/* Call backs to cpplib client.  */
struct cpp_callbacks
  /* Called when a new line of preprocessed output is started.  */
  void (*line_change) (cpp_reader *, const cpp_token *, int);
  /* Called when switching to/from a new file.
     The line_map is for the new file.  It is NULL if there is no new file.
     (In C this happens when done with <built-in>+<command line> and also
     when done with a main file.)  This can be used for resource cleanup.  */
  void (*file_change) (cpp_reader *, const line_map_ordinary *);
  void (*dir_change) (cpp_reader *, const char *);
  void (*include) (cpp_reader *, source_location, const unsigned char *,
     const char *, int, const cpp_token **);
  void (*define) (cpp_reader *, source_location, cpp_hashnode *);
  void (*undef) (cpp_reader *, source_location, cpp_hashnode *);
  void (*ident) (cpp_reader *, source_location, const cpp_string *);
  void (*def_pragma) (cpp_reader *, source_location);
  int (*valid_pch) (cpp_reader *, const char *, int);
  void (*read_pch) (cpp_reader *, const char *, int, const char *);
  missing_header_cb missing_header;
  /* Context-sensitive macro support.  Returns macro (if any) that should
     be expanded.  */
  cpp_hashnode * (*macro_to_expand) (cpp_reader *, const cpp_token *);
  /* Called to emit a diagnostic.  This callback receives the
     translated message.  */
  bool (*error) (cpp_reader *, int, int, rich_location *,
   const char *, va_list *)
  /* Callbacks for when a macro is expanded, or tested (whether
     defined or not at the time) in #ifdef, #ifndef or "defined".  */
  void (*used_define) (cpp_reader *, source_location, cpp_hashnode *);
  void (*used_undef) (cpp_reader *, source_location, cpp_hashnode *);
  /* Called before #define and #undef or other macro definition
     changes are processed.  */
  void (*before_define) (cpp_reader *);
  /* Called whenever a macro is expanded or tested.
     Second argument is the location of the start of the current expansion.  */
  void (*used) (cpp_reader *, source_location, cpp_hashnode *);
  /* Callback to identify whether an attribute exists.  */
  int (*has_attribute) (cpp_reader *);
  /* Callback that can change a user builtin into normal macro.  */
  bool (*user_builtin_macro) (cpp_reader *, cpp_hashnode *);