



#Author: zhouyafei

#Date: 2018-04-18

#FileName: systeminfo.sh

#Description: The test script

#Copyright (C): 2018 All rights reserved


echo “The CPU of the system is:” lscpu |grep "name" |tr -s " " |cut -d " " -f 5

echo “The memory size of the system is:” free -h |grep "Swap" |tr -s " " |cut -d" " -f 2

echo “The size of the system’s hard disk is :” lsblk |grep -w "sda" |tr -s " " |cut -d " " -f 4

echo “The system version is :” cat /etc/centos-release |grep -o " [0-9]"

echo “The kernel version is :” uname -r

echo “The name of the system host :” hostname

echo “The IP of the system is :” ifconfig ens33 |sed -n "2p" |sed "s/.*inet//" |sed "s/net.*//"





#Author: zhouyafei

#Date: 2018-04-18

#FileName: backup.sh

#Description: The test script

#Copyright (C): 2018 All rights reserved


echo -e “\e[1;31mStart a backup…\e[0m”

sleep 5

cp -av /etc/ /data/etcdate "+%F"

echo -e “\e[1;33mBackup completion\e[0m”





#Author: zhouyafei

#Date: 2018-04-18

#FileName: disk.sh

#Description: The test script

#Copyright (C): 2018 All rights reserved


echo “The maximum value of the hard disk is :” df |grep "sda" |tr -s " " |cut -d" " -f 5 |sort -nr |head -n1






#Author: zhouyafei

#Date: 2018-04-18

#FileName: sumid.sh

#Description: The test script

#Copyright (C): 2018 All rights reserved


UID1=cat /etc/passwd |head -n10 | tail -n1 |cut -d: -f 3

UID2=cat /etc/passwd |head -n20 | tail -n1 |cut -d: -f 3

let UID3=UID1+UID2

echo $UID3

5. 编写脚本/root/bin/sumspace.sh,传递两个文件路径作为参数给脚本,计





#Author: zhouyafei

#Date: 2018-04-18

#FileName: sumspace.sh

#Description: The test script

#Copyright (C): 2018 All rights reserved


blabk1=cat /$1 |grep -c "^$"

blabk2=cat /$2 |grep -c "^$"

let blabk=blabk1+blabk2

echo $blabk

6、编写脚本/root/bin/sumfile.sh,统计/etc, /var, /usr目录中共有多少个一级





#Author: zhouyafei

#Date: 2018-04-18

#FileName: sumfile.sh

#Description: The test script

#Copyright (C): 2018 All rights reserved


file1=ls -l /etc |grep -c -e "^d" -e "^-"

file2=ls -l /var |grep -c -e "^d" -e "^-"

file3=ls -l /usr |grep -c -e "^d" -e "^-"

let file4=file1+file2+file3

echo $file4


试是否可连通。如果能ping通,则提示用户“该IP地址可访问” ;如果不可





#Author: zhouyafei

#Date: 2018-04-18

#FileName: hostping.sh

#Description: The test script

#Copyright (C): 2018 All rights reserved


[[ $1 =~ “\<(([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5]).){3}([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\>” ]] && echo “Please enter a correct IP” && exit

ping -c1 $1>/dev/null && echo “The IP can be accessed” || echo “The IP is not accessible”






#Author: zhouyafei

#Date: 2018-04-18

#FileName: checkdisk.sh

#Description: The test script

#Copyright (C): 2018 All rights reserved


disk=df |grep "sda"|tr -s " " "%" |cut -d"%" -f 5 |sort -nr |head -n1

[ “$disk” -ge 40 ] && echo “The use rate of disk partitions is now :” $disk && wall Space will be full

9. 编写脚本/root/bin/excute.sh ,判断参数文件是否为sh后缀的普通文件,如





#Author: zhouyafei

#Date: 2018-04-18

#FileName: per.sh

#Description: The test script

#Copyright (C): 2018 All rights reserved


[ $# -ne 1 ] && echo “You have to enter one” && exit

[ ! -r $1 -a -w $1 ] && echo “The document is unreadable and cannot be written.” || echo “Read and write permissions to the file”

10. 编写脚本/root/bin/nologin.sh和login.sh,实现禁止和充许普通用户登录系统





#Author: zhouyafei

#Date: 2018-04-18

#FileName: nologin.sh

#Description: The test script

#Copyright (C): 2018 All rights reserved


[ -a /etc/nologin ] && echo “The nologin file exists! “|| (touch /etc/nologin; echo -e “\e[1;31mThe nologin file is created!\e[0m “;)





#Author: zhouyafei

#Date: 2018-04-18

#FileName: login.sh

#Description: The test script

#Copyright (C): 2018 All rights reserved


[ -a /etc/nologin ] && echo -e rm -f /etc/nologin -e “\e[1;31mThe file has been deleted!\e[0m” || echo “The file does not exist”

11. 让所有用户的PATH环境变量的值多出一个路径,例如:/usr/local/apache/bin

echo $PATH |sed -r “s@(/usr/local/sbin:)@/usr/local/apache/bin:\1@”