英语练习 1_英语学习

  1. I want to know whether you had breakfast
  2. I want to know whether it will rain tomorrow.
  3. My question is wether you finish your homework.
  4. YaoMing is tall that is truth.
  5. Everybody knows that reading is good.
  6. The question is that she doesn't like keeping pets.

英语练习 1_英语学习_02

他拿走了桌上的那本书 (拿走:take away)
He took away the book on the table.

那个站在门口的漂亮女孩是我姐姐. (站在门口:stand at the door)
The beautiful girl standing at the door is my sister.

我不喜欢抹很多化妆品的女生 (抹:wear 化妆品:make-ups)
I don't like girls who wear a lot of make-ups.

The middle-aged man in black T-shirt is my father.