
操作:替换   (注:如果选择为 更新 的话,如果目标文件已存在,则无法对其文件内容进行更新,只会更新文件属性)

源文件:\\win2012\mdt_test\a.txt   (注:mdt_test为共享文件夹,添加共享时赋予 Authenticated Users组 读取权限,其他权限不需要,赋予Domain Users组权限无效,因为此处针对的是 计算机账户)






Copy a file (or multiple files in one folder) from a source location to a destination location if it does not already exist at the destination, and then configure the attributes of those files for computers or users.


Remove a file (or multiple files in one folder) for computers or users.


Delete a file (or multiple files in one folder), replace it with another file or files, and configure the attributes of those files for computers or users. The net result of the Replace action is to overwrite the files at the destination location. If the file does not exist at the destination, then the Replace action copies the file from the source location to the destination.


Modify settings of an existing file (or multiple files in one folder) for computers or users. This action differs fromReplace in that it only updates file attributes defined within the preference item. All other file attributes remain as configured on the file. If the file does not exist, then the Update action copies the file from the source location to the destination.

