
package function_object;

 * 帐目类
public class Account{

     * 计量方法(需要三个参数)
    public int gamma(int inputVal, int quantity, int yearToDate){
        int importantValue1 = (inputVal * quantity) + delta();
        int importantValue2 = (inputVal * yearToDate) + 100;
        if((yearToDate - importantValue1) > 100)
            importantValue2 -= 20;
        int importantValue3 = importantValue2 * 7;
        // and so on.
        return importantValue3 - 2 * importantValue1;

     * 变量: 增量幅度值
     * 重构方法之: 用查询方法代替临时变量
    public int delta(){//此处设置public, 以便函数对象获取(同包下可以设置default, 最低可见度原则)
        return 100;



package function_object;

 * 计量方法对象(函数对象)
public class Gamma{

    private final Account account;
    private int inputVal;
    private int quantity;
    private int yearToDate;
    private int importantValue1;
    private int importantValue2;
    private int importantValue3;

     * 计量方法对象构造器, 计量方法需要三个参数, 并且还需
     * 多传一个原函数所在对象参数, 用以获得依赖的属性或方法
    public Gamma(int inputValArg, int quantityArg, int yearToDateArg, Account source){
        this.account = source;
        this.inputVal = inputValArg;
        this.quantity = quantityArg;
        this.yearToDate = yearToDateArg;

     * 计量方法
    public int compute(){
        this.importantValue1 = (inputVal * quantity) + account.delta();
        this.importantValue2 = (inputVal * yearToDate) + 100;
        if((yearToDate - this.importantValue1) > 100)
            this.importantValue2 -= 20;
        this.importantValue3 = this.importantValue2 * 7;
        // and so on.
        return this.importantValue3 - 2 * this.importantValue1;




package function_object;

 * 帐目类
public class Account{

     * 计量方法(需要三个参数)(重构前)
    public int gamma(int inputVal, int quantity, int yearToDate){
        int importantValue1 = (inputVal * quantity) + delta();
        int importantValue2 = (inputVal * yearToDate) + 100;
        if((yearToDate - importantValue1) > 100)
            importantValue2 -= 20;
        int importantValue3 = importantValue2 * 7;
        // and so on.
        return importantValue3 - 2 * importantValue1;
     * 计量方法(重构后)
    public int gamma_n(int inputVal, int quantity, int yearToDate){
        return new Gamma(inputVal, quantity, yearToDate, this).compute();
     * 变量: 增量幅度值
     * 重构方法之: 用查询方法代替临时变量
    public int delta(){//此处设置public, 以便函数对象获取(同包下可以设置default, 最低可见度原则)
        return 100;





     * 发起者延长时间
    public String orderOvertime(PainterOrderFlowEntity from){
        return new OrderOvertime(this, from).compute();
    public MySpaceMapper getMySpaceMapper(){
        return this.mySpaceMapper;



package com.qcacg.util.ztools.order.FunctionObjet;

import com.qcacg.entity.PainterOrderEntity;
import com.qcacg.entity.PainterOrderFlowEntity;
import com.qcacg.service.system.impl.MySpaceServiceImpl;
import com.qcacg.util.ztools.collection_util.CollectionFactory;
import com.qcacg.util.ztools.timeData.Day;
import com.qcacg.util.ztools.timeData.Month;
import com.qcacg.util.ztools.timeData.Year;

import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Map;

 * 订单延长函数对象
public class OrderOvertime {

    private MySpaceServiceImpl mySpaceServiceImpl;
    private PainterOrderFlowEntity from;

    private PainterOrderEntity findpainterOrderEntity;
    private Date fromDate;
    private Calendar fromCalendar;
    private int inputYear;
    private int inputMonth;
    private int inputDay;
    private Date sqlDate;
    private Calendar sqlCalendar;
    private int sqlYear;
    private int sqlMonth;
    private int sqlDay;

    public OrderOvertime(MySpaceServiceImpl mySpaceServiceImpl, PainterOrderFlowEntity from){
        this.mySpaceServiceImpl = mySpaceServiceImpl;
        this.from = from;

    public String compute(){
        findpainterOrderEntity = mySpaceServiceImpl.getMySpaceMapper().findOrderEntityByOrderId(from.getOrderId());
        fromDate = from.getExtendTime();
        fromCalendar = Calendar.getInstance();
        inputYear = new Year(fromCalendar.get(Calendar.YEAR)).getData();
        inputMonth = new Month(fromCalendar.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1).getData();
        inputDay = new Day(fromCalendar.get(Calendar.DATE)).getData();
        sqlDate = findpainterOrderEntity.getDeliveryTime();
        sqlCalendar = Calendar.getInstance();
        sqlYear = sqlCalendar.get(Calendar.YEAR);
        sqlMonth = sqlCalendar.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1;
        sqlDay = sqlCalendar.get(Calendar.DATE);
        if (inputYear<sqlYear || inputMonth<sqlMonth || inputDay<=sqlDay){
            return "请选择正确时间";
        //正常订单(1进行中) 可以延长交付时间
        if (findpainterOrderEntity!=null && 1==findpainterOrderEntity.getStatus()){
            //更新订单表 交付时间
            Map<String,Object> param = CollectionFactory.newHashMap();
            //插入 延长流程实体(画师只读)
            PainterOrderFlowEntity orderFlowEntity = new PainterOrderFlowEntity(null,from.getOrderId(),"延长",new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()),null,"","",from.getExtendTime(),0,3);
            return "延长成功";
        return "非进行中订单无法延长";
    /* 过滤非法客户延长时间 */
    private void customerExtendTimeFilter(PainterOrderFlowEntity from){
        if (from.getOrderId()==null || from.getExtendTime()==null){
            throw new RuntimeException("参数异常");
