场景:有一个文件系统空间不足,需要扩容空间,准备工作中发现,文件系统对应LV所在VG 的"Free PE" 值是0,VG已经没有空间了,因此要先扩容VG,再扩容LV,但是扩容VG发现“MAX PV”已经到达限制了再增加PV,必需要先增加“MAX PV”具体信息如下:

#vgdisplay /dev/datavg

--- Volume groups ---

VG Name                     /dev/datavg

VG Write Access             read/write     

VG Status                   available                 

Max LV                      255    

Cur LV                      1      

Open LV                     1      

Max PV                      20     

Cur PV                      20     

Act PV                      20     

Max PE per PV               42000        

VGDA                        40  

PE Size (Mbytes)            256             

Total PE                    40580   

Alloc PE                    40580   

Free PE                     0       

Total PVG                   0        

Total Spare PVs             0              

Total Spare PVs in use      0                     

VG Version                  1.0       

VG Max Size                 210000g    

VG Max Extents              840000 

发现这个VG是用1.0的版本,因此有两个办法解决这个问题,一种是通过vgmodify 来修改“MAX PV”,另一种是升级VG 1.0到期2.0,这里主要介绍VG 1.0如何升级到2.0.


  1. 从VG1.0 升级到2.0 要去将datavg去激活,所在只要涉及到这个VG的业务,都需要停下来;

  2. 备份datavg相关配置信息;最好是备份VG所涉及文件系统所有数据,以防万一

    vgexport -p -v -s -m datavg.map /dev/datavg

    vgcfgbackup /dev/datavg



#vgchange -a n /dev/datavg

Volume group "/dev/datavg" has been successfully changed.

#vgversion -V 2.0 /dev/datavg

Performing "vgchange -a y -l -p -s /dev/datavg" to collect data

Activated volume group.

Volume group "/dev/datavg" has been successfully activated.

Warning: Volume Group version 2.0 does not support bad block 

relocation. The bad block relocation policy of all logical volumes 

will be set to NONE.

Old Volume Group configuration for "/dev/datavg" has been saved in "/etc/lvmconf/vgversion_datavg/datavg_1.0.conf"

Deactivating Volume Group "/dev/datavg"

Volume group "/dev/datavg" has been successfully deactivated.

New Volume Group configuration for "/dev/datavg" has been saved in "/etc/lvmconf/vgversion_datavg/datavg_2.0.conf"

Removing the Volume Group /dev/datavg from /etc/lvmtab

Applying the configuration to all Physical Volumes from "/etc/lvmconf/vgversion_datavg/datavg_2.0.conf"

Volume Group configuration has been restored to /dev/rdisk/disk44

Volume Group configuration has been restored to /dev/rdisk/disk43

Volume Group configuration has been restored to /dev/rdisk/disk42

Volume Group configuration has been restored to /dev/rdisk/disk41

Volume Group configuration has been restored to /dev/rdisk/disk40

Volume Group configuration has been restored to /dev/rdisk/disk39

Volume Group configuration has been restored to /dev/rdisk/disk38

Volume Group configuration has been restored to /dev/rdisk/disk37

Volume Group configuration has been restored to /dev/rdisk/disk36

Volume Group configuration has been restored to /dev/rdisk/disk35

Volume Group configuration has been restored to /dev/rdisk/disk34

Volume Group configuration has been restored to /dev/rdisk/disk33

Volume Group configuration has been restored to /dev/rdisk/disk32

Volume Group configuration has been restored to /dev/rdisk/disk31

Volume Group configuration has been restored to /dev/rdisk/disk30

Volume Group configuration has been restored to /dev/rdisk/disk29

Volume Group configuration has been restored to /dev/rdisk/disk28

Volume Group configuration has been restored to /dev/rdisk/disk27

Volume Group configuration has been restored to /dev/rdisk/disk26

Volume Group configuration has been restored to /dev/rdisk/disk25

Creating the Volume Group of version 2.0 with minor number 0x1000.

Adding the Volume Group /dev/datavg to /etc/lvmtab_p

Original Volume Group Version was 1.0

New Volume Group Version is 2.0

Volume Group version has been successfully changed to 2.0

Volume Group configuration for /dev/datavg has been saved in /etc/lvmconf/datavg.conf

##vgchange -a y /dev/datavg

Activated volume group.

Volume group "/dev/datavg" has been successfully changed.

#vgdisplay /dev/datavg

--- Volume groups ---

VG Name                     /dev/datavg

VG Write Access             read/write     

VG Status                   available                 

Max LV                      511    

Cur LV                      1      

Open LV                     1      

Max PV                      511    

Cur PV                      20     

Act PV                      20     

Max PE per PV               65536          

VGDA                        40  

PE Size (Mbytes)            256             

Total PE                    40580          

Alloc PE                    40580          

Free PE                     0              

Total PVG                   0        

Total Spare PVs             0              

Total Spare PVs in use      0                     

VG Version                  2.0       

VG Max Size                 210000g    

VG Max Extents              840000

此时就成功的增加了Max PV的值到511了。