1. 在google的groups,也就是​​http://groups.google.com​​里发现很多人在讨论这本书中个别题的答案.如果你想要某一道题的答案,就在那搜Accelerated C++ exercise 3-2,其中3-2是题号,这是示范

2. ​​Paul Parks​​​ 国外的在弄 ​​http://www.parkscomputing.com/accelerated-cpp-solutions/​​ 目前进展到第4章      (最优答案基本1-2年一章)

​Chapter 0 - Getting Started​​​​Chapter 1 - Working With Strings​​​​Chapter 2 - Looping and Counting​​​​Chapter 3 - Working with Batches of Data​​​​Chapter 4 - Organizing Programs and Data​​Getting a Compiler

In order to complete the exercises in the book the reader will need a standards-conforming C++ compiler. A list of compilers, both free and commercial, may be found at ​​http://www.research.att.com/~bs/compilers.html​​.

A note for those of you using Windows: Visual Studio 6 is not a standards-conforming C++ compiler. Instead, try ​​Visual C++ 2010 Express​​.

关于编译器,Windows下不要用Visual Studio 6 非标准,有新的用最新的。微软也是买别人的最近  (Stephan T Lavavej) 负责 , Channel 9 上有STL相关他的视频。

非要用Visual Studio 6 要先看 ​​Getting the code to run under Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0​
