





package com . omen . netty . server ;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger ;

import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired ;

import org.springframework.context.support.FileSystemXmlApplicationContext ;

import com.omen.netty.server.sysPojo.SystemInfo ;

public class Main {

private static Logger log = Logger . getLogger ( Main . class );


private SystemInfo systemInfo ;

static {

// 先加载spring

log . info ( "准备载入spring..." );

String url = "../classes/omen.xml" ;

// 保存context

SystemInfo . setCtx ( new FileSystemXmlApplicationContext ( url ));

log . info ( "载入spring 完毕..." );


public static void main ( String [] args ) throws Exception {

IServer iServer = ( IServer ) SystemInfo . getCtx (). getBean ( "basicServer" );

iServer . start ();





package com . omen . netty . server . sysPojo ;

import io.netty.channel.EventLoopGroup ;

import io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoopGroup ;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger ;

import org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanFactory ;

import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext ;

import org.springframework.context.support.FileSystemXmlApplicationContext ;

import com.omen.netty.utils.StringUtil ;

public class SystemInfo {

private static Logger log = Logger . getLogger ( SystemInfo . class );

public SystemInfo ( String protocolType , Integer port , Integer channelType ) throws Exception {


* 基础校验


if ( StringUtil . isEmpty ( protocolType )){

throw new Exception ( "protocolType is not setted" );


if ( port == null ){

throw new Exception ( "port is not setted" );


if ( channelType == null ){

throw new Exception ( "channelType is not setted" );


this . protocolType = protocolType . toUpperCase ();

this . port = port ;

this . isSsl = false ;

this . channelType = channelType ;


public SystemInfo ( String protocolType , Integer port , Integer channelType ,

Integer bossGroupSize , Integer workerGroupSize ) throws Exception {


* 基础校验


if ( StringUtil . isEmpty ( protocolType )){

throw new Exception ( "protocolType is not setted" );


if ( port == null ){

throw new Exception ( "port is not setted" );


if ( channelType == null ){

throw new Exception ( "channelType is not setted" );


this . protocolType = protocolType . toUpperCase ();

this . port = port ;

this . isSsl = false ;

this . channelType = channelType ;

this . bossGroupSize = bossGroupSize ;

this . workerGroupSize = workerGroupSize ;


public SystemInfo ( String protocolType , Integer port , Integer channelType , boolean isSsl , String jksPath ,

String jksPwd ) throws Exception {


* 基础校验


if ( StringUtil . isEmpty ( protocolType )){

throw new Exception ( "protocolType is not setted" );


if ( port == null ){

throw new Exception ( "port is not setted" );


if ( isSsl ){

if ( StringUtil . isEmpty ( jksPath )){

throw new Exception ( "jksPath type is not setted" );


if ( StringUtil . isEmpty ( jksPwd )){

throw new Exception ( "jksPwd type is not setted" );



if ( channelType == null ){

throw new Exception ( "channelType is not setted" );


this . protocolType = protocolType . toUpperCase ();

this . port = port ;

this . isSsl = isSsl ;

this . jksPath = jksPath ;

this . jksPwd = jksPwd ;

this . channelType = channelType ;


public SystemInfo ( String protocolType , Integer port , Integer channelType , boolean isSsl , String jksPath ,

String jksPwd , Integer bossGroupSize , Integer workerGroupSize ) throws Exception {


* 基础校验


if ( StringUtil . isEmpty ( protocolType )){

throw new Exception ( "protocolType is not setted" );


if ( port == null ){

throw new Exception ( "port is not setted" );


if ( isSsl ){

if ( StringUtil . isEmpty ( jksPath )){

throw new Exception ( "jksPath type is not setted" );


if ( StringUtil . isEmpty ( jksPwd )){

throw new Exception ( "jksPwd type is not setted" );



if ( channelType == null ){

throw new Exception ( "channelType is not setted" );


this . protocolType = protocolType . toUpperCase ();

this . port = port ;

this . isSsl = isSsl ;

this . jksPath = jksPath ;

this . jksPwd = jksPwd ;

this . channelType = channelType ;

this . bossGroupSize = bossGroupSize ;

this . workerGroupSize = workerGroupSize ;


private static String protocolType ;

private static Integer port ;

private static Boolean isSsl ;

private static String jksPath ;

private static String jksPwd ;

private static Integer channelType ;

private static ApplicationContext ctx ;

private static EventLoopGroup bossGroup ;

private static EventLoopGroup workerGroup ;

private static Integer bossGroupSize ;

private static Integer workerGroupSize ;

public static void printSysInfo (){

log . info ( "**************SYSTEM INFO******************" );

log . info ( "protocolType : " + protocolType );

log . info ( "port : " + port );

log . info ( "channelType : " + channelType + " (0=NIO 1=OIO)" );

log . info ( "isSsl : " + isSsl );

if (! StringUtil . isEmpty ( jksPath ))

log . info ( "jksPath : " + jksPath );

if (! StringUtil . isEmpty ( jksPwd ))

log . info ( "jksPwd : " + jksPwd );

if ( bossGroupSize != null )

log . info ( "bossGroupSize : " + bossGroupSize );

if ( workerGroupSize != null )

log . info ( "workerGroupSize: " + workerGroupSize );

log . info ( "**************SYSTEM INFO******************" );


public static void shutDownGraceFully (){

bossGroup . shutdownGracefully ();

workerGroup . shutdownGracefully ();


public static String getProtocolType () {

return protocolType ;


public static void setProtocolType ( String protocolType ) {

SystemInfo . protocolType = protocolType ;


public static Integer getPort () {

return port ;


public static void setPort ( Integer port ) {

SystemInfo . port = port ;


public static Boolean getIsSsl () {

return isSsl ;


public static void setIsSsl ( Boolean isSsl ) {

SystemInfo . isSsl = isSsl ;


public static String getJksPath () {

return jksPath ;


public static void setJksPath ( String jksPath ) {

SystemInfo . jksPath = jksPath ;


public static String getJksPwd () {

return jksPwd ;


public static void setJksPwd ( String jksPwd ) {

SystemInfo . jksPwd = jksPwd ;


public static Integer getChannelType () {

return channelType ;


public static void setChannelType ( Integer channelType ) {

SystemInfo . channelType = channelType ;


public static ApplicationContext getCtx () {

return ctx ;


public static void setCtx ( ApplicationContext ctx ) {

SystemInfo . ctx = ctx ;


public static Integer getBossGroupSize () {

return bossGroupSize ;


public static void setBossGroupSize ( Integer bossGroupSize ) {

SystemInfo . bossGroupSize = bossGroupSize ;


public static EventLoopGroup getBossGroup () {

return bossGroup ;


public static void setBossGroup ( EventLoopGroup bossGroup ) {

SystemInfo . bossGroup = bossGroup ;


public static EventLoopGroup getWorkerGroup () {

return workerGroup ;


public static void setWorkerGroup ( EventLoopGroup workerGroup ) {

SystemInfo . workerGroup = workerGroup ;


public static Integer getWorkerGroupSize () {

return workerGroupSize ;


public static void setWorkerGroupSize ( Integer workerGroupSize ) {

SystemInfo . workerGroupSize = workerGroupSize ;


public static void main ( String [] args ) {






package com . omen . netty . server ;

public interface IServer {

public void start () throws Exception ;

public void stop () throws Exception ;

public void restart () throws Exception ;




package com . omen . netty . server ;

import io.netty.channel.Channel ;

import io.netty.channel.ChannelFutureListener ;

import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired ;

import com.omen.netty.server.factory.ServerChannelFactory ;

import com.omen.netty.server.sysPojo.SystemInfo ;

public class BasicServer implements IServer {

private Channel acceptorChannel ;


ServerChannelFactory serverChannelFactory ;


public void start () throws Exception {

try {

acceptorChannel = serverChannelFactory . createAcceptorChannel ();

acceptorChannel . closeFuture (). sync ();

} finally {


SystemInfo . shutDownGraceFully ();




public void stop () throws Exception {

try {

if ( acceptorChannel != null )

acceptorChannel . close (). addListener ( ChannelFutureListener . CLOSE );

} finally {


SystemInfo . shutDownGraceFully ();




public void restart () throws Exception {

stop ();

start ();








package com . omen . netty . server . factory ;

import io.netty.bootstrap.ServerBootstrap ;

import io.netty.channel.Channel ;

import io.netty.channel.ChannelFuture ;

import io.netty.channel.ChannelInitializer ;

import io.netty.channel.socket.SocketChannel ;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger ;

import com.omen.netty.exception.SysErrException ;

import com.omen.netty.server.sysPojo.ProtocolType ;

import com.omen.netty.server.sysPojo.SystemInfo ;

public class ServerChannelFactory {

private static Logger log = Logger . getLogger ( ServerChannelFactory . class );

public Channel createAcceptorChannel () throws SysErrException {

final ServerBootstrap serverBootstrap = ServerBootstrapFactory . createServerBootstrap ();

serverBootstrap . childHandler ( getChildHandler ());

log . info ( "创建Server..." );

try {

ChannelFuture channelFuture = serverBootstrap . bind ( SystemInfo . getPort ()). sync ();

channelFuture . awaitUninterruptibly ();

if ( channelFuture . isSuccess ()) {

SystemInfo . printSysInfo ();

return channelFuture . channel ();

} else {

String errMsg = "Failed to open socket! Cannot bind to port: " + SystemInfo . getPort ()+ "!" ;

log . error ( errMsg );

throw new SysErrException ( errMsg );


} catch ( Exception e ){

throw new SysErrException ( e );



private static ChannelInitializer < SocketChannel > getChildHandler () throws SysErrException {

if ( ProtocolType . HTTP . equals ( SystemInfo . getProtocolType ())

|| ProtocolType . HTTPS . equals ( SystemInfo . getProtocolType ())){

return ( ChannelInitializer < SocketChannel >) SystemInfo . getCtx (). getBean ( "httpServerInitializer" );


else if ( ProtocolType . TCP . equals ( SystemInfo . getProtocolType ()))

return ( ChannelInitializer < SocketChannel >) SystemInfo . getCtx (). getBean ( "tcpServerInitializer" );

else if ( ProtocolType . CUSTOM . equals ( SystemInfo . getProtocolType ()))

return ( ChannelInitializer < SocketChannel >) SystemInfo . getCtx (). getBean ( "customServerInitializer" );

else {

String errMsg = "undefined protocol:" + SystemInfo . getProtocolType ()+ "!" ;

throw new SysErrException ( errMsg );






package com . omen . netty . server . factory ;

import io.netty.bootstrap.ServerBootstrap ;

import io.netty.channel.EventLoopGroup ;

import io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoopGroup ;

import io.netty.channel.oio.OioEventLoopGroup ;

import io.netty.channel.socket.nio.NioServerSocketChannel ;

import io.netty.channel.socket.oio.OioServerSocketChannel ;

import com.omen.netty.server.sysPojo.ChannelType ;

import com.omen.netty.server.sysPojo.SystemInfo ;


* @author liyidong

* @version 1.0

* @created 2014-12-16 上午11:14:33

* @function:工厂模式 server服务器 ServerBootstrap创建


public class ServerBootstrapFactory {

private ServerBootstrapFactory () {


public static ServerBootstrap createServerBootstrap () throws UnsupportedOperationException {

ServerBootstrap serverBootstrap = new ServerBootstrap ();

switch ( SystemInfo . getChannelType ()) {

case ChannelType . NIO :

EventLoopGroup bossGroup = new NioEventLoopGroup ();

EventLoopGroup workerGroup = new NioEventLoopGroup ();

serverBootstrap . group ( bossGroup , workerGroup );

SystemInfo . setBossGroup ( bossGroup );

SystemInfo . setWorkerGroup ( workerGroup );

serverBootstrap . channel ( NioServerSocketChannel . class );

return serverBootstrap ;


case ChannelType . OIO :

serverBootstrap . group ( new OioEventLoopGroup ());

serverBootstrap . channel ( OioServerSocketChannel . class );

return serverBootstrap ;

default :

throw new UnsupportedOperationException ( "Failed to create ServerBootstrap, " + SystemInfo . getChannelType () + " not supported!" );










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