Oracle的PL/SQL编程之基础技能实战一 一>基础代码检查 检查以bm_开头的系统初始化编码表是否有空值。与业务系统相关的编码项不能存在空值,会导致系统业务无法办理。为初始化数据表、在做测试数据和正式上线前检查。上线运行后、仍存在空值表、需要进行核实、可能存在不经常办理的业务。也可能是冗余表。 PL/SQL代码块: declare v_table_name varchar(40); v_sql_str varchar(4000):=' '; v_cnt smallint:=0 ; v_jgbm varchar(10):='01%'; cursor tmp_cur is select table_name from user_tables where table_name like 'BM_%' ; begin open tmp_cur ; loop fetch tmp_cur into v_table_name ; exit when tmp_cur%notfound; select count(*) into v_cnt from user_tab_columns where table_name=v_table_name and column_name='JGBM'; if v_cnt<>0 then v_sql_str:='select count(*) from '||v_table_name||' where jgbm='''||v_jgbm||''''; else v_sql_str:='select count(*) from '||v_table_name; end if; execute immediate v_sql_str into v_cnt; if v_cnt=0 then insert into tmp_hfsc_sy40_chk(ywms) values(v_table_name||'表记录为空'); end if; commit; end loop; close tmp_cur; end; 二>财务业务核对 业务关于资金的结算都是自动生成凭证,财务和业务应是保持一致的。如存在特殊业务可能会有不平衡的情况。如果有人调整数据也会造成不平。主要检查 归集余额、单位未分配金额、贷款余额、逾期贷款、业务流水金额和财务凭证金额是否相等。直接影响到系统的报表业务和财务的一致性。 PL/SQL代码块: declare v_fpzd smallint; v_ztbh number(20); v_cwnd smallint; v_kmye number(18,2); v_gjye number(18,2); v_jgbm varchar(10):='01%'; v_msg varchar(100); v_ret smallint:=0; begin select nvl(max(value1),0) into v_fpzd from bm_xtcs where bm1=v_jgbm and bm2='0301' and bm3='03010903' and bm='04' and sfqy=1; for a in(select id from cw_ztml where ztxz='01' and jgbm=v_jgbm) loop select max(nd) into v_cwnd from cw_nd where; select nvl(sum(nce+ljdf-ljjf),0) into v_kmye from cw_kmbh where kmbh='201' and and nd=v_cwnd; select v_kmye+nvl(sum(fl.dffse-fl.jffse),0) into v_kmye from cw_pz_fl fl inner join cw_pz_ml b on fl.pzid=b.pzid where kmbh like '201%' and and b.nd=v_cwnd and b.zfbz=0; if v_fpzd<>0 then select nvl(sum(dwzhye),0) into v_gjye from gjzf_dw_zz where jgbm=v_jgbm; else select nvl(sum(zckye+dwzhye),0) into v_gjye from gjzf_dw_zz where jgbm=v_jgbm; end if; if v_kmye<>v_gjye then insert into tmp_hfsc_sy40_chk(ywms) values(to_char(||'账套'||'201科目余额与业务归集余额不一致'); end if; commit; end loop; end; 三>跟新im_zhsz_dw中的yhmc使得同一银行账号和grdk_xm_zhlr中的skyhmc相等. declare v_yhmc varchar2(40) := ' '; v_skyhzh varchar2(50) := ' '; v_count number(20):=0; cursor tmp_cur is select distinct a.yhmc,b.skyhmc, b.skyhzh from im_zhsz_dw a inner join grdk_xm_zhlr b on a.yhzhhm = b.skyhzh and a.yhmc=b.skyhmc; begin open tmp_cur; loop fetch tmp_cur into v_yhmc, v_skyhzh; exit when tmp_cur%notfound; update im_zhsz_dw a set a.yhmc = v_yhmc where a.yhzhhm = v_skyhzh and a.yhmc <> v_yhmc; v_count:=v_count+1; end loop; close tmp_cur; dbms_output.put_line('一共更新了'||v_count||'行'); end;