
ARM Architecture Reference Manual ARMv8, for
ARMv8-A architecture profile

Part A ARMv8 Architecture Introduction and Overview
Chapter A1 Introduction to the ARMv8 Architecture
    A1.1 About the ARM architecture 
    A1.2 Architecture profiles
    A1.3 ARMv8 architectural concepts
    A1.4 Supported data types
    A1.5 Floating-point and Advanced SIMD support
    A1.6 Cryptographic Extension
    A1.7 The ARM memory model

Part B The AArch64 Application Level Architecture
Chapter B1 The AArch64 Application Level Programmers’ Model
    B1.1 About the Application level programmers’ model
    B1.2 Registers in AArch64 Execution state
    B1.3 Software control features and EL0

Chapter B2 The AArch64 Application Level Memory Model
    B2.1 Address space
    B2.2 Memory type overview
    B2.3 Caches and memory hierarchy
    B2.4 Alignment support
    B2.5 Endian support
    B2.6 Atomicity in the ARM architecture
    B2.7 Memory ordering
    B2.8 Memory types and attributes
    B2.9 Mismatched memory attributes
    B2.10 Synchronization and semaphores

Part C The AArch64 Instruction Set
Chapter C1 The A64 Instruction Set
    C1.1 Introduction
    C1.2 Structure of the A64 assembler language
    C1.3 Address generation
    C1.4 Instruction aliases

Chapter C2 About the A64 Instruction Descriptions
    C2.1 Understanding the A64 instruction descriptions
    C2.2 Conventions used in AArch64 instruction and System register descriptions

Chapter C3 A64 Instruction Set Overview
    C3.1 Branches, Exception generating, and System instructions
    C3.2 Loads and stores
    C3.3 Data processing - immediate
    C3.4 Data processing - register
    C3.5 Data processing - SIMD and floating-point

Chapter C4 A64 Instruction Set Encoding
    C4.1 A64 instruction index by encoding
    C4.2 Data processing - immediate
    C4.3 Branches, exception generating and system instructions
    C4.4 Loads and stores
    C4.5 Data processing - register
    C4.6 Data processing - SIMD and floating point

Chapter C5 The A64 System Instruction Class
    C5.1 The System instruction class encoding space
    C5.2 Special-purpose registers
    C5.3 A64 system instructions for cache maintenance
    C5.4 A64 system instructions for address translation
    C5.5 A64 system instructions for TLB maintenance

Chapter C6 A64 Base Instruction Descriptions
    C6.1 Introduction
    C6.2 Register size
    C6.3 Use of the PC
    C6.4 Use of the stack pointer
    C6.5 Condition flags and related instructions
    C6.6 Alphabetical list of instructions

Chapter C7 A64 Advanced SIMD and Floating-point Instruction Descriptions
    C7.1 Introduction
    C7.2 About the SIMD and floating-point instructions
    C7.3 Alphabetical list of floating-point and Advanced SIMD instructions

Part D The AArch64 System Level Architecture
Chapter D1 The AArch64 System Level Programmers’ Model
    D1.1 Exception levels
    D1.2 Exception terminology
    D1.3 Execution state
    D1.4 Security state
    D1.5 Virtualization
    D1.6 Registers for instruction processing and exception handling
    D1.7 Process state, PSTATE
    D1.8 Program counter and stack pointer alignment
    D1.9 Reset
    D1.10 Exception entry
    D1.11 Exception return
    D1.12 The Exception level hierarchy
    D1.13 Synchronous exception types, routing and priorities
    D1.14 Asynchronous exception types, routing, masking and priorities
    D1.15 Configurable instruction enables and disables, and trap controls
    D1.16 System calls
    D1.17 Mechanisms for entering a low-power state
    D1.18 Self-hosted debug
    D1.19 The Performance Monitors Extension
    D1.20 Interprocessing
    D1.21 The effect of implementation choices on the programmers’ model

Chapter D2 AArch64 Self-hosted Debug
    D2.1 About debug exceptions
    D2.2 The debug exception enable controls
    D2.3 Routing debug exceptions
    D2.4 Enabling debug exceptions from the current Exception level and Security state
    D2.5 The effect of powerdown on debug exceptions
    D2.6 Summary of the routing and enabling of debug exceptions
    D2.7 Pseudocode description of debug exceptions
    D2.8 Software Breakpoint Instruction exceptions
    D2.9 Breakpoint exceptions
    D2.10 Watchpoint exceptions
    D2.11 Vector Catch exceptions
    D2.12 Software Step exceptions
    D2.13 Synchronization and debug exceptions

Chapter D3 The AArch64 System Level Memory Model
    D3.1 About the memory system architecture
    D3.2 Address space
    D3.3 Mixed-endian support
    D3.4 Cache support
    D3.5 External aborts
    D3.6 Memory barrier instructions
    D3.7 Pseudocode description of general memory system instructions

Chapter D4 The AArch64 Virtual Memory System Architecture
    D4.1 About the Virtual Memory System Architecture (VMSA)
    D4.2 The VMSAv8-64 address translation system
    D4.3 VMSAv8-64 translation table format descriptors
    D4.4 Access controls and memory region attributes
    D4.5 MMU faults
    D4.6 Translation Lookaside Buffers (TLBs)
    D4.7 TLB maintenance requirements and the TLB maintenance instructions
    D4.8 Caches in a VMSA implementation

Chapter D5 The Performance Monitors Extension
    D5.1 About the Performance Monitors
    D5.2 Accuracy of the Performance Monitors
    D5.3 Behavior on overflow
    D5.4 Attributability
    D5.5 Effect of EL3 and EL2
    D5.6 Event filtering
    D5.7 Performance Monitors and Debug state
    D5.8 Counter enables
    D5.9 Counter access
    D5.10 Events, Event numbers and mnemonics
    D5.11 Performance Monitors Extension registers

Chapter D6 The Generic Timer in AArch64 state
    D6.1 About the Generic Timer in AArch64 state

Chapter D7 AArch64 System Register Descriptions
    D7.1 About the AArch64 System registers
    D7.2 General system control registers
    D7.3 Debug registers
    D7.4 Performance Monitors registers
    D7.5 Generic Timer registers

Part E The AArch32 Application Level Architecture
Chapter E1 The AArch32 Application Level Programmers’ Model
    E1.1 About the Application level programmers’ model
    E1.2 Additional information about the programmers’ model in AArch32 state
    E1.3 Advanced SIMD and floating-point instructions
    E1.4 Conceptual coprocessor support
    E1.5 Exceptions

Chapter E2 The AArch32 Application Level Memory Model
    E2.1 Address space
    E2.2 Memory type overview
    E2.3 Caches and memory hierarchy
    E2.4 Alignment support
    E2.5 Endian support
    E2.6 Atomicity in the ARM architecture
    E2.7 Memory ordering
    E2.8 Memory types and attributes
    E2.9 Mismatched memory attributes
    E2.10 Synchronization and semaphores

Part F The AArch32 Instruction Sets
Chapter F1 The AArch32 Instruction Sets Overview
    F1.1 Support for instructions in different versions of the ARM architecture
    F1.2 Unified Assembler Language
    F1.3 Branch instructions
    F1.4 Data-processing instructions
    F1.5 PSTATE and banked register access instructions
    F1.6 Load/store instructions
    F1.7 Load/store multiple instructions
    F1.8 Miscellaneous instructions
    F1.9 Exception-generating and exception-handling instructions
    F1.10 Coprocessor instructions
    F1.11 Advanced SIMD and floating-point load/store instructions
    F1.12 Advanced SIMD and floating-point register transfer instructions
    F1.13 Advanced SIMD data-processing instructions
    F1.14 Floating-point data-processing instructions

Chapter F2 About the T32 and A32 Instruction Descriptions
    F2.1 Format of instruction descriptions
    F2.2 Standard assembler syntax fields
    F2.3 Conditional execution
    F2.4 Shifts applied to a register
    F2.5 Memory accesses
    F2.6 Encoding of lists of general-purpose registers and the PC
    F2.7 About the T32 and A32 instruction encodings
    F2.8 Additional pseudocode support for instruction descriptions

Chapter F3 T32 Base Instruction Set Encoding
    F3.1 Top level T32 instruction set encoding
    F3.2 16-bit T32 instruction encoding
    F3.3 32-bit T32 instruction encoding

Chapter F4 A32 Base Instruction Set Encoding
    F4.1 Top level A32 instruction set encoding
    F4.2 Data-processing and miscellaneous instructions
    F4.3 Load/Store Word, Unsigned Byte (immediate, literal)
    F4.4 Load/Store Word, Unsigned Byte (register)
    F4.5 Media instructions
    F4.6 Branch, branch with link, and block data transfer
    F4.7 Coprocessor instructions, and Supervisor Call
    F4.8 Unconditional instructions

Chapter F5 T32 and A32 Instruction Sets Advanced SIMD and floating-point Encodings
    F5.1 Overview
    F5.2 Advanced SIMD and floating-point instruction syntax
    F5.3 Register encoding
    F5.4 Advanced SIMD data-processing instructions
    F5.5 Floating-point data-processing instructions
    F5.6 Advanced SIMD and floating-point register load/store instructions
    F5.7 Advanced SIMD element or structure load/store instructions
    F5.8 8, 16, and 32-bit transfers accessing the SIMD and floating-point register file
    F5.9 64-bit transfers accessing the SIMD and floating-point register file

Chapter F6 T32 and A32 Base Instruction Set Instruction Descriptions
    F6.1 Alphabetical list of T32 and A32 base instruction set instructions
    F6.2 Encoding and use of Banked register transfer instructions

Chapter F7 T32 and A32 Advanced SIMD and floating-point Instruction Descriptions
    F7.1 Alphabetical list of floating-point and Advanced SIMD instructions

Part G The AArch32 System Level Architecture
Chapter G1 The AArch32 System Level Programmers’ Model
    G1.1 About the AArch32 System level programmers’ model
    G1.2 Exception levels
    G1.3 Exception terminology
    G1.4 Execution state
    G1.5 Instruction Set state
    G1.6 Security state
    G1.7 Virtualization
    G1.8 AArch32 PE modes, and general-purpose and Special-purpose registers
    G1.9 Process state, PSTATE
    G1.10 Instruction set states
    G1.11 Handling exceptions that are taken to an Exception level using AArch32
    G1.12 Exception return to an Exception level using AArch32
    G1.13 Asynchronous exception behavior for exceptions taken from AArch32 state
    G1.14 AArch32 state exception descriptions
    G1.15 Reset into AArch32 state
    G1.16 Mechanisms for entering a low-power state
    G1.17 The conceptual coprocessor interface and system control
    G1.18 Advanced SIMD and floating-point support
    G1.19 Configurable instruction enables and disables, and trap controls

Chapter G2 AArch32 Self-hosted Debug
    G2.1 About debug exceptions
    G2.2 The debug exception enable controls
    G2.3 Routing debug exceptions
    G2.4 Enabling debug exceptions from the current Privilege level and Security state
    G2.5 The effect of powerdown on debug exceptions
    G2.6 Summary of permitted routing and enabling of debug exceptions
    G2.7 Pseudocode description of debug exceptions
    G2.8 Software Breakpoint Instruction exceptions
    G2.9 Breakpoint exceptions
    G2.10 Watchpoint exceptions
    G2.11 Vector Catch exceptions
    G2.12 Synchronization and debug exceptions

Chapter G3 The AArch32 System Level Memory Model
    G3.1 About the memory system architecture
    G3.2 Address space
    G3.3 Mixed-endian support
    G3.4 AArch32 cache and branch predictor support
    G3.5 System register support for IMPLEMENTATION DEFINED memory features G3-3975
    G3.6 External aborts
    G3.7 Memory barrier instructions
    G3.8 Pseudocode description of general memory system instructions

Chapter G4 The AArch32 Virtual Memory System Architecture
    G4.1 Execution privilege, Exception levels, and AArch32 Privilege levels
    G4.2 About VMSAv8-32
    G4.3 The effects of disabling address translation stages on VMSAv8-32 behavior G4-4000
    G4.4 Translation tables
    G4.5 The VMSAv8-32 Short-descriptor translation table format
    G4.6 The VMSAv8-32 Long-descriptor translation table format
    G4.7 Memory access control
    G4.8 Memory region attributes
    G4.9 Translation Lookaside Buffers (TLBs)
    G4.10 TLB maintenance requirements
    G4.11 Caches in VMSAv8-32
    G4.12 VMSAv8-32 memory aborts
    G4.13 Exception reporting in a VMSAv8-32 implementation
    G4.14 Address translation instructions
    G4.15 About the System registers for VMSAv8-32
    G4.16 Organization of the CP14 registers in VMSAv8-32
    G4.17 Organization of the CP15 registers in VMSAv8-32
    G4.18 Functional grouping of VMSAv8-32 System registers
    G4.19 Pseudocode description of VMSAv8-32 memory system operations

Chapter G5 The Generic Timer in AArch32 state
    G5.1 About the Generic Timer in AArch32 state

Chapter G6 AArch32 System Register Descriptions
    G6.1 About the AArch32 System registers
    G6.2 General system control registers
    G6.3 Debug registers
    G6.4 Performance Monitors registers
    G6.5 Generic Timer registers

Part H External Debug
Chapter H1 Introduction to External Debug
    H1.1 Introduction to external debug
    H1.2 External debug

Chapter H2 Debug State
    H2.1 About Debug state
    H2.2 Halting the PE on debug events
    H2.3 Entering Debug state
    H2.4 Behavior in Debug state
    H2.5 Exiting Debug state

Chapter H3 Halting Debug Events
    H3.1 Introduction to Halting debug events
    H3.2 Halting Step debug events
    H3.3 Halt Instruction debug event
    H3.4 Exception Catch debug event
    H3.5 External Debug Request debug event
    H3.6 OS Unlock Catch debug event
    H3.7 Reset Catch debug events
    H3.8 Software Access debug event
    H3.9 Synchronization and Halting debug events

Chapter H4 The Debug Communication Channel and Instruction Transfer Register
    H4.1 Introduction
    H4.2 DCC and ITR registers
    H4.3 DCC and ITR access modes
    H4.4 Flow control of the DCC and ITR registers
    H4.5 Synchronization of DCC and ITR accesses
    H4.6 Interrupt-driven use of the DCC
    H4.7 Pseudocode description of the operation of the DCC and ITR registers

Chapter H5 The Embedded Cross-Trigger Interface
    H5.1 About the Embedded Cross-Trigger (ECT)
    H5.2 Basic operation on the ECT
    H5.3 Cross-triggers on a PE in an ARMv8 implementation
    H5.4 Description and allocation of CTI triggers
    H5.5 CTI registers programmers’ model
    H5.6 Examples

Chapter H6 Debug Reset and Powerdown Support
    H6.1 About Debug over powerdown
    H6.2 Power domains and debug
    H6.3 Core power domain power states
    H6.4 Emulating low-power states
    H6.5 Debug OS Save and Restore sequences
    H6.6 Reset and debug

Chapter H7 The Sample-based Profiling Extension
    H7.1 Sample-based profiling

Chapter H8 About the External Debug Registers
    H8.1 Relationship between external debug and System registers
    H8.2 Supported access sizes
    H8.3 Synchronization of changes to the external debug registers
    H8.4 Memory-mapped accesses to the external debug interface
    H8.5 External debug interface register access permissions
    H8.6 External debug interface registers
    H8.7 Cross-trigger interface registers
    H8.8 External debug register resets

Chapter H9 External Debug Register Descriptions
    H9.1 Introduction
    H9.2 Debug registers
    H9.3 Cross-Trigger Interface registers

Part I Memory-mapped Components of the ARMv8 Architecture
Chapter I1 System Level Implementation of the Generic Timer
    I1.1 About the Generic Timer specification
    I1.2 Memory-mapped counter module
    I1.3 Counter module control and status register summary
    I1.4 Memory-mapped timer components
    I1.5 The CNTBaseN and CNTEL0BaseN frames
    I1.6 The CNTCTLBase frame
    I1.7 Providing a complete set of counter and timer features
    I1.8 Gray-count scheme for timer distribution scheme

Chapter I2 Recommended Memory-mapped Interfaces to the Performance Monitors
    I2.1 About the memory-mapped views of the Performance Monitors registers

Chapter I3 Memory-Mapped System Control Register Descriptions
    I3.1 About the memory-mapped system control register descriptions
    I3.2 Performance Monitors memory-mapped registers summary
    I3.3 Performance Monitors memory-mapped register descriptions
    I3.4 Generic Timer memory-mapped registers overview
    I3.5 Generic Timer memory-mapped register descriptions

Part J Architectural Pseudocode
Chapter J1 ARMv8 Pseudocode
    J1.1 Pseudocode for AArch64 operations
    J1.2 Pseudocode for AArch32 operation
    J1.3 Shared pseudocode