

例如,对于下图中题号#275#270的题目将被收录,并且#275出现频率大于#270;而对于题号#1011#1182的题目,因为出现频率太低,将不被收录:【leetcode】高频题目整理_深度优先遍历篇( High Frequency Problems, Depth-first Search )_leetcode


深度优先遍历篇-69题(Depth-first Search, 69 problems)

2020/03/29更新: 之前有些题目的跳转链接不对,现在已经改过来了
数据日期: 2020/03/26 (此时LeetCode题目数量:1582)
数据来源: LeetCode官方,将不同类别的题目按照官方给的出现频率(Frequency)降序排列,取有频率统计的题。

1#67924 Game0.424困难
2#104Maximum Depth of Binary Tree0.726简单
3#108Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree0.699简单
4#546Remove Boxes0.496困难
5#394Decode String0.493中等
6#114Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List0.681中等
7#105Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal0.646中等
8#488Zuma Game0.406困难
9#101Symmetric Tree0.506简单
10#109Convert Sorted List to Binary Search Tree0.711中等
11#54201 Matrix0.381中等
12#199Binary Tree Right Side View0.639中等
13#491Increasing Subsequences0.463中等
14#200Number of Islands0.478中等
15#257Binary Tree Paths0.63简单
16#301Remove Invalid Parentheses0.452困难
17#124Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum0.397困难
18#695Max Area of Island0.632中等
19#112Path Sum0.493简单
20#638Shopping Offers0.571中等
21#664Strange Printer0.43困难
22#690Employee Importance0.575简单
23#207Course Schedule0.496中等
24#100Same Tree0.569简单
25#133Clone Graph0.525中等
26#111Minimum Depth of Binary Tree0.418简单
27#329Longest Increasing Path in a Matrix0.401困难
28#130Surrounded Regions0.398中等
29#337House Robber III0.564中等
30#110Balanced Binary Tree0.509简单
31#99Recover Binary Search Tree0.559困难
32#863All Nodes Distance K in Binary Tree0.477中等
33#332Reconstruct Itinerary0.363中等
34#515Find Largest Value in Each Tree Row0.585中等
35#547Friend Circles0.557中等
36#733Flood Fill0.53简单
37#513Find Bottom Left Tree Value0.688中等
38#721Accounts Merge0.323中等
39#113Path Sum II0.589中等
40#106Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder Traversal0.675中等
41#514Freedom Trail0.38困难
43#473Matchsticks to Square0.371中等
44#417Pacific Atlantic Water Flow0.408中等
45#494Target Sum0.441中等
46#129Sum Root to Leaf Numbers0.624中等
47#98Validate Binary Search Tree0.295中等
48#971Flip Binary Tree To Match Preorder Traversal0.43中等
49#210Course Schedule II0.465中等
50#576Out of Boundary Paths0.36中等
51#711Number of Distinct Islands II0.561困难
52#685Redundant Connection II0.335困难
53#472Concatenated Words0.438困难
54#1254Number of Closed Islands0.589中等
55#339Nested List Weight Sum0.777简单
56#116Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node0.564中等
57#439Ternary Expression Parser0.548中等
58#505The Maze II0.439中等
59#490The Maze0.442中等
60#117Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node II0.464中等
61#694Number of Distinct Islands0.457中等
62#323Number of Connected Components in an Undirected Graph0.553中等
63#499The Maze III0.303困难
64#261Graph Valid Tree0.449中等
65#737Sentence Similarity II0.41中等
66#533Lonely Pixel II0.454中等
67#366Find Leaves of Binary Tree0.73中等
68#364Nested List Weight Sum II0.687中等
69#531Lonely Pixel I0.651中等
