1, find the file belong to lucy and copy to a folder,

create the find folder,

mkdir /tmp/findfiles

find the file the owner is lucy, use the parameter -user and -exec

find / -user lucy -exec cp -a {} /tmp/findfiles \;

2, enlarge the lvm, no need to umount,

lvextend -L 190M /dev/mapper/vgsrv-common

then extend the file system,

resize2fs /dev/mapper/vgsrv-common

you can also use the UI to edit the logic volume size,

yum install system-config-lvm

In the logic volume size, click the 'edit properties', and drag the size bar to modify the size.

3, shrink another lvm, needs to umount first.

umount /shrink

needs to check the file system,

e2fsck –f /dev/mapper/vgsrv-shrink

shrink the file system first,

resize2fs /dev/mapper/vgsrv-shrink 200M

shrink the lvm

lvreduce -L 200M /dev/mapper/vgsrv-shrink

mount again,

mount -a

4, make swap partition and make it usable after booting,

create the swap partition and make the label as 0x82

fdisk /dev/sda
n to create the partition, size as +512M, t to change the label to 0x82,

Partprobe not working, needs to reboot to make the swap partition be seen by mkswap command, or use the following command to make it usable,

partx -a /dev/sda

activate swap,

mkswap /dev/sda3

start to use the swap,

swapon /dev/sda3

display the swap partition,

swapon -s

write into the /etc/fstab to make the swap partition bootable.

vim /etc/fstab
/dev/sda3 swap swap defaults 0 0

another way to create swap partition is to create file as following,

dd if=/dev/zero of=file bs=1M count=756  #to generate a file size as 756M
mkswap file
swapon file
vim /etc/fstab #modify the fstab file to auto mount

/root/file swap swap defaults 0 0

to check the result, using following commands,

cat /proc/swaps
free -l
swapon -s

swap partition create can refer to this link:
