pcs 插件setting :


"color_scheme": "Packages/Boxy Theme/schemes/Boxy Yesterday.tmTheme",

"expand_tabs_on_save": true,

"font_size": 8,





"tab_size": 4,

"theme": "Boxy Yesterday.sublime-theme",

"theme_accent_sky": true,

"theme_button_rounded": true,

"theme_find_panel_close_hidden": true,

"theme_find_panel_size_xs": true,

"theme_grid_border_size_lg": true,

"theme_icon_button_highlighted": true,

"theme_icons_atomized": true,

"theme_popup_border_visible": true,

"theme_quick_panel_size_md": true,

"theme_scrollbar_rounded": true,

"theme_sidebar_disclosure": true,

"theme_sidebar_indent_top_level_disabled": true,

"theme_statusbar_size_md": true,

"theme_tab_rounded": true,

"theme_tab_selected_prelined": true,

"translate_tabs_to_spaces": true


phpcs.py 183 json_decode('gbk')

user setting:



    // We want debugging on

    "show_debug": true,

    // Only execute the plugin for php files

    "extensions_to_execute": ["php"],

    // Do not execute for twig files

    "extensions_to_blacklist": ["twig.php"],

    // Execute the sniffer on file save

    "phpcs_execute_on_save": true,

    // Show the error list after save.

    "phpcs_show_errors_on_save": true,

    // Show the errors in the gutter

    "phpcs_show_gutter_marks": true,

    // Show outline for errors

    "phpcs_outline_for_errors": true,

    // Show the errors in the status bar

    "phpcs_show_errors_in_status": true,

    // Show the errors in the quick panel so you can then goto line

    "phpcs_show_quick_panel": true,

    // Path to php on windows installation

    // This is needed as we cannot run phars on windows, so we run it through php

    "phpcs_php_prefix_path": "",

    // We want the fixer to be run through the php application

    "phpcs_commands_to_php_prefix": ["Fixer"],

    // PHP_CodeSniffer settings

    // Yes, run the phpcs command

    "phpcs_sniffer_run": true,

    // And execute it on save

    "phpcs_command_on_save": true,

    // This is the path to the bat file when we installed PHP_CodeSniffer

    "phpcs_executable_path": "C:\\Visual-NMP-x64\\Bin\\PHP\\php-7.1.3-nts-x64\\phpcs.bat",

    // I want to run the PSR2 standard, and ignore warnings

    "phpcs_additional_args": {

        "--standard": "PSR2",

        "-n": ""


    // PHP-CS-Fixer settings

    // Don't want to auto fix issue with php-cs-fixer

    "php_cs_fixer_on_save": true,

    // Show the quick panel

    "php_cs_fixer_show_quick_panel": false,

    // The fixer phar file is stored here:

    "php_cs_fixer_executable_path": "C:\\Visual-NMP-x64\\Bin\\PHP\\php-7.1.3-nts-x64\\php-cs-fixer.bat",

    // Additional arguments, run all levels of fixing

    "php_cs_fixer_additional_args": {


    // PHP Linter settings

    // Yes, lets lint the files

    "phpcs_linter_run": true,

    // And execute that on each file when saved (php only as per extensions_to_execute)

    "phpcs_linter_command_on_save": true,

    // Path to php

    "phpcs_php_path": "C:\\Visual-NMP-x64\\Bin\\PHP\\php-7.1.3-nts-x64\\php.exe",

    // This is the regex format of the errors

    "phpcs_linter_regex": "(?P<message>.*) on line (?P<line>\\d+)",

    // PHP Mess Detector settings

    // Not turning on the mess detector here

    "phpmd_run": true,

    "phpmd_command_on_save": true,

    "phpmd_executable_path": "C:\\Visual-NMP-x64\\Bin\\PHP\\php-7.1.3-nts-x64\\phpmd.bat",
