1. 安装:
yum  -y  install  epel-release
yum  -y  install  monit
  1. 配置: vim /etc/monitrc
set daemon  30
set log syslog
set httpd port 2812 and
    use address
    allow admin:monit
    #with ssl {            # enable SSL/TLS and set path to server certificate
    #    pemfile: /etc/ssl/certs/monit.pem
include /etc/monit.d/*
  1. 配置监控服务: a. 监控apache: vim /etc/monit.d/apache
check  process  apache  with  pidfile  /etc/httpd/logs/httpd.pid
start  program  =  "/usr/bin/systemctl  start  httpd"
stop  program    =  "/usr/bin/systemctl  stop  httpd"

b. 监控mysql: vim /etc/monit.d/mysql

check  process  mysql  with  pidfile  /usr/local/mysql/data/lee.pid
start  program  =  "/usr/bin/systemctl  start  mysqld"
stop  program    =  "/usr/bin/systemctl  stop  mysqld"

c. 监控ssh: vim /etc/monit.d/ssh

check  process  ssh  with  pidfile  /run/sshd.pid
start  program  =  "/usr/bin/systemctl  start  sshd"
stop  program    =  "/usr/bin/systemctl  stop  sshd"
  1. 常用语法: a. 检测配置文件语法:
monit  -t

b. 启动服务:

systemctl  start  monit

c. 停止服务:

systemctl  stop  monit

d. 重启服务:

systemctl  restart  monit

e. 查看服务运行状态:

systemctl  status  monit  -l

f. 查看错误日志:

tail  /var/log/monit.log
  1. 监控页面截图: