ArcGIS Python根据的点坐标,创建点要素

ArcGIS Python根据的点坐标,创建点要素


import arcpy
# A list of coordinate pairs
pointList = [[1,2],[3,5],[7,3]]

# Create an empty Point object
point = arcpy.Point()

# A list to hold the PointGeometry objects
pointGeometryList = []

# For each coordinate pair, populate the Point object and create
#  a new PointGeometry
for pt in pointList:
    point.X = pt[0]
    point.Y = pt[1]

    pointGeometry = arcpy.PointGeometry(point)

# Create a copy of the PointGeometry objects, by using pointGeometryList
#  as input to the CopyFeatures tool.
arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(pointGeometryList, "c:/geometry/a.gdb/points")