray[i]>>0);
31.        }
32.        return byteArray;
33.    }
35.    /**
36.     * byte数组转化为long数组
37.     * 
38.     * @param byteArray
39.     * @return
40.     * @throws IOException
41.     */42.    public static long[] byteToLong(byte[] byteArray)throws IOException{
44.        long [] longArray=new long[byteArray.length/8];
45.        for(int i=0;i<longArray.length;i++)
46.        {
47.            longArray[i]=(((long)byteArray[0+8*i]&0xff)<<56)
48.                        |(((long)byteArray[1+8*i]&0xff)<<48)
49.                        |(((long)byteArray[2+8*i]&0xff)<<40)
50.                        |(((long)byteArray[3+8*i]&0xff)<<32)
51.                        |(((long)byteArray[4+8*i]&0xff)<<24)
52.                        |(((long)byteArray[5+8*i]&0xff)<<16)
53.                        |(((long)byteArray[6+8*i]&0xff)<<8)
54.                        |(((long)byteArray[7+8*i]&0xff)<<0);
56.        }
57.        return longArray;
58.    }
59.60.    /**
61.     * @param args
62.     */63.    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{
64.        // TODO Auto-generated method stub65.        long [] longArray={1,2,3,4,500000};
66.        byte [] byteArray=longToByte(longArray);
67.        for(int i=0;i<byteArray.length;i++)
68.        {
69.            System.out.print(byteArray[i]+" ");
70.        }
71.        System.out.println();
72.        long [] longArray2=byteToLong(byteArray);
73.        for(int i=0;i<longArray.length;i++)
74.            System.out.print(longArray[i]+" ");
75.    }





Integer.toBinaryString(int i);
Integer和Long提供了toBinaryString, toHexString和toOctalString方法,可以方便的将数据转换成二进制、十六进制和八进制字符串。功能更加强大的是其toString(int/long i, int radix)方法,可以将一个十进制数转换成任意进制的字符串形式。
byte, short, float和double等数据类型,可以利用Integer或者是Long的toBinaryString, toHexString, to OctalString和toString方法转换成其他进制的字符串形式。

System.out.println(Integer.valueOf("14414", 5);
Integer和Long提供的valueOf(String source, int radix)方法,可以


public static void main(String args[]){  
String x = "0x300C8";  
int y = Integer.decode(x).intvalue();  
<pre class="java" name="code">public static byte[] intToByte(int number) {  
  int temp = number;  
  byte[] b=new byte[4];  
  for (int i=b.length-1;i>-1;i--){  
    b[i] = new Integer(temp&0xff).byteValue();      //将最高位保存在最低位  
    temp = temp >> 8;       //向右移8位  
  return b;  
1. public static int byteToInt(byte[] b) {  
2. int s = 0;  
3. for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {  
4. if (b[i] >= 0)  
5.         s = s + b[i];  
6. else
7. 256
8. 256;  
9.     }  
10. if (b[3] >= 0)       //最后一个之所以不乘,是因为可能会溢出
11. 3];  
12. else
13. 256 + b[3];  
14. return
15.   }  
short与int之间的区别在于short是两个字节的,而int是四个字节的。因此,只需要将5 与6 中的范例程序小做改动,即可实现短整数与字节数组之间的相互转换。 

1. public static byte[] charToByte(char
2. int temp=(int)ch;  
3. byte[] b=new byte[2];  
4. for (int i=b.length-1;i>-1;i--){  
5. new Integer(temp&0xff).bytevalue();      //将最高位保存在最低位
6. 8;       //向右移8位
7.     }  
8. return
9.   }  
1. public static char byteToChar(byte[] b){  
2. int s=0;  
3. if(b[0]>0)  
4. 0];  
5. else
6. 256+b[0];  
7. 256;  
8. if(b[1]>0)  
9. 1];  
10. else
11. 256+b[1];  
12. char ch=(char)s;  
13. return
14.   }  
1. public static byte[] doubleToByte(double
2. byte[] b=new byte[8];  
3. long
4. for(int i=0;i<b.length;i++){  
5. new
6. 8;  
7.     }  
8. return
9.   }  
1. public static double byteToDouble(byte[] b){  
2. long
3. 0];  
4. 0xff;  
5. long)b[1]<<8);  
6. 0xffff;  
7. long)b[2]<<16);  
8. 0xffffff;  
9. long)b[3]<<24);  
10.     l&=0xffffffffl;  
11. long)b[4]<<32);  
12.     l&=0xffffffffffl;  
14. long)b[5]<<40);  
15.     l&=0xffffffffffffl;  
16. long)b[6]<<48);  
19. long)b[7]<<56);  
20. return
21.   }  
int与byte array之间的转换程序 
提供的程序可以进行int和byte array之间的转换。 
1. /**
2.  *
3.  * IntConverter
4.  *
5.  * This class provides methods to convert int into byte array and
6.  * byte array back into int.
7.  *
8.  */
9. public class
10. {  
11. /**
12.          *
13.          * Method converting int into byte array.
14.          *
15.          * @param number The int value to be converted.
16.          *
17.          */
18. public static byte[] toByteArray(int
19.         {  
20. int
21. byte[] b=new byte[4];  
22. for (int i = b.length - 1; i > -1; i--)  
23.             {  
24. new Integer(temp & 0xff).bytevalue();  
25. 8;  
26.             }  
27. return
28.         }  
30. /**
31.          *
32.          * Method converting byte array into int.
33.          *
34.          * @param The byte array to be converted.
35.          *
36.          */
37. public static int toInteger(byte[] b)  
38.         {  
39. int s = 0;  
40. for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)  
41.             {  
42. if (b[i] > 0)  
43.                     s = s + b[i];  
44. else
45. 256
46. 256;  
47.             }  
48. if (b[3] > 0)  
49. 3];  
50. else
51. 256 + b[3];  
52. return
53.         }  
55. // Testing program.
56. public static void
57.     {  
58. new
59. int s = -1121115678;  
60. byte[] b = abc.toByteArray(s);  
61. for (int i = 0; i <= 3; i++)  
62.                 System.out.println(b[i]);  
63.         s = abc.toInteger(b);  
64.         System.out.println(s);  
65.     }  
66. }  
1. public static int byteToint(byte[] convertByteValue)  
2. byte[] YY=new byte[4];  
3.       YY=convertByteValue;  
4. int
5. 3] & 0x000000ff;  
6. //System.out.println("ee: " +ee);
7. 2]<<8) & 0x0000ff00;  
8. //System.out.println("ff: " +ff);
9. 1]<<16) & 0x00ff0000;  
10. // System.out.println("gg: " +gg);
11. 0]<<24;  
12. // System.out.println("hh: "+hh);
13. int
14. // System.out.println("jj: "+jj);
15. return
16.       }  
1. public byte[] intTobyte(int
2. int
3. 1321432453;  
4. byte YY[] = new byte[4];  
5. new
6. 3] = aa.byteValue();  
7. new Integer(Y>>>8);  
8. 2] = bb.byteValue();  
9. new Integer(Y>>>16);  
10. 1] = cc.byteValue();  
11. new Integer(Y>>>24);  
12. 0] = dd.byteValue();  
13. return
14.        }  

如何将字串 String 转换成整数 int?
  A. 有两个方法:
  1). int i = Integer.parseInt([String]); 或
  i = Integer.parseInt([String],[int radix]);
  2). int i = Integer.valueOf(my_str).intValue();
  注: 字串转成 Double, Float, Long 的方法大同小异.
  2 如何将整数 int 转换成字串 String ?
  A. 有叁种方法:
  1.) String s = String.valueOf(i);
  2.) String s = Integer.toString(i);
  3.) String s = "" + i;
  注: Double, Float, Long 转成字串的方法大同小异.
  package cn.com.lwkj.erts.reGISter;
  import java.sql.Date;
  public class TypeChange {

  public TypeChange() {

  //change the string type to the int type
  public static int stringToInt(String intstr)

  Integer integer;
  integer = Integer.valueOf(intstr);
  return integer.intValue();
  //change int type to the string type
  public static String intToString(int value)

  Integer integer = new Integer(value);
  return integer.toString();
  //change the string type to the float type
  public static float stringToFloat(String floatstr)

  Float floatee;
  floatee = Float.valueOf(floatstr);
  return floatee.floatValue();
  //change the float type to the string type
  public static String floatToString(float value)

  Float floatee = new Float(value);
  return floatee.toString();
  //change the string type to the sqlDate type
  public static java.sql.Date stringToDate(String dateStr)

  return java.sql.Date.valueOf(dateStr);
  //change the sqlDate type to the string type
  public static String dateToString(java.sql.Date datee)

  return datee.toString();
  public static void main(String[] args)

  java.sql.Date day ;
  day = TypeChange.stringToDate("2003-11-3");
  String strday = TypeChange.dateToString(day);
  虽然都能在JAVA API中找到,整理一下做个备份。
  Byte static byte parseByte(String s)
  Byte static String toString(byte b)
  Character static String to String (char c)
  Short static Short parseShort(String s)
  Short static String toString(Short s)
  Integer static int parseInt(String s)
  Integer static String tostring(int i)
  Long static long parseLong(String s)
  Long static String toString(Long i)
  Float static float parseFloat(String s)
  Float static String toString(float f)
  Double static double parseDouble(String s)
  Double static String toString(Double d)

public class T3 {

	public static void main(String[] args){
		String filePath = "E:\\softoon\\workspace_softoon\\TestMobile\\src\\1.docx";
		String outFilePath = "E:\\softoon\\workspace_softoon\\TestMobile\\src";
		String outFileName = "2.docx";

	 * 获得指定文件的byte数组
	public static byte[] getBytes(String filePath){
		byte[] buffer = null;
		try {
			File file = new File(filePath);
			FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file);
			ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(1000);
			byte[] b = new byte[1000];
			int n;
			while ((n = fis.read(b)) != -1) {
				bos.write(b, 0, n);
			buffer = bos.toByteArray();
		} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
		} catch (IOException e) {
		return buffer;

	 * 根据byte数组,生成文件
	public static void getFile(byte[] bfile, String filePath,String fileName) {
		BufferedOutputStream bos = null;
		FileOutputStream fos = null;
		File file = null;
		try {
			File dir = new File(filePath);
			file = new File(filePath+"\\"+fileName);
			fos = new FileOutputStream(file);
			bos = new BufferedOutputStream(fos);
		} catch (Exception e) {
		} finally {
			if (bos != null) {
				try {
				} catch (IOException e1) {
			if (fos != null) {
				try {
				} catch (IOException e1) {

<pre style="PADDING-BOTTOM: 0px; MARGIN: 10px 0px 0px; PADDING-LEFT: 0px; PADDING-RIGHT: 0px; WORD-WRAP: break-word; PADDING-TOP: 0px"><pre class="java" name="code">public class NumberUtil {
	 * int整数转换为4字节的byte数组
	 * @param i
	 *            整数
	 * @return byte数组
	public static byte[] intToByte4(int i) {
		byte[] targets = new byte[4];
		targets[3] = (byte) (i & 0xFF);
		targets[2] = (byte) (i >> 8 & 0xFF);
		targets[1] = (byte) (i >> 16 & 0xFF);
		targets[0] = (byte) (i >> 24 & 0xFF);
		return targets;

	 * long整数转换为8字节的byte数组
	 * @param lo
	 *            long整数
	 * @return byte数组
	public static byte[] longToByte8(long lo) {
		byte[] targets = new byte[8];
		for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
			int offset = (targets.length - 1 - i) * 8;
			targets[i] = (byte) ((lo >>> offset) & 0xFF);
		return targets;

	 * short整数转换为2字节的byte数组
	 * @param s
	 *            short整数
	 * @return byte数组
	public static byte[] unsignedShortToByte2(int s) {
		byte[] targets = new byte[2];
		targets[0] = (byte) (s >> 8 & 0xFF);
		targets[1] = (byte) (s & 0xFF);
		return targets;

	 * byte数组转换为无符号short整数
	 * @param bytes
	 *            byte数组
	 * @return short整数
	public static int byte2ToUnsignedShort(byte[] bytes) {
		return byte2ToUnsignedShort(bytes, 0);

	 * byte数组转换为无符号short整数
	 * @param bytes
	 *            byte数组
	 * @param off
	 *            开始位置
	 * @return short整数
	public static int byte2ToUnsignedShort(byte[] bytes, int off) {
		int high = bytes[off];
		int low = bytes[off + 1];
		return (high << 8 & 0xFF00) | (low & 0xFF);

	 * byte数组转换为int整数
	 * @param bytes
	 *            byte数组
	 * @param off
	 *            开始位置
	 * @return int整数
	public static int byte4ToInt(byte[] bytes, int off) {
		int b0 = bytes[off] & 0xFF;
		int b1 = bytes[off + 1] & 0xFF;
		int b2 = bytes[off + 2] & 0xFF;
		int b3 = bytes[off + 3] & 0xFF;
		return (b0 << 24) | (b1 << 16) | (b2 << 8) | b3;