My friends surrounding start paying attention to their heath.I get trouble in weight.I am overweight.I do exercises every day.Maybe it is not enough.It depends your awareness of body status.Adult female have many ways to keep their skin young.They are able to keep their face beautiful.
When I was a middle school boy,I kept breaking out acne.My face was always oiled.My classmate told me to wash my face often.That would be help.He suggest us to use cold water to wash.
Now I think about that was not a good idea.I think it is better to use warm clean water to wash our faces to keep clean.
Acne is a common skin condition that appears as bumps on our faces,neck,shoulders,upper back.
By the time we reach our teens ,we develop acne.According to the research,eight out of ten people develop acne by the time they reach 13.This is mainly due to our body changes that we have to go through.

But actually,many adults will have acne problems.I believe that is mainly due to the stress of work.The more stressed you are ,the more worse acne is.So we should find some way to deal with.You should keep studying,and improving your skills so that you can easily handle you businesses or work.I suggest that eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables ,and exercise often.