1.   传入简单类型


1. public
2. return (User) getSqlSession().selectOne("com.liulanghan.get"
3. }



1. <select id="findUserListByIdList" parameterType="java.lang.Long" resultType="User">
2. id
3. </select>

2.   传入List




1. public
2. return getSqlSession().selectList("com.liulanghan.findUserListByIdList", idList);  
3.     }




1. <select id="findUserListByIdList" parameterType="java.util.ArrayList" resultType="User">
2.     select * from user user  
3. <where>
4.         user.ID in (  
5. <foreach item="guard" index="index" collectinotallow="list"
6. separator=","> #{guard} </foreach>
7.         )  
8. </where>
9. </select>

3.  传入数组



1. public List<Area> findUserListByIdList(int[] ids) {  
2. return getSqlSession().selectList("com.liulanghan.findUserListByIdList", ids);  
3.     }




1. <select id="findUserListByIdList" parameterType="java.util.HashList" resultType="User">
2.     select * from user user  
3. <where>
4.         user.ID in (  
5. <foreach item="guard" index="index" collectinotallow="array"
6. separator=","> #{guard} </foreach>
7.         )  
8. </where>
9. </select>



4.  传入map

1. public boolean
2. "com.liulanghan.exists", map);  
3. int
4. return totalCount > 0 ? true : false;  
5.     }


1. <select id="exists" parameterType="java.util.HashMap" resultType="java.lang.Integer">
2.         SELECT COUNT(*) FROM USER user  
3. <where>
4. <if test="code != null">
5. user.CODE
6. </if>
7. <if test="id != null">
8. user.ID
9. </if>
10. <if test="idList !=null ">
11.                 and user.ID in (  
12. <foreach item="guard" index="index" collectinotallow="idList"
13. separator=","> #{guard} </foreach>
14.                 )  
15. </if>
16. </where>
17. </select>


5. 传入JAVA对象

1. public boolean
2. "com.liulanghan.exists", userDTO);  
3. int
4. return totalCount > 0 ? true : false;  
5.     }


1. <select id="findUserListByDTO" parameterType="UserDTO" resultType="java.lang.Integer">
2.         SELECT COUNT(*) FROM USER user  
3. <where>
4. <if test="code != null">
5. user.CODE
6. </if>
7. <if test="id != null">
8. user.ID
9. </if>
10. <if test="idList !=null ">
11.                 and user.ID in (  
12. <foreach item="guard" index="index" collectinotallow="idList"
13. separator=","> #{guard} </foreach>
14.                 )  
15. </if>
16. </where>
17. </select>







1. // Similar JDBC code, NOT MyBatis…
2. String selectPerson = “SELECT * FROM PERSON WHERE ID=?”;  
3. PreparedStatement ps = conn.prepareStatement(selectPerson);  
4. ps.setInt(1,id);



1. #{property,javaType=int,jdbcType=NUMERIC,typeHandler=MyTypeHandler,mode=OUT,resultMap=User}



setString can only process strings of less than 32766 chararacters





 一般情况下,我们采用#{}取值,产生预处理语句,但是有时我们可能不希望Mybatis来帮我们预处理,比如ORDER BY时,可以
 ORDER BY ${columnName}