

例如,对于下图中题号#275#270的题目将被收录,并且#275出现频率大于#270;而对于题号#1011#1182的题目,因为出现频率太低,将不被收录:【leetcode】高频题目整理_哈希表篇( High Frequency Problems, Hash Table )_leetcode


哈希表篇-81题(Hash Table, 81 problems)

数据日期: 2020/03/26 (此时LeetCode题目数量:1582)
数据来源: LeetCode官方,将不同类别的题目按照官方给的出现频率(Frequency)降序排列,取有频率统计的题。

1#1Two Sum0.479简单
2#535Encode and Decode TinyURL0.812中等
3#3Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters0.335中等
4#85Maximal Rectangle0.449困难
5#37Sudoku Solver0.605困难
6#94Binary Tree Inorder Traversal0.707中等
7#739Daily Temperatures0.595中等
9#136Single Number0.66简单
10#202Happy Number0.576简单
11#349Intersection of Two Arrays0.685简单
12#463Island Perimeter0.658简单
13#30Substring with Concatenation of All Words0.299困难
14#632Smallest Range Covering Elements from K Lists0.356困难
15#718Maximum Length of Repeated Subarray0.492中等
16#76Minimum Window Substring0.355困难
17#500Keyboard Row0.685简单
18#187Repeated DNA Sequences0.44中等
19#560Subarray Sum Equals K0.443中等
20#447Number of Boomerangs0.572简单
21#49Group Anagrams0.612中等
22#138Copy List with Random Pointer0.476中等
23#409Longest Palindrome0.549简单
24#690Employee Importance0.575简单
25#204Count Primes0.329简单
26#347Top K Frequent Elements0.607中等
27#525Contiguous Array0.416中等
28#726Number of Atoms0.437困难
29#36Valid Sudoku0.588中等
30#4544Sum II0.543中等
31#1044Longest Duplicate Substring0.175困难
32#781Rabbits in Forest0.543中等
33#594Longest Harmonious Subsequence0.461简单
34#389Find the Difference0.612简单
35#336Palindrome Pairs0.331困难
36#149Max Points on a Line0.213困难
37#217Contains Duplicate0.518简单
38#290Word Pattern0.423简单
39#242Valid Anagram0.591简单
40#219Contains Duplicate II0.379简单
42#350Intersection of Two Arrays II0.474简单
43#575Distribute Candies0.66简单
44#205Isomorphic Strings0.473简单
45#299Bulls and Cows0.472简单
46#438Find All Anagrams in a String0.42中等
47#645Set Mismatch0.415简单
48#355Design Twitter0.367中等
49#508Most Frequent Subtree Sum0.627中等
50#720Longest Word in Dictionary0.461简单
51#166Fraction to Recurring Decimal0.258中等
52#648Replace Words0.536中等
53#1001Grid Illumination0.271困难
54#387First Unique Character in a String0.44简单
55#451Sort Characters By Frequency0.63中等
56#554Brick Wall0.358中等
57#676Implement Magic Dictionary0.565中等
58#692Top K Frequent Words0.497中等
59#966Vowel Spellchecker0.383中等
60#711Number of Distinct Islands II0.561困难
61#381Insert Delete GetRandom O(1) - Duplicates allowed0.369困难
62#599Minimum Index Sum of Two Lists0.502简单
63#609Find Duplicate File in System0.521中等
64#244Shortest Word Distance II0.494中等
65#380Insert Delete GetRandom O(1)0.478中等
66#311Sparse Matrix Multiplication0.728中等
67#325Maximum Size Subarray Sum Equals k0.477中等
68#159Longest Substring with At Most Two Distinct Characters0.51中等
69#314Binary Tree Vertical Order Traversal0.539中等
70#359Logger Rate Limiter0.691简单
71#694Number of Distinct Islands0.457中等
72#358Rearrange String k Distance Apart0.341困难
73#249Group Shifted Strings0.604中等
74#288Unique Word Abbreviation0.314中等
75#734Sentence Similarity0.488简单
76#340Longest Substring with At Most K Distinct Characters0.464困难
77#266Palindrome Permutation0.631简单
78#624Maximum Distance in Arrays0.406简单
79#170Two Sum III - Data structure design0.407简单
80#356Line Reflection0.285中等
81#246Strobogrammatic Number0.464简单
