perf 是Linux的一款性能分析工具,能够进行函数级和指令级的热点查找,可以用来分析程序中热点函数的CPU占用率,从而定位性能瓶颈。

Performance analysis tools for Linux.


  • 性能分析的目的是查找性能瓶颈、热点代码,分析引发性能问题的原因,包括评估程序对硬件资源的使用情况,例如各级cache的访问次数,各级cache的丢失次数、流水线停顿周期、前端总线访问次数等。评估程序对操作系统资源的使用情况,系统调用次数、上下文切换次数、任务迁移次数等。
  • 基于性能分析,可以进行性能优化,包括:算法优化(空间复杂度和时间复杂度的权衡)和代码优化(提高执行速度、减少内存占用)。


Linux性能计数器是一个基于内核的子系统,它提供一个性能分析框架,比如硬件(CPU、PMU(Performance Monitoring Unit))功能和软件(软件计数器、tracepoint)功能,tracepoints是预埋在内核源码中的一些hook,它们能够在特定的代码被执行到时触发,这一特定能够被各类trace/debug工具所使用。perf将tracepoint产生的时间记录下来,生成报告,这些tracepint的对应的sysfs节点在/sys/kernel/debug/tracing/events目录下。


Perf 可以对众多软硬件事件(程序进行到函数级别)采样,还能采集出跟踪点(trace points)的信息(比如系统调用、TCP/IP事件和文件系统操作,从而了解程序的性能瓶颈在哪里。其基本原理是:每隔一个固定时间,就是CPU上产生一个中断,看当前是哪个进程、哪个函数,然后给对应的进程和函数加一个统计值,这样就知道CPU有多少时间在某个进程或某个函数上了。perf的代码和Linux内核代码放在一起,是内核级的工具。perf是在Linux上做剖析分析的首选工具。



root: /5g_build/5g_Main/$ perf -h

 usage: perf [--version] [--help] [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]

 The most commonly used perf commands are:
   annotate        Read (created by perf record) and display annotated code
   archive         Create archive with object files with build-ids found in file
   bench           General framework for benchmark suites
   buildid-cache   Manage build-id cache.
   buildid-list    List the buildids in a file
   c2c             Shared Data C2C/HITM Analyzer.
   config          Get and set variables in a configuration file.
   data            Data file related processing
   diff            Read files and display the differential profile
   evlist          List the event names in a file
   ftrace          simple wrapper for kernel's ftrace functionality
   inject          Filter to augment the events stream with additional information
   kallsyms        Searches running kernel for symbols
   kmem            Tool to trace/measure kernel memory properties
   kvm             Tool to trace/measure kvm guest os
   list            List all symbolic event types
   lock            Analyze lock events
   mem             Profile memory accesses
   record          Run a command and record its profile into
   report          Read (created by perf record) and display the profile
   sched           Tool to trace/measure scheduler properties (latencies)
   script          Read (created by perf record) and display trace output
   stat            Run a command and gather performance counter statistics
   test            Runs sanity tests.
   timechart       Tool to visualize total system behavior during a workload
   top             System profiling tool.
   probe           Define new dynamic tracepoints
   trace           strace inspired tool

 See 'perf help COMMAND' for more information on a specific command.


annotate:读取由 perf record记录)并显示带注释的代码,需要在编译应用程序时加入-g选项



buildid-cache: 管理build-id缓存





diff: 读取perf.data文件并显示差分曲线





kvm: 追踪/测量kvm客户操作系统的工具







script: 读取由perf记录创建)并显示跟踪输出







perf list


List of pre-defined events (to be used in -e):

  alignment-faults                                   [Software event]
  context-switches OR cs                             [Software event]
  cpu-clock                                          [Software event]
  cpu-migrations OR migrations                       [Software event]
  dummy                                              [Software event]
  emulation-faults                                   [Software event]
  major-faults                                       [Software event]
  minor-faults                                       [Software event]
  page-faults OR faults                              [Software event]
  task-clock                                         [Software event]

  msr/pperf/                                         [Kernel PMU event]
  msr/smi/                                           [Kernel PMU event]
  msr/tsc/                                           [Kernel PMU event]
  power/energy-cores/                                [Kernel PMU event]
  power/energy-pkg/                                  [Kernel PMU event]
  power/energy-ram/                                  [Kernel PMU event]

  rNNN                                               [Raw hardware event descriptor]
  cpu/t1=v1[,t2=v2,t3 ...]/modifier                  [Raw hardware event descriptor]
   (see 'man perf-list' on how to encode it)

  mem:<addr>[/len][:access]                          [Hardware breakpoint]

  block:block_bio_backmerge                          [Tracepoint event]
  block:block_bio_bounce                             [Tracepoint event]
  block:block_bio_complete                           [Tracepoint event]
  block:block_bio_frontmerge                         [Tracepoint event]
  block:block_bio_queue                              [Tracepoint event]
  block:block_bio_remap                              [Tracepoint event]
  block:block_dirty_buffer                           [Tracepoint event]
  block:block_getrq                                  [Tracepoint event]
  block:block_plug                                   [Tracepoint event]
  block:block_rq_abort                               [Tracepoint event]


  • Hardware Event: 是由PMU硬件产生的事件,比如 cache 命中
  • Software Event:是内核软件产生的事件,比如进程切换,tick 数等
  • Tracepoint event:是内核中的静态 tracepoint 所触发的事件

perf stat

采集程序的运行时间和CPU开销,perf stat支持的主要参数:

-a, --all-cpus        system-wide collection from all CPUs
    -A, --no-aggr         disable CPU count aggregation
    -B, --big-num         print large numbers with thousands' separators
    -C, --cpu <cpu>       list of cpus to monitor in system-wide
    -D, --delay <n>       ms to wait before starting measurement after program start (-1: start with events disabled)
    -d, --detailed        detailed run - start a lot of events
    -e, --event <event>   event selector. use 'perf list' to list available events
    -G, --cgroup <name>   monitor event in cgroup name only
    -g, --group           put the counters into a counter group
    -I, --interval-print <n>
                          print counts at regular interval in ms (overhead is possible for values <= 100ms)
    -i, --no-inherit      child tasks do not inherit counters
    -M, --metrics <metric/metric group list>
                          monitor specified metrics or metric groups (separated by ,)
    -n, --null            null run - dont start any counters
    -o, --output <file>   output file name
    -p, --pid <pid>       stat events on existing process id
    -r, --repeat <n>      repeat command and print average + stddev (max: 100, forever: 0)
    -S, --sync            call sync() before starting a run
    -t, --tid <tid>       stat events on existing thread id
    -T, --transaction     hardware transaction statistics
    -v, --verbose         be more verbose (show counter open errors, etc)

使用命令perf stat -p <pid>可以采集某一个进程的运行信息,<pid>可以通过top工具获得:

top - 16:51:29 up 24 days, 1 min,  2 users,  load average: 0.48, 0.68, 1.00
Tasks:  26 total,   2 running,  24 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
%Cpu(s): 13.6 us,  1.2 sy,  0.0 ni, 85.2 id,  0.0 wa,  0.0 hi,  0.0 si,  0.0 st
KiB Mem:  32763512 total, 14078456 used, 18685056 free,   842136 buffers
KiB Swap:        0 total,        0 used,        0 free. 10791840 cached Mem

  PID USER      PR  NI    VIRT    RES    SHR S  %CPU  %MEM     TIME+ COMMAND                                                                                                                      
31404 root      20   0   19988    892    684 R 100.0 0.003   0:08.62 test                                                                                                                         
16506 root      20   0  636592  26840  16040 S 1.333 0.082   2:44.31 node                                                                                                                         
 1103 root      20   0 1010144  42180  15692 S 0.667 0.129   1:37.42 node                                                                                                                         
 1072 root      20   0  998896 104500  18832 S 0.333 0.319   1:19.19 node                                                                                                                         
    1 root      20   0   26864   2044   1636 S 0.000 0.006   0:00.05 code-server-x86                                                                                                              
 1030 root      20   0   73888   3640   2872 S 0.000 0.011   0:00.00 sshd                                                                                                                         
 1033 root      20   0   35836   2216   1732 S 0.000 0.007   0:00.00 rsyncd                                                                                                                       
 1035 root      20   0   26864    932    528 S 0.000 0.003   0:00.00 code-server-x86                                                                                                              
 1036 root      20   0  205680  32388   6180 S 0.000 0.099   0:11.50 python3                                                                                                                      
 1038 root      20   0  129800  31800   5612 S 0.000 0.097   0:11.43 python3                                                                                                                      
 1042 root      20   0  723032  36572  16052 S 0.000 0.112   0:01.49 node                                                                                                                         
16465 root      20   0 1072336 163008  23064 S 0.000 0.498   0:48.81 node                                                                                                                         
16476 root      20   0  896504  98148  15460 S 0.000 0.300   0:13.43 node                                                                                                                         
16512 root      20   0  659364  84108  18608 S 0.000 0.257   0:03.60 node                                                                                                                         
16514 root      20   0  616684  23924  14844 S 0.000 0.073   0:01.01 node                                                                                                                         
16537 root      20   0  607840  29452  17456 S 0.000 0.090   0:00.97 node                                                                                                                         
16543 root      20   0  605776  25336  14788 S 0.000 0.077   0:00.91 node                                                                                                                         
16550 root      20   0  605728  27440  14792 S 0.000 0.084   0:00.91 node                                                                                                                         
16557 root      20   0  606312  25904  14848 S 0.000 0.079   0:00.94 node                                                                                                                         
27352 root      20   0 1595104 483140   7972 S 0.000 1.475   5:00.23 cpptools                                                                                                                     
29068 root      20   0 4902488   8660   3988 S 0.000 0.026   0:00.21 cpptools-srv                                                                                                                 
29529 root      20   0   30560   6060   2032 S 0.000 0.018   0:00.04 bash                                                                                                                         
31411 root      20   0   30456   5968   1940 S 0.000 0.018   0:00.03 bash                                                                                                                         
31455 root      20   0   28764   1740   1280 R 0.000 0.005   0:00.00 top                                                                                                                          
31475 root      20   0   26860   1972   1588 S 0.000 0.006   0:00.00                                                                                                                  
31479 root      20   0   21564    964    764 S 0.000 0.003   0:00.00 sleep                                                                                                                        

root: /5g_build/5g_Main/$ perf stat -p 31404
 Performance counter stats for process id '31404':

      18958.321499      task-clock (msec)         #    1.000 CPUs utilized          
                28      context-switches          #    0.001 K/sec                  
                 6      cpu-migrations            #    0.000 K/sec                  
                 0      page-faults               #    0.000 K/sec                  
   <not supported>      cycles                                                      
   <not supported>      instructions                                                
   <not supported>      branches                                                    
   <not supported>      branch-misses                                               

      18.959020937 seconds time elapsed
  • Task-clock(msec):CPU利用率,该值高,说明程序的多数时间花费在 CPU 计算上而非 IO
  • Context-switches:进程切换次数,记录了程序运行过程中发生了多少次进程切换,频繁的进程切换是应该避免的
  • Cache-misses:程序运行过程中总体的 cache 利用情况,如果该值过高,说明程序的 cache 利用不好
  • CPU-migrations:表示进程31404运行过程中发生了多少次 CPU 迁移,即被调度器从一个 CPU 转移到另外一个 CPU 上运行
  • Cycles:处理器时钟,一条机器指令可能需要多个 cycles
  • Instructions: 机器指令数目
  • IPC:是 Instructions/Cycles 的比值,该值越大越好,说明程序充分利用了处理器的特性
  • Cache-references: cache命中的次数
  • Cache-misses: cache失效的次数
  • Page-faults:缺页异常的次数。当应用程序请求的页面尚未建立、请求的页面不在内存中,或者请求的页面虽然在内存中,但物理地址和虚拟地址的映射关系尚未建立时,都会触发一次缺页异常。另外TLB不命中,页面访问权限不匹配等情况也会触发缺页异常。
  • Branches:遇到的分支指令数
  • Branch-misses:预测错误的分支指令数

perf record

剖析采样可以帮助我们采集到程序运行的特征,而且剖析精度非常高,可以定位到具体的代码行和指令块,perf record支持的参数如下:

-a, --all-cpus        system-wide collection from all CPUs
    -b, --branch-any      sample any taken branches
    -B, --no-buildid      do not collect buildids in
    -c, --count <n>       event period to sample
    -C, --cpu <cpu>       list of cpus to monitor
    -d, --data            Record the sample addresses
    -D, --delay <n>       ms to wait before starting measurement after program start (-1: start with events disabled)
    -e, --event <event>   event selector. use 'perf list' to list available events
    -F, --freq <freq or 'max'>
                          profile at this frequency
    -g                    enables call-graph recording
    -G, --cgroup <name>   monitor event in cgroup name only
    -I, --intr-regs[=<any register>]
                          sample selected machine registers on interrupt, use '-I?' to list register names
    -i, --no-inherit      child tasks do not inherit counters
    -j, --branch-filter <branch filter mask>
                          branch stack filter modes
    -k, --clockid <clockid>
                          clockid to use for events, see clock_gettime()
    -m, --mmap-pages <pages[,pages]>
                          number of mmap data pages and AUX area tracing mmap pages
    -N, --no-buildid-cache
                          do not update the buildid cache
    -n, --no-samples      don't sample
    -o, --output <file>   output file name
    -P, --period          Record the sample period
    -p, --pid <pid>       record events on existing process id
    -q, --quiet           don't print any message
    -R, --raw-samples     collect raw sample records from all opened counters
    -r, --realtime <n>    collect data with this RT SCHED_FIFO priority
    -S, --snapshot[=<opts>]
                          AUX area tracing Snapshot Mode
    -s, --stat            per thread counts
    -t, --tid <tid>       record events on existing thread id
    -T, --timestamp       Record the sample timestamps
    -u, --uid <user>      user to profile
    -v, --verbose         be more verbose (show counter open errors, etc)


root: /5g_build/5g_Main/$ perf record -F 1000 -p 31404




perf record -e raw_syscalls:sys_enter ./test列出系统调用次数,查看系统调用主要发生在哪里:

Samples: 144  of event 'raw_syscalls:sys_enter', Event count (approx.): 144
Overhead  Trace output
   5.56%  NR 9 (0, 1000, 3, 22, ffffffff, 0)
   2.08%  NR 3 (3, 1a39e, 1, 2, 3, 0)
   2.08%  NR 9 (0, 1a39e, 1, 2, 3, 0)
   1.39%  NR 0 (3, 7f661ec89000, 1000, 22, ffffffff, 0)
   0.69%  NR 0 (3, 7f661ec89000, 1000, 0, 3d7467786b746674, 7471766b70716f3d)
   0.69%  NR 0 (3, 7f661ec89000, 1000, 6874206461657220, 7f661ec894a8, 7f661ea64698)
   0.69%  NR 0 (3, 7ffe58453830, 340, 10eddc0, 80000000, 7ffe58453817)
   0.69%  NR 0 (3, 7ffe58453840, 340, 10ec700, 80000000, 7ffe58453827)
   0.69%  NR 0 (3, 7ffe58453ae0, 340, 10ec4f0, 90000001, 7ffe58453ac7)
   0.69%  NR 0 (3, 7ffe58453b00, 340, 10ed8d0, 90000001, 7ffe58453ae7)
   0.69%  NR 0 (3, 7ffe58453cc0, 340, 7f661ec8a4b8, 0, 7ffe58453ca7)
   0.69%  NR 0 (3, 7ffe58453cf0, 340, 7f661ec6ee58, 0, 7ffe58453cd7)
   0.69%  NR 0 (3, 7ffe58453d20, 340, 7f661ec6e988, 0, 7ffe58453d07)
   0.69%  NR 0 (3, 7ffe58453e40, 340, 7f661ec6e4b8, 0, 7ffe58453e27)
   0.69%  NR 0 (3, 7ffe58453f70, 340, 7f661ec8dc90, 4000000, 7ffe58453f57)
   0.69%  NR 0 (5, 7f661ec89000, 1000, 22, ffffffff, 0)
   0.69%  NR 0 (5, 7f661ec89000, 1000, 656d616e79622e77, 7f661ec896dd, 6f64616873206568)
   0.69%  NR 10 (600000, 1000, 1, 7f661ec8d148, 0, 0)
   0.69%  NR 10 (7f661d868000, 1ff000, 0, 802, 3, 0)
   0.69%  NR 10 (7f661da67000, 1000, 1, 10eddf0, 7f661ec6e4d0, 7f661ec6e4d0)
   0.69%  NR 10 (7f661da79000, 200000, 0, 802, 3, 0)
   0.69%  NR 10 (7f661dc79000, 1000, 1, 10ed8f0, 7f661ec6e4d0, 7f661ec6e4d0)
   0.69%  NR 10 (7f661dc91000, 1ff000, 0, 802, 3, 0)
   0.69%  NR 10 (7f661de90000, 1000, 1, 10ed2c0, 7f661ec6e4d0, 7f661ec6e4d0)
   0.69%  NR 10 (7f661de9b000, 1ff000, 0, 802, 3, 0)
   0.69%  NR 10 (7f661e09a000, 1000, 1, 10ece10, 7f661ec6e4d0, 7f661ec6e4d0)
   0.69%  NR 10 (7f661e0a3000, 1ff000, 0, 802, 3, 0)
   0.69%  NR 10 (7f661e2a2000, 1000, 1, 7f661ec8a4d0, 7f661ec6e4d0, 7f661ec6e4d0)
   0.69%  NR 10 (7f661e2bc000, 1ff000, 0, 802, 3, 0)
   0.69%  NR 10 (7f661e4bb000, 1000, 1, 7f661ec8a000, 7f661ec6e4d0, 7f661ec6e4d0)
   0.69%  NR 10 (7f661e4c3000, 200000, 0, 802, 3, 0)
   0.69%  NR 10 (7f661e6c3000, 1000, 1, 7f661ec6e9a0, 7f661ec6e4d0, 7f661ec6e4d0)
   0.69%  NR 10 (7f661e861000, 1ff000, 0, 802, 3, 0)
   0.69%  NR 10 (7f661ea60000, 4000, 1, 7f661ec6e4d0, 0, 7f661ec8d6e0)
   0.69%  NR 10 (7f661eb6e000, ff000, 0, 802, 3, 0)
   0.69%  NR 10 (7f661ec8b000, 1000, 1, 7f661ec8c998, 7f661ec6e4d0, 7f661ec6e4d0)
   0.69%  NR 102 (7f661eb6c842, 7f661ec6d821, 1, ff87a407, f8f0000000000000, 10f62b0)
   0.69%  NR 11 (7f661ec6f000, 1a39e, 2a6c, 7f661ec8c998, 7f661ec6e4d0, 7f661ec6e4d0)
   0.69%  NR 11 (7f661ec6f000, 1a39e, 7ffe58454057, 10ece10, 0, 7f661ec6e4d0)
   0.69%  NR 11 (7f661ec6f000, 1a39e, 7ffe58454077, 10ed8f0, 0, 7f661ec6e4d0)
   0.69%  NR 11 (7f661ec89000, 1000, 0, 6874206461657220, 7f661ec89400, 10ec6d0)
   0.69%  NR 11 (7f661ec89000, 1000, 0, fd09cf21, 10f6160, 7f661eb66700)
   0.69%  NR 11 (7f661ec89000, 1000, 0, fd09cf21, 7f661ec89600, 10eeab0)
   0.69%  NR 11 (7f661ec8a000, b, 1ce6e, 3a, 0, 70000021)
   0.69%  NR 12 (0, 0, 0, 0, 37f, 64)


Samples: 54K of event 'cpu-clock', Event count (approx.): 13565000000
  Children      Self  Command  Shared Object      Symbol
+   99.99%     0.00%  test       [.] __libc_start_main
+   99.99%     0.00%  test     test               [.] main
+   99.99%    99.99%  test     test               [.] print
     0.00%     0.00%  test     [kernel.kallsyms]  [k] __do_softirq
     0.00%     0.00%  test     [kernel.kallsyms]  [k] ret_from_intr
     0.00%     0.00%  test     [kernel.kallsyms]  [k] system_call_fastpath
     0.00%     0.00%  test     [kernel.kallsyms]  [k] __irqentry_text_start
     0.00%     0.00%  test     [kernel.kallsyms]  [k] irq_exit
     0.00%     0.00%  test     [kernel.kallsyms]  [k] do_softirq
     0.00%     0.00%  test     [kernel.kallsyms]  [k] call_softirq
     0.00%     0.00%  test     [kernel.kallsyms]  [k] scsi_softirq_done
     0.00%     0.00%  test     [kernel.kallsyms]  [k] pagevec_lru_move_fn
     0.00%     0.00%  test         [.] _dl_sysdep_start
     0.00%     0.00%  test         [.] munmap
     0.00%     0.00%  test     [kernel.kallsyms]  [k] __call_rcu
     0.00%     0.00%  test     [kernel.kallsyms]  [k] _raw_qspin_lock
     0.00%     0.00%  test     [kernel.kallsyms]  [k] get_empty_filp
     0.00%     0.00%  test         [.] _dl_map_object
     0.00%     0.00%  test       [.] _IO_file_close
     0.00%     0.00%  test     [unknown]          [k] 0000000000000000
     0.00%     0.00%  test     [kernel.kallsyms]  [k] int_signal
     0.00%     0.00%  test     [kernel.kallsyms]  [k] sys_munmap
     0.00%     0.00%  test         [.] _dl_setup_hash
     0.00%     0.00%  test       [.] _IO_file_open
     0.00%     0.00%  test     [kernel.kallsyms]  [k] async_page_fault
     0.00%     0.00%  test     [kernel.kallsyms]  [k] do_notify_resume
     0.00%     0.00%  test     [kernel.kallsyms]  [k] vm_munmap
     0.00%     0.00%  test     [kernel.kallsyms]  [k] do_async_page_fault
     0.00%     0.00%  test     [kernel.kallsyms]  [k] do_munmap
     0.00%     0.00%  test     [kernel.kallsyms]  [k] sys_open
     0.00%     0.00%  test     [kernel.kallsyms]  [k] task_work_run
     0.00%     0.00%  test     [kernel.kallsyms]  [k] ____fput
     0.00%     0.00%  test     [kernel.kallsyms]  [k] do_sys_open
     0.00%     0.00%  test     [kernel.kallsyms]  [k] trace_do_page_fault
     0.00%     0.00%  test     [kernel.kallsyms]  [k] unmap_region
     0.00%     0.00%  test     [kernel.kallsyms]  [k] __do_page_fault
     0.00%     0.00%  test     [kernel.kallsyms]  [k] __fput
     0.00%     0.00%  test     [kernel.kallsyms]  [k] do_filp_open
     0.00%     0.00%  test     [kernel.kallsyms]  [k] lru_add_drain
     0.00%     0.00%  test     [kernel.kallsyms]  [k] blk_done_softirq
     0.00%     0.00%  test     [kernel.kallsyms]  [k] call_rcu_sched
     0.00%     0.00%  test     [kernel.kallsyms]  [k] handle_mm_fault
     0.00%     0.00%  test     [kernel.kallsyms]  [k] lru_add_drain_cpu
     0.00%     0.00%  test     [kernel.kallsyms]  [k] path_openat

perf report

Usage: perf report [<options>]

    -b, --branch-stack    use branch records for per branch histogram filling
    -c, --comms <comm[,comm...]>
                          only consider symbols in these comms
    -C, --cpu <cpu>       list of cpus to profile
    -d, --dsos <dso[,dso...]>
                          only consider symbols in these dsos
    -D, --dump-raw-trace  dump raw trace in ASCII
    -F, --fields <key[,keys...]>
                          output field(s): overhead, period, sample plus all of sort keys
    -f, --force           don't complain, do it
    -g, --call-graph <print_type,threshold[,print_limit],order,sort_key[,branch],value>
                          Display call graph (stack chain/backtrace):

                                print_type:     call graph printing style (graph|flat|fractal|folded|none)
                                threshold:      minimum call graph inclusion threshold (<percent>)
                                print_limit:    maximum number of call graph entry (<number>)
                                order:          call graph order (caller|callee)
                                sort_key:       call graph sort key (function|address)
                                branch:         include last branch info to call graph (branch)
                                value:          call graph value (percent|period|count)

                                Default: graph,0.5,caller,function,percent
    -G, --inverted        alias for inverted call graph
    -i, --input <file>    input file name
    -I, --show-info       Display extended information about file
    -k, --vmlinux <file>  vmlinux pathname
    -M, --disassembler-style <disassembler style>
                          Specify disassembler style (e.g. -M intel for intel syntax)
    -m, --modules         load module symbols - WARNING: use only with -k and LIVE kernel
    -n, --show-nr-samples
                          Show a column with the number of samples
    -p, --parent <regex>  regex filter to identify parent, see: '--sort parent'
    -q, --quiet           Do not show any message
    -s, --sort <key[,key2...]>
                          sort by key(s): pid, comm, dso, symbol, parent, cpu, srcline, ... Please refer the man page for the complete list.
    -S, --symbols <symbol[,symbol...]>
                          only consider these symbols
    -t, --field-separator <separator>
                          separator for columns, no spaces will be added between columns '.' is reserved.
    -T, --threads         Show per-thread event counters
    -U, --hide-unresolved
                          Only display entries resolved to a symbol
    -v, --verbose         be more verbose (show symbol address, etc)
    -w, --column-widths <width[,width...]>
                          don't try to adjust column width, use these fixed values
    -x, --exclude-other   Only display entries with parent-match
        --asm-raw         Display raw encoding of assembly instructions (default)
        --branch-history  add last branch records to call history
        --children        Accumulate callchains of children and show total overhead as well
        --demangle        Disable symbol demangling
                          Enable kernel symbol demangling
                          Show full source file name path for source lines
        --group           Show event group information together
        --gtk             Use the GTK2 interface
        --header          Show data header.
        --header-only     Show only data header.
        --hierarchy       Show entries in a hierarchy
        --ignore-callees <regex>
                          ignore callees of these functions in call graphs
        --inline          Show inline function
                          Instruction Tracing options
        --kallsyms <file>
                          kallsyms pathname
        --max-stack <n>   Set the maximum stack depth when parsing the callchain, anything beyond the specified depth will be ignored. Default: kernel.perf_event_max_stack or 127
        --mem-mode        mem access profile
        --objdump <path>  objdump binary to use for disassembly and annotations
        --percent-limit <percent>
                          Don't show entries under that percent
        --percentage <relative|absolute>
                          how to display percentage of filtered entries
        --pid <pid[,pid...]>
                          only consider symbols in these pids
        --pretty <key>    pretty printing style key: normal raw
        --raw-trace       Show raw trace event output (do not use print fmt or plugins)
                          Show sample percentage for different cpu modes
                          Show callgraph from reference event
                          Show a column with the sum of periods
        --socket-filter <n>
                          only show processor socket that match with this filter
        --source          Interleave source code with assembly code (default)
        --stdio           Use the stdio interface
        --stdio-color <mode>
                          'always' (default), 'never' or 'auto' only applicable to --stdio mode
        --symbol-filter <filter>
                          only show symbols that (partially) match with this filter
        --symfs <directory>
                          Look for files with symbols relative to this directory
        --tid <tid[,tid...]>
                          only consider symbols in these tids
        --time <str>      Time span of interest (start,stop)
        --tui             Use the TUI interface

使用命令perf report -i > perf.txt把结果写入文本文件:

# To display the header info, please use --header/--header-only options.
# Total Lost Samples: 0
# Samples: 21K of event 'cpu-clock'
# Event count (approx.): 21067000000
# Overhead  Command  Shared Object      Symbol                                    
# ........  .......  .................  ..........................................
    99.87%  test     test               [.] print
     0.04%  test     [kernel.kallsyms]  [k] __do_softirq
     0.02%  test     [kernel.kallsyms]  [k] _raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore
     0.01%  test     [kernel.kallsyms]  [k] find_busiest_group
     0.01%  test     [kernel.kallsyms]  [k] run_timer_softirq
     0.00%  test     [kernel.kallsyms]  [k] _raw_qspin_lock
     0.00%  test     [kernel.kallsyms]  [k] check_for_new_grace_period.isra.26
     0.00%  test     [kernel.kallsyms]  [k] iowrite16
     0.00%  test     [kernel.kallsyms]  [k] kmem_cache_free
     0.00%  test     [kernel.kallsyms]  [k] mod_timer_pending
     0.00%  test     [kernel.kallsyms]  [k] nf_ct_delete_from_lists
     0.00%  test     [kernel.kallsyms]  [k] packet_rcv
     0.00%  test     [kernel.kallsyms]  [k] rcu_process_callbacks
     0.00%  test     [kernel.kallsyms]  [k] rcu_process_gp_end
     0.00%  test     [kernel.kallsyms]  [k] rebalance_domains
     0.00%  test     [kernel.kallsyms]  [k] source_load

# (Tip: Save output of perf stat using: perf stat record <target workload>)
  • Overhead:指出了该Symbol采样在总采样中所占的百分比。在当前场景下,表示了该Symbol消耗的CPU时间占总CPU时间的百分比
  • Command:进程名
  • Shared Object:模块名, 比如具体哪个共享库,哪个可执行程序
  • Symbol:二进制模块中的符号名,如果是高级语言,比如C语言编写的程序,等价于函数名

perf report命令下移动光标到某一函数上敲击Enter键,还可以更详细地查看分析结果:

Annotate print                   --- 分析print函数中指令或者代码的性能
Zoom into test thread             --- 聚焦到线程 test
Zoom into test DSO              --- 聚焦到动态共享对象test
Browse map details                --- 查看map
Run scripts for samples of thread [test]--- 针对test线程的采样运行脚本
Run scripts for samples of symbol [test] --- 针对函数的采样运行脚本   
Run scripts for all samples       --- 针对所有采样运行脚步
Switch to another data file in PWD --- 切换到当前目录中另一个数据文件


Usage: perf annotate [<options>]

    -C, --cpu <cpu>       list of cpus to profile
    -d, --dsos <dso[,dso...]>
                          only consider symbols in these dsos
    -D, --dump-raw-trace  dump raw trace in ASCII
    -f, --force           don't complain, do it
    -i, --input <file>    input file name
    -k, --vmlinux <file>  vmlinux pathname
    -l, --print-line      print matching source lines (may be slow)
    -M, --disassembler-style <disassembler style>
                          Specify disassembler style (e.g. -M intel for intel syntax)
    -m, --modules         load module symbols - WARNING: use only with -k and LIVE kernel
    -n, --show-nr-samples
                          Show a column with the number of samples
    -P, --full-paths      Don't shorten the displayed pathnames
    -q, --quiet           do now show any message
    -s, --symbol <symbol>
                          symbol to annotate
    -v, --verbose         be more verbose (show symbol address, etc)
        --asm-raw         Display raw encoding of assembly instructions (default)
        --group           Show event group information together
        --gtk             Use the GTK interface
        --objdump <path>  objdump binary to use for disassembly and annotations
                          Show a column with the sum of periods
        --skip-missing    Skip symbols that cannot be annotated
        --source          Interleave source code with assembly code (default)
        --stdio           Use the stdio interface
        --stdio-color <mode>
                          'always' (default), 'never' or 'auto' only applicable to --stdio mode
        --symfs <directory>
                          Look for files with symbols relative to this directory
        --tui             Use the TUI interface

可以直接使用annotate 来单独分析函数信息:

perf annotate -l -s <func>

perf top


Usage: perf top [<options>]

    -a, --all-cpus        system-wide collection from all CPUs
    -b, --branch-any      sample any taken branches
    -c, --count <n>       event period to sample
    -C, --cpu <cpu>       list of cpus to monitor
    -d, --delay <n>       number of seconds to delay between refreshes
    -D, --dump-symtab     dump the symbol table used for profiling
    -E, --entries <n>     display this many functions
    -e, --event <event>   event selector. use 'perf list' to list available events
    -f, --count-filter <n>
                          only display functions with more events than this
    -F, --freq <n>        profile at this frequency
    -g                    enables call-graph recording and display
    -i, --no-inherit      child tasks do not inherit counters
    -j, --branch-filter <branch filter mask>
                          branch stack filter modes
    -K, --hide_kernel_symbols
                          hide kernel symbols
    -k, --vmlinux <file>  vmlinux pathname
    -M, --disassembler-style <disassembler style>
                          Specify disassembler style (e.g. -M intel for intel syntax)
                          hide kernel symbols
    -k, --vmlinux <file>  vmlinux pathname
    -M, --disassembler-style <disassembler style>
                          Specify disassembler style (e.g. -M intel for intel syntax)
    -m, --mmap-pages <pages>
                          number of mmap data pages
    -n, --show-nr-samples
                          Show a column with the number of samples
    -p, --pid <pid>       profile events on existing process id
    -r, --realtime <n>    collect data with this RT SCHED_FIFO priority
    -s, --sort <key[,key2...]>
                          sort by key(s): pid, comm, dso, symbol, parent, cpu, srcline, ... Please refer the man page for the complete list.
    -t, --tid <tid>       profile events on existing thread id
    -U, --hide_user_symbols
                          hide user symbols
    -u, --uid <user>      user to profile
    -v, --verbose         be more verbose (show counter open errors, etc)
    -w, --column-widths <width[,width...]>
                          don't try to adjust column width, use these fixed values
    -z, --zero            zero history across updates
        --asm-raw         Display raw encoding of assembly instructions (default)
        --call-graph <record_mode[,record_size],print_type,threshold[,print_limit],order,sort_key[,branch]>
                          setup and enables call-graph (stack chain/backtrace):

                                record_mode:    call graph recording mode (fp|dwarf|lbr)
                                record_size:    if record_mode is 'dwarf', max size of stack recording (<bytes>)
                                                default: 8192 (bytes)

                                record_mode:    call graph recording mode (fp|dwarf|lbr)
                                record_size:    if record_mode is 'dwarf', max size of stack recording (<bytes>)
                                                default: 8192 (bytes)

                                record_mode:    call graph recording mode (fp|dwarf|lbr)
                                record_size:    if record_mode is 'dwarf', max size of stack recording (<bytes>)
                                                default: 8192 (bytes)

                                record_mode:    call graph recording mode (fp|dwarf|lbr)
                                record_size:    if record_mode is 'dwarf', max size of stack recording (<bytes>)
                                                default: 8192 (bytes)
    -z, --zero            zero history across updates
                                record_mode:    call graph recording mode (fp|dwarf|lbr)
                                record_size:    if record_mode is 'dwarf', max size of stack recording (<bytes>)
                                                default: 8192 (bytes)
                                print_type:     call graph printing style (graph|flat|fractal|folded|none)
                                threshold:      minimum call graph inclusion threshold (<percent>)
                                print_limit:    maximum number of call graph entry (<number>)
                                order:          call graph order (caller|callee)
                                sort_key:       call graph sort key (function|address)
                                branch:         include last branch info to call graph (branch)
                                value:          call graph value (percent|period|count)

                                Default: fp,graph,0.5,caller,function
        --children        Accumulate callchains of children and show total overhead as well
        --percent-limit <percent>
                          Don't show entries under that percent
        --percentage <relative|absolute>
                          How to display percentage of filtered entries
        --proc-map-timeout <n>
                          per thread proc mmap processing timeout in ms
        --raw-trace       Show raw trace event output (do not use print fmt or plugins)
                          Show a column with the sum of periods
        --source          Interleave source code with assembly code (default)
        --stdio           Use the stdio interface
        --sym-annotate <symbol name>
                          symbol to annotate
        --symbols <symbol[,symbol...]>
                          only consider these symbols
        --tui             Use the TUI interface


-e <event>:指明要分析的性能事件。
-p <pid>:Profile events on existing Process ID (comma sperated list). 仅分析目标进程及其创建的线程。
-k <path>:Path to vmlinux. Required for annotation functionality. 带符号表的内核映像所在的路径。
-d <n>:界面的刷新周期,默认为2s,因为perf top默认每2s从mmap的内存区域读取一次性能数据。


Samples: 290K of event 'cpu-clock', Event count (approx.): 21181763519
Overhead  Shared Object                 Symbol
  74.18%  test                          [.] print
   3.76%  [kernel]                      [k] _raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore
   1.47%  [kernel]                      [k] __do_softirq
   0.70%  [kernel]                      [k] run_timer_softirq
   0.55%  [kernel]                      [k] finish_task_switch
   0.52%  [kernel]                      [k] __do_page_fault
   0.34%  [kernel]                      [k] rcu_process_callbacks
   0.31%  [kernel]                      [k] get_vmalloc_info
   0.27%  [kernel]                      [k] find_busiest_group
   0.17%  [kernel]                      [k] rcu_gp_kthread
   0.15%  [kernel]                      [k] free_hot_cold_page
   0.15%  [kernel]                      [k] copy_page_rep
   0.14%  [unknown]                     [.] 0x00007f0f77aaab69
   0.13%  [kernel]                      [k] kmem_cache_free
   0.13%  [kernel]                      [k] clear_page_c_e
   0.13%  [kernel]                      [k] system_call_after_swapgs
   0.12%  [kernel]                      [k] rcu_process_gp_end
   0.12%  [unknown]                     [.] 0x00007f0f77aaab6c
   0.12%  [kernel]                      [k] _raw_qspin_lock
   0.11%  [kernel]                      [k] tick_nohz_idle_enter
   0.11%  [kernel]                      [k] copy_user_enhanced_fast_string
   0.11%  [unknown]                     [.] 0x00007f0f77aaab7a
   0.11%  [kernel]                      [k] unmap_page_range
   0.11%  [kernel]                      [k] __slab_free
   0.10%  [kernel]                      [k] get_page_from_freelist
   0.10%  [kernel]                      [k] load_balance
   0.10%  [kernel]                      [k] rebalance_domains
   0.10%            [.] __pthread_rwlock_unlock
   0.10%  [kernel]                      [k] check_for_new_grace_period.isra.26
   0.09%  rg                            [.] __pthread_mutex_unlock
   0.09%  [unknown]                     [.] 0x00007f0f77aaad26
   0.09%  [unknown]                     [.] 0x00007f0f77aaab7d
   0.09%  [unknown]                     [.] 0x00007f0f77aaad29
   0.09%  [kernel]                      [k] file_free_rcu
   0.09%  [kernel]                      [k] free_page_and_swap_cache
   0.09%  [unknown]                     [.] 0x00007f0f77aaab76
   0.09%  [unknown]                     [.] 0x00007f0f77aaab60
   0.09%  [kernel]                      [k] rcu_idle_exit
   0.08%  [unknown]                     [.] 0x00007f0f77aaabb6
   0.08%  [kernel]                      [k] __find_get_page
   0.08%  [unknown]                     [.] 0x00007f0f77aaabcd
  • 第一列:符号引发的性能事件的比例,指占用的cpu周期比例
  • 第二列:符号所在的DSO(Dynamic Shared Object),可以是应用程序、内核、动态链接库、模块
  • 第三列:DSO的类型,[.]表示此符号属于用户态的ELF文件,包括可执行文件与动态链接库;[k]表述此符号属于内核或模块
  • 第四列:符号名,有些符号不能解析为函数名,只能用地址表示

perf top命令和linux下的top命令有点相似,实时打印出系统中被采样事件的状态和统计数据。perf top主要用于实时剖析各个函数在某个性能 事件(event)上的热度,默认的event是cycles(cpu周期数),这样可以检测系统中所有应用层和内核层函数的热度。

perf top支持两种输出界面,tui和tty,默认是tui,因为tui需要更多的环境和库支持,所以经常出现乱码问题,所以本文都是基于tty界面分析(–stdio)。

直接执行perf top监控的是整个系统中所有进程的状态,多数情况我们只关心某个进程,或者想定位某个线程的性能问题,perf top都是支持的(-p / -t)。


perf top -t 31404 --stdio -g -K


perf top --call-graph [fractal] 路径概率为相对值,加起来为100%,调用顺序为从下往上

perf top --call-graph graph 路径概率为绝对值,加起来为该函数的热度

关于perf top界面常用命令如下:

a:annotate current symbol,注解当前符号。能够给出汇编语言的注解,给出各条指令的采样率。

perf probe


perf prob schedule:12 cpu 在内核函数 schedule() 的第 12 行处加入了一个动态 probe 点,和 tracepoint 的功能一样,内核一旦运行到该 probe 点时,便会通知 perf。可以理解为动态增加了一个新的 tracepoint

perf sched

perf sched提供了许多工具来分析内核CPU调度器的行为,可以用它来识别和量化调度器延迟的问题

  • perf sched专门用于跟踪/测量调度器,包括延时等
  • perf sched record <command>:记录测试过程中的调度事件
  • perf sched latency:报告线程调度延时和其他调度相关属性
  • perf sched script:查看执行过程中详细的trace信息
  • perf sched replay:回放perf sched record录制的执行过程
  • perf sched map:用字符表示打印上下文切换

执行sudo perf sched record ls后,通过不同方式查看结果

perf sched record sleep 10

perf sched latency --sort max

  Task                  |   Runtime ms  | Switches | Average delay ms | Maximum delay ms | Maximum delay at       |
  :14:14                |      0.323 ms |       10 | avg:    1.417 ms | max:    5.016 ms | max at: 2133786.303716 s
  :34:34                |      0.224 ms |       10 | avg:    1.043 ms | max:    5.013 ms | max at: 2133789.922667 s
  :9:9                  |     11.056 ms |     1653 | avg:    0.012 ms | max:    4.005 ms | max at: 2133795.230575 s
  :20834:20834          |      1.977 ms |       10 | avg:    0.737 ms | max:    3.854 ms | max at: 2133792.826450 s
  :44:44                |      0.182 ms |        4 | avg:    1.231 ms | max:    3.436 ms | max at: 2133788.327110 s
  :4603:4603            |     23.657 ms |       49 | avg:    0.073 ms | max:    3.362 ms | max at: 2133795.242342 s
  :24:24                |      0.375 ms |       15 | avg:    0.604 ms | max:    3.015 ms | max at: 2133795.072595 s
  :19:19                |      0.330 ms |       13 | avg:    0.517 ms | max:    2.981 ms | max at: 2133792.114617 s
  :28878:28878          |      0.112 ms |       10 | avg:    0.859 ms | max:    2.894 ms | max at: 2133793.591518 s
  :18203:18203          |      0.307 ms |       25 | avg:    0.264 ms | max:    2.846 ms | max at: 2133792.579451 s
  grep:(29)             |      0.000 ms |     1650 | avg:    0.015 ms | max:    2.683 ms | max at: 2133792.059059 s
  :4600:4600            |     24.257 ms |       47 | avg:    0.060 ms | max:    2.642 ms | max at: 2133795.230570 s
  :11084:11084          |     19.280 ms |     1575 | avg:    0.008 ms | max:    2.636 ms | max at: 2133792.059051 s
  :4310:4310            |      1.744 ms |        3 | avg:    1.049 ms | max:    2.562 ms | max at: 2133787.860902 s
  :4607:4607            |     13.711 ms |       26 | avg:    0.282 ms | max:    2.376 ms | max at: 2133795.244725 s
  :11112:11112          |      0.304 ms |        1 | avg:    2.362 ms | max:    2.362 ms | max at: 2133792.058750 s
  :4596:4596            |     12.092 ms |      248 | avg:    0.039 ms | max:    2.171 ms | max at: 2133795.238976 s
  :4267:4267            |      1.886 ms |        3 | avg:    0.726 ms | max:    2.163 ms | max at: 2133786.389122 s
  :20841:20841          |     11.626 ms |       15 | avg:    0.260 ms | max:    2.082 ms | max at: 2133792.815333 s
  :20834:20834          |      1.977 ms |       10 | avg:    0.737 ms | max:    3.854 ms | max at: 2133792.826450 s
  :44:44                |      0.182 ms |        4 | avg:    1.231 ms | max:    3.436 ms | max at: 2133788.327110 s
  :4603:4603            |     23.657 ms |       49 | avg:    0.073 ms | max:    3.362 ms | max at: 2133795.242342 s
  :24:24                |      0.375 ms |       15 | avg:    0.604 ms | max:    3.015 ms | max at: 2133795.072595 s
  :19:19                |      0.330 ms |       13 | avg:    0.517 ms | max:    2.981 ms | max at: 2133792.114617 s
  :28878:28878          |      0.112 ms |       10 | avg:    0.859 ms | max:    2.894 ms | max at: 2133793.591518 s
  :18203:18203          |      0.307 ms |       25 | avg:    0.264 ms | max:    2.846 ms | max at: 2133792.579451 s
  :4235:4235            |      1.522 ms |        3 | avg:    0.553 ms | max:    1.618 ms | max at: 2133786.185985 s
  :4493:4493            |      1.559 ms |        3 | avg:    0.543 ms | max:    1.610 ms | max at: 2133791.087969 s
  :20838:20838          |      0.694 ms |       90 | avg:    0.028 ms | max:    1.554 ms | max at: 2133792.814760 s
  :4606:4606            |     20.843 ms |       38 | avg:    0.131 ms | max:    1.532 ms | max at: 2133795.221587 s
  :21475:21475          |      1.136 ms |       33 | avg:    0.051 ms | max:    1.532 ms | max at: 2133792.814738 s
  :511:511              |     10.726 ms |       40 | avg:    0.262 ms | max:    1.521 ms | max at: 2133795.228573 s
  ipset:(28)            |      0.000 ms |      473 | avg:    0.035 ms | max:    1.482 ms | max at: 2133790.437174 s
  :7351:7351            |     37.613 ms |       43 | avg:    0.089 ms | max:    1.468 ms | max at: 2133790.594637 s
  :7274:7274            |     43.539 ms |       50 | avg:    0.035 ms | max:    1.468 ms | max at: 2133790.437176 s
  :23220:23220          |      0.205 ms |       14 | avg:    0.148 ms | max:    1.448 ms | max at: 2133790.570121 s
  :28112:28112          |     18.778 ms |      289 | avg:    0.015 ms | max:    1.417 ms | max at: 2133792.059010 s
  • Task:进程的名字和 pid
  • Runtime:实际运行时间
  • Switches:进程切换的次数
  • Average delay:平均的调度延迟
  • Maximum delay:最大延迟

perf sched map

perf sched record sleep 10
perf sched map


*.   .   .   .   C0  .        2133785.243718 secs 
       .  *G0  .   .   C0  .        2133785.244558 secs G0 => :16740:16740
  *H0  .   G0  .   .   C0  .        2133785.244561 secs H0 => :24283:24283
   H0  .   G0  .  *I0  C0  .        2133785.244572 secs I0 => :16047:16047
   H0  .  *.   .   I0  C0  .        2133785.244582 secs 
  *.   .   .   .   I0  C0  .        2133785.244585 secs 
   .   .   .   .   I0  C0 *J0       2133785.244594 secs J0 => :24282:24282
   .   .   .   .  *.   C0  J0       2133785.244594 secs 
   .   .   .   .   .   C0 *.        2133785.244615 secs 
   .   .   .   .   .  *.   .        2133785.244748 secs 
   .  *A0  .   .   .   .   .        2133785.246709 secs 
   .  *.   .   .   .   .   .        2133785.246713 secs 
   .  *A0  .   .   .   .   .        2133785.249709 secs 
   .  *.   .   .   .   .   .        2133785.249715 secs 
   .  *A0  .   .   .   .   .        2133785.252711 secs 
   .  *.   .   .   .   .   .        2133785.252715 secs 
   .   .   .   .  *K0  .   .        2133785.252788 secs K0 => :31257:31257
   .   .   .   .  *.   .   .        2133785.252800 secs 
   .   .   .   .   .  *L0  .        2133785.257075 secs L0 => :28112:28112
  *M0  .   .   .   .   L0  .        2133785.257107 secs M0 => :11084:11084
   M0  .   .   .   .  *.   .        2133785.257121 secs 
   M0 *N0  .   .   .   .   .        2133785.257121 secs N0 => :11137:11137
  *.   N0  .   .   .   .   .        2133785.257122 secs 
   .   N0  .   .   .   .   .  *O0   2133785.257132 secs O0 => :11121:11121
   .   N0  .   .   .   .   .  *.    2133785.257145 secs 
   .   N0 *P0  .   .   .   .   .    2133785.257158 secs P0 => :11081:11081
   .  *.   P0  .   .   .   .   .    2133785.257161 secs 
   .   .  *.   .   .   .   .   .    2133785.257167 secs 
  *M0  .   .   .   .   .   .   .    2133785.257199 secs 
  *.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .    2133785.257203 secs 
   .   .   .   .  *Q0  .   .   .    2133785.270713 secs Q0 => :4953:4953
   .   .   .   .  *.   .   .   .    2133785.270729 secs 
  *R0  .   .   .   .   .   .   .    2133785.278385 secs R0 => :19879:19879
   R0 *S0  .   .   .   .   .   .    2133785.278427 secs S0 => :10538:10538
   R0  S0 *T0  .   .   .   .   .    2133785.278430 secs T0 => :10550:10550
  *.   S0  T0  .   .   .   .   .    2133785.278443 secs 
   .  *.   T0  .   .   .   .   .    2133785.278444 secs 
   .   .  *.   .   .   .   .   .    2133785.278444 secs 
   .   .   .   .   .   .  *U0  .    2133785.278445 secs U0 => :13461:13461
   .   .   .   .   .   .  *.   .    2133785.278460 secs 
   .  *S0  .   .   .   .   .   .    2133785.278526 secs 
   .  *.   .   .   .   .   .   .    2133785.278533 secs 
   .   .   .   .  *V0  .   .   .    2133785.279276 secs V0 => :11903:11903
  *M0  .   .   .   V0  .   .   .    2133785.279299 secs 
  *.   .   .   .   V0  .   .   .    2133785.279308 secs 
   .   .   .   .  *.   .   .   .    2133785.279317 secs


Map 的好处在于提供了一个的总的视图,将成百上千的调度事件进行总结,显示了系统任务在 CPU 之间的分布,假如有不好的调度迁移,比如一个任务没有被及时迁移到 idle 的 CPU 却被迁移到其他忙碌的 CPU,类似这种调度器的问题可以从 map 的报告中一眼看出来

perf sched script

perf sched script能看到更详细的sched信息,包括sched_wakeup/sched_switch等等。每一列的含义依次是:进程名/pid/CPU ID/时间戳

perf sched record sleep 10
perf sched script


swapper     0 [006] 2133785.242711:       sched:sched_switch: swapper/6:0 [120] R ==> rcu_sched:9 [120]
         swapper     0 [006] 2133785.242716:       sched:sched_switch: rcu_sched:9 [120] S ==> swapper/6:0 [120]
            perf 14836 [001] 2133785.243035:       sched:sched_wakeup: node:461 [120] success=1 CPU:002
         swapper     0 [002] 2133785.243039:       sched:sched_switch: swapper/2:0 [120] R ==> node:461 [120]
            perf 14836 [001] 2133785.243044:       sched:sched_wakeup: perf:4209 [120] success=1 CPU:003
         swapper     0 [003] 2133785.243052:       sched:sched_switch: swapper/3:0 [120] R ==> perf:4209 [120]
            node 16488 [002] 2133785.243056:       sched:sched_wakeup: node:460 [120] success=1 CPU:004
         swapper     0 [004] 2133785.243060:       sched:sched_switch: swapper/4:0 [120] R ==> node:460 [120]
            node 16488 [002] 2133785.243062: sched:sched_stat_runtime: comm=node pid=461 runtime=31449 [ns] vruntime=1973914749726 [ns]
            node 16488 [002] 2133785.243064:       sched:sched_switch: node:461 [120] S ==> swapper/2:0 [120]
            node 16487 [004] 2133785.243064: sched:sched_stat_runtime: comm=node pid=460 runtime=12587 [ns] vruntime=441872725215 [ns]
            node 16487 [004] 2133785.243066:       sched:sched_switch: node:460 [120] S ==> swapper/4:0 [120]
            perf 14836 [001] 2133785.243069:       sched:sched_wakeup: node:461 [120] success=1 CPU:002
         swapper     0 [002] 2133785.243072:       sched:sched_switch: swapper/2:0 [120] R ==> node:461 [120]
            node 16488 [002] 2133785.243087:       sched:sched_wakeup: node:460 [120] success=1 CPU:004
         swapper     0 [004] 2133785.243090:       sched:sched_switch: swapper/4:0 [120] R ==> node:460 [120]
            node 16487 [004] 2133785.243092: sched:sched_stat_runtime: comm=node pid=460 runtime=8170 [ns] vruntime=441872733385 [ns]
            node 16487 [004] 2133785.243093:       sched:sched_switch: node:460 [120] S ==> swapper/4:0 [120]
            node 16488 [002] 2133785.243098:       sched:sched_wakeup: node:460 [120] success=1 CPU:004


perf sched timehist

该命令可以获得task的wait time, 特别地, 还能拿到sch delay。timehist统计的sch delay是通过sched_switch和sched_wakeup计算出来的, 而不是stat_wait。

root: /5g_build/5g_Main/$ perf sched record sleep 1
[ perf record: Woken up 1 times to write data ]
[ perf record: Captured and wrote 1.498 MB (9250 samples) ]
root: /5g_build/5g_Main/$ perf sched timehist
           time    cpu  task name                       wait time  sch delay   run time
                        [tid/pid]                          (msec)     (msec)     (msec)
--------------- ------  ------------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------
 2155009.792729 [0005]  <idle>                              0.000      0.000      0.000 
 2155009.792733 [0005]  swapper                             0.000      0.000      0.003 
 2155009.793148 [0004]  <idle>                              0.000      0.000      0.000 
 2155009.793162 [0005]  <idle>                              0.003      0.000      0.429 
 2155009.793169 [0004]  node[16488/16476]                   0.000      0.000      0.020 
 2155009.793170 [0006]  <idle>                              0.000      0.000      0.000 
 2155009.793184 [0006]  node[16487/16476]                   0.000      0.000      0.013 
 2155009.793191 [0004]  <idle>                              0.020      0.000      0.022 
 2155009.793207 [0004]  node[16488/16476]                   0.022      0.000      0.016 
 2155009.793208 [0006]  <idle>                              0.013      0.000      0.023 
 2155009.793215 [0006]  node[16487/16476]                   0.023      0.000      0.007 
 2155009.793216 [0004]  <idle>                              0.016      0.000      0.008 
 2155009.793232 [0004]  node[16488/16476]                   0.008      0.000      0.015 
 2155009.793232 [0006]  <idle>                              0.007      0.000      0.017 
 2155009.793239 [0006]  node[16487/16476]                   0.017      0.000      0.006 
 2155009.793243 [0004]  <idle>                              0.015      0.000      0.011 
 2155009.793258 [0004]  node[16488/16476]                   0.011      0.000      0.015 
 2155009.793259 [0006]  <idle>                              0.006      0.000      0.020 
 2155009.793265 [0006]  node[16487/16476]                   0.020      0.000      0.006 
 2155009.793267 [0004]  <idle>                              0.015      0.000      0.008 
 2155009.793283 [0004]  node[16488/16476]                   0.008      0.000      0.015 
 2155009.793283 [0006]  <idle>                              0.006      0.000      0.018 
 2155009.793290 [0006]  node[16487/16476]                   0.018      0.000      0.006 
 2155009.793302 [0004]  <idle>                              0.015      0.000      0.019 
 2155009.793315 [0005]  perf[32192]                         0.000      0.000      0.152 
 2155009.793318 [0006]  <idle>                              0.006      0.000      0.028 
 2155009.793325 [0006]  node[16487/16476]                   0.028      0.000      0.006 
 2155009.793327 [0005]  swapper                             0.582      0.000      0.011 
 2155009.793334 [0007]  <idle>                              0.000      0.000      0.000 
 2155009.793336 [0006]  <idle>                              0.006      0.000      0.011 
 2155009.793342 [0006]  node[16487/16476]                   0.011      0.000      0.006 
 2155009.793351 [0006]  <idle>                              0.006      0.000      0.008 
 2155009.793358 [0006]  node[16487/16476]                   0.008      0.000      0.006 
 2155009.793366 [0006]  <idle>                              0.006      0.000      0.008 
 2155009.793373 [0006]  node[16487/16476]                   0.008      0.000      0.006

perf lock·


  • “Name”: 锁的名字,比如 md->map_lock,即定义在 dm.c 结构 mapped_device 中的读写锁
  • “acquired”: 该锁被直接获得的次数,即没有其他内核路径拥有该锁的情况下得到该锁的次数
  • “contended”冲突的次数,即在准备获得该锁的时候已经被其他人所拥有的情况的出现次数
  • “total wait”:为了获得该锁,总共的等待时间
  • “max wait”:为了获得该锁,最大的等待时间
  • “min wait”:为了获得该锁,最小的等待时间

perf kmem

Perf Kmem 专门收集内核 slab 分配器的相关事件。比如内存分配,释放等。可以用来研究程序在哪里分配了大量内存,或者在什么地方产生碎片之类的和内存管理相关的问题

  • perf kmem record: 抓取命令的内核slab分配器事件
  • perf kmem stat: 生成内核slab分配器统计信息
Usage: perf kmem [<options>] {record|stat}

    -f, --force           don't complain, do it
    -i, --input <file>    input file name
    -l, --line <num>      show n lines
    -s, --sort <key[,key2...]>
                          sort by keys: ptr, callsite, bytes, hit, pingpong, frag, page, order, migtype, gfp
    -v, --verbose         be more verbose (show symbol address, etc)
        --alloc           show per-allocation statistics
        --caller          show per-callsite statistics
        --live            Show live page stat
        --page            Analyze page allocator
        --raw-ip          show raw ip instead of symbol
        --slab            Analyze slab allocator
        --time <str>      Time span of interest (start,stop)

首先用record命令记录kmem events

root: /5g_build/5g_Main/$ perf kmem record --force sleep 1
[ perf record: Woken up 0 times to write data ]
186 out of order events recorded.
[ perf record: Captured and wrote 144.950 MB (1574498 samples) ]

再用perf kmem stat --caller命令查看: (--caller 显示每个调用点统计信息,--alloc 显示每次内存分配事件)

186 out of order events recorded.
 Callsite                           | Total_alloc/Per | Total_req/Per   | Hit      | Ping-pong | Frag
 cgroup_pidlist_open+8b             |         8/8     |         4/4     |        1 |         0 | 50.000%
 audit_log_d_path+46                |     16384/8192  |      8214/4107  |        2 |         0 | 49.866%
 sk_prot_alloc+c3                   |   5310464/2048  |   2758952/1064  |     2593 |         5 | 48.047%
 pskb_expand_head+6a                |   5230592/1019  |   2948288/574   |     5132 |        15 | 43.634%
 show_uevent+7b                     |     53248/4096  |     30056/2312  |       13 |         0 | 43.555%
 alloc_pipe_info+a7                 |    475136/1024  |    296960/640   |      464 |       221 | 37.500%
 proc_reg_open+32                   |      1984/64    |      1240/40    |       31 |         0 | 37.500%
 alloc_cpumask_var_node+1f          |      4096/1024  |      2560/640   |        4 |         0 | 37.500%
 get_mountpoint+2f                  |       128/64    |        80/40    |        2 |         0 | 37.500%
 key_alloc+12d                      |         8/8     |         5/5     |        1 |         0 | 37.500%
 assoc_array_insert+56              |       512/512   |       328/328   |        1 |         0 | 35.938%
 cgroup_alloc_name.isra.22+1f       |        96/48    |        67/33    |        2 |         0 | 30.208%
 seq_open+106                       |    194880/192   |    138040/136   |     1015 |         0 | 29.167%
 hash_ipport_create+cd              |      1344/192   |       952/136   |        7 |         0 | 29.167%
 sys_name_to_handle_at+df           |       192/192   |       136/136   |        1 |         0 | 29.167%
 __alloc_skb+8d                     |  76957184/2568  |  54961280/1834  |    29962 |       245 | 28.582%
 ip_vs_add_dest+232                 |      7168/512   |      5264/376   |       14 |         0 | 26.562%
 alloc_pipe_info+46                 |     89088/192   |     66816/144   |      464 |       221 | 25.000%
 alloc_fdtable+57                   |     14528/64    |     10896/48    |      227 |       181 | 25.000%
 allocate_cg_links+55               |      5824/64    |      4368/48    |       91 |         0 | 25.000%
 proc_self_follow_link+66           |       384/16    |       288/12    |       24 |         0 | 25.000%
 kernfs_fop_open+1c8                |      1152/64    |       864/48    |       18 |         0 | 25.000%
 bitmap_port_create+a9              |       768/192   |       576/144   |        4 |         0 | 25.000%
 kstrdup_const+23                   |        32/8     |        24/6     |        4 |         0 | 25.000%
 ext4_readdir+716                   |       192/64    |       144/48    |        3 |         0 | 25.000%
 ___sys_sendmsg+21e                 |       384/192   |       288/144   |        2 |         0 | 25.000%
 hash_ipportip_create+cd            |       384/192   |       288/144   |        2 |         0 | 25.000%
 scm_fp_dup+28                      |        64/32    |        48/24    |        2 |         2 | 25.000%
 strndup_user+4b                    |        16/8     |        12/6     |        2 |         0 | 25.000%
 _autofs_dev_ioctl+c0               |        96/48    |        73/36    |        2 |         0 | 23.958%
 load_elf_interp.constprop.10+84    |    120320/512   |     92120/392   |      235 |         0 | 23.438%
 sget_userns+c2                     |      2048/2048  |      1600/1600  |        1 |         0 | 21.875%
 hash_ipportnet_create+d2           |       512/512   |       400/400   |        1 |         0 | 21.875%
 groups_alloc+34                    |       192/192   |       152/152