
Set up IBM® Cloud Private-CE (Community Edition) master, worker, proxy, and optional management nodes in your cluster.

Before you install IBM Cloud Private-CE, prepare your cluster. See ​​Configuring your cluster​​.

Follow these steps to install IBM Cloud Private-CE master, worker, proxy, and optional management nodes. Run these steps from your boot node. For more information about node types, see the IBM Cloud Private-CE ​​Architecture​​.

You must log in to the boot node with a user account with root permission to install an IBM Cloud Private-CE cluster.

Set up the installation environment

  1. Log in to the boot node as a user with root permissions. The boot node is usually your master node. For more information about node types, see ​​Architecture​​. During installation, you specify the IP addresses for each node type.
  2. Download the IBM Cloud Private-CE installer image.
  • For Linux® 64-bit, run this command:
sudo docker pull ibmcom/icp-inception:


  • For Linux® on Power® 64-bit LE, run this command:
sudo docker pull ibmcom/icp-inception-ppc64le:


  1. Create an installation directory to store the IBM Cloud Private configuration files in and change to that directory. For example, to store the configuration files in 


  1. , run the following commands:
mkdir /opt/ibm-cloud-private-ce-;  \
cd /opt/ibm-cloud-private-ce-


  1. Extract the configuration files.
  • For Linux® 64-bit, run this command:
sudo docker run -e LICENSE=accept \
-v "$(pwd)":/data ibmcom/icp-inception: cp -r cluster /data


  • For Linux® on Power® 64-bit LE, run this command:
sudo docker run -e LICENSE=accept \
-v "$(pwd)":/data ibmcom/icp-inception-ppc64le: cp -r cluster /data


A cluster directory is created inside your installation directory. For example, if your installation directory is ​​/opt​​, the ​​/opt/cluster​

  • config.yaml: The configuration settings that are used to install IBM Cloud Private to your cluster.
  • hosts: The definition of the nodes in your cluster.
  • misc/storage_class: A folder that contains the dynamic storage class definitions for your cluster.
  • ssh_key: A placeholder file for the SSH private key that is used to communicate with other nodes in the cluster.
  1. Create a secure connection from the boot node to all other nodes in your cluster. Complete one of the following processes:
  1. Add the IP address of each node in the cluster to the 


  1.  file. See ​​Setting the node roles in the hosts file​​​.
    Note: Worker nodes can support mixed architectures. You can add worker nodes into a single cluster that run on Linux® 64-bit, Linux® on Power® 64-bit LE and IBM® Z platforms.
  2. If you use SSH keys to secure your cluster, in the 


  1.  folder, replace the 


  1.  file with the private key file that is used to communicate with the other cluster nodes. See ​​Sharing SSH keys among cluster nodes​​. Run this command:
sudo cp ~/.ssh/id_rsa ./cluster/ssh_key


In this example, ​​~/.ssh/id_rsa​

Customize your cluster

You can complete most of your cluster customization in the ​​/<installation_directory>/cluster/config.yaml​​ file. To review a full list of parameters that are available to customize, see ​​​Customizing the cluster with the config.yaml file​​​.You can also set node-specific parameters values in the ​​/<installation_directory>/cluster/hosts​​ file. However, parameter values that are set in the ​​config.yaml​​ file have the highest priority during an installation. To set a parameter value in the ​​hosts​​ file, you must remove the parameter from the ​​config.yaml​​file. For more information about setting node-specific parameter values in the hosts file, see ​​​Setting the node roles in the hosts file​​.

  1. In an environment that has multiple network interfaces (NICs), such as OpenStack and AWS, ensure that you add the following code to the config.yaml file:
cluster_access_ip: <external IP address>


calico_ip_autodetection_method: can-reach=<Master node IP address>


Setting the ​​calico_ip_autodetection_method​​ parameter is required only if you are setting up a Calico network.

For more information about network settings, see ​​​Table 4: Network settings​​.

  1. (Optional) Configure the monitoring service. See ​​Configuring the monitoring service​​.
  2. (Optional) Specify a certificate authority (CA) for your cluster. See ​​Specifying your own certificate authority (CA) for IBM Cloud Private services​​.
  3. (Optional) Set up a federation. See ​​Table 8: Federation settings​​. This feature is available as a technology preview only.
  4. (Optional) Provision GlusterFS storage on worker nodes. See ​​GlusterFS storage​​.
  5. (Optional) Configure vSphere Cloud Provider. See ​​Configuring a vSphere Cloud Provider​​.
  6. (Optional) Create one or more storage classes for the storage provisioners in your environment. See ​​Dynamic storage provisioning​​.
  7. Optional) Encrypt cluster data network traffic with IPsec. See ​​Encrypting cluster data network traffic with IPsec​​.
  8. Optional) Encrypt the 


  1.  key-value store. See ​​Encrypting volumes by using eCryptfs​​.Note:
  2. Optional) Integrate VMware NSX-T 2.0 with IBM Cloud Private-CE cluster nodes. See ​​Integrating VMware NSX-T 2.0 with IBM Cloud Private​​.

Deploy the environment

  1. Change to the 


cd ./cluster


  1. Deploy your environment.
    Note: By default, the command to deploy your environment is set to deploy 15 nodes at a time. If your cluster has more than 15 nodes, the deployment might take a longer time to finish. If you want to speed up the deployment, you can specify a higher number of nodes to be deployed at a time. Use the argument 

​-f <number of nodes to deploy>​

  • For Linux® 64-bit, run this command:
sudo docker run -e LICENSE=accept --net=host \
-t -v "$(pwd)":/installer/cluster \
ibmcom/icp-inception: install


  • For Linux® on Power® 64-bit LE, run this command:
sudo docker run -e LICENSE=accept --net=host \
-t -v "$(pwd)":/installer/cluster \
ibmcom/icp-inception-ppc64le: install


  1. Verify the status of your installation.
  • If the installation succeeded, the access information for your cluster is displayed:
UI URL is https://master_ip:8443 , default username/password is admin/admin

In this message, master_ip


Access your cluster

  1. Access your cluster. From a web browser, browse to the URL for your cluster. For a list of supported browsers, see ​​Supported browsers​​.

​502 Bad Gateway​

Post installation tasks

  1. Ensure that all the IBM Cloud Private-CE default ports are open. For more information about the default IBM Cloud Private-CE ports, see ​​Default ports​​.
  2. Back up the boot node. Copy your 
