

.flatMap() : 返回扁平的结果,与.fliter()类似
reparttition()操作 重新分区,会带来巨大的性能开销

行动操作 说明
count() 返回数据集中的元素个数
countByKey 与count类似,但是是以key为单位进行统计

collect() 以数组的形式返回数据集中的所有元素 慎用
first() 返回数据集中的第一个元素
take(n) 以数组的形式返回数据集中的前n个元素 比较有用

takeSample(boolean, sampleNum,seed):该函数是抽取随机数
boolean 是否应该被替换
sampleNum: 为要随机抽取多少个在Rdd中的元素
seed : 即种子,在算法中充当着随机参数,根据随机参数的不同,最后产生的结果不同,seed参数相同,使用的算法boolean也相同

reduce(func) 通过函数func(输入两个参数并返回一个值)聚合数据集中的元素 多个分区和一个分区结果不一样
reduceByKey() 基于键-键的方式 ,多个分区和一个分区结果一样

foreach(func) 将数据集中的每个元素传递到函数func中运行



# 需要注意一点。
# 定义纯Python方法会降低应用程序的速度,因为Spark需要在Python解释器和JVM之间不断地来回切换。要尽量使用内置的Spark函数

def extractInformation(row):
import re
import numpy as np

selected_indices = [

Input record schema
schema: n-m (o) -- xxx
n - position from
m - position to
o - number of characters
xxx - description
1. 1-19 (19) -- reserved positions
2. 20 (1) -- resident status
3. 21-60 (40) -- reserved positions
4. 61-62 (2) -- education code (1989 revision)
5. 63 (1) -- education code (2003 revision)
6. 64 (1) -- education reporting flag
7. 65-66 (2) -- month of death
8. 67-68 (2) -- reserved positions
9. 69 (1) -- sex
10. 70 (1) -- age: 1-years, 2-months, 4-days, 5-hours, 6-minutes, 9-not stated
11. 71-73 (3) -- number of units (years, months etc)
12. 74 (1) -- age substitution flag (if the age reported in positions 70-74 is calculated using dates of birth and death)
13. 75-76 (2) -- age recoded into 52 categories
14. 77-78 (2) -- age recoded into 27 categories
15. 79-80 (2) -- age recoded into 12 categories
16. 81-82 (2) -- infant age recoded into 22 categories
17. 83 (1) -- place of death
18. 84 (1) -- marital status
19. 85 (1) -- day of the week of death
20. 86-101 (16) -- reserved positions
21. 102-105 (4) -- current year
22. 106 (1) -- injury at work
23. 107 (1) -- manner of death
24. 108 (1) -- manner of disposition
25. 109 (1) -- autopsy
26. 110-143 (34) -- reserved positions
27. 144 (1) -- activity code
28. 145 (1) -- place of injury
29. 146-149 (4) -- ICD code
30. 150-152 (3) -- 358 cause recode
31. 153 (1) -- reserved position
32. 154-156 (3) -- 113 cause recode
33. 157-159 (3) -- 130 infant cause recode
34. 160-161 (2) -- 39 cause recode
35. 162 (1) -- reserved position
36. 163-164 (2) -- number of entity-axis conditions
37-56. 165-304 (140) -- list of up to 20 conditions
57. 305-340 (36) -- reserved positions
58. 341-342 (2) -- number of record axis conditions
59. 343 (1) -- reserved position
60-79. 344-443 (100) -- record axis conditions
80. 444 (1) -- reserve position
81. 445-446 (2) -- race
82. 447 (1) -- bridged race flag
83. 448 (1) -- race imputation flag
84. 449 (1) -- race recode (3 categories)
85. 450 (1) -- race recode (5 categories)
86. 461-483 (33) -- reserved positions
87. 484-486 (3) -- Hispanic origin
88. 487 (1) -- reserved
89. 488 (1) -- Hispanic origin/race recode

record_split = re\
r'([\s]{19})([0-9]{1})([\s]{40})([0-9\s]{2})([0-9\s]{1})([0-9]{1})([0-9]{2})' +
r'([\s]{2})([FM]{1})([0-9]{1})([0-9]{3})([0-9\s]{1})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})' +
r'([0-9]{2})([0-9\s]{2})([0-9]{1})([SMWDU]{1})([0-9]{1})([\s]{16})([0-9]{4})' +
r'([YNU]{1})([0-9\s]{1})([BCOU]{1})([YNU]{1})([\s]{34})([0-9\s]{1})([0-9\s]{1})' +
r'([A-Z0-9\s]{4})([0-9]{3})([\s]{1})([0-9\s]{3})([0-9\s]{3})([0-9\s]{2})([\s]{1})' +
r'([0-9\s]{2})([A-Z0-9\s]{7})([A-Z0-9\s]{7})([A-Z0-9\s]{7})([A-Z0-9\s]{7})' +
r'([A-Z0-9\s]{7})([A-Z0-9\s]{7})([A-Z0-9\s]{7})([A-Z0-9\s]{7})([A-Z0-9\s]{7})' +
r'([A-Z0-9\s]{7})([A-Z0-9\s]{7})([A-Z0-9\s]{7})([A-Z0-9\s]{7})([A-Z0-9\s]{7})' +
r'([A-Z0-9\s]{7})([A-Z0-9\s]{7})([A-Z0-9\s]{7})([A-Z0-9\s]{7})([A-Z0-9\s]{7})' +
r'([A-Z0-9\s]{7})([\s]{36})([A-Z0-9\s]{2})([\s]{1})([A-Z0-9\s]{5})([A-Z0-9\s]{5})' +
r'([A-Z0-9\s]{5})([A-Z0-9\s]{5})([A-Z0-9\s]{5})([A-Z0-9\s]{5})([A-Z0-9\s]{5})' +
r'([A-Z0-9\s]{5})([A-Z0-9\s]{5})([A-Z0-9\s]{5})([A-Z0-9\s]{5})([A-Z0-9\s]{5})' +
r'([A-Z0-9\s]{5})([A-Z0-9\s]{5})([A-Z0-9\s]{5})([A-Z0-9\s]{5})([A-Z0-9\s]{5})' +
r'([A-Z0-9\s]{5})([A-Z0-9\s]{5})([A-Z0-9\s]{5})([\s]{1})([0-9\s]{2})([0-9\s]{1})' +
rs = np.array(record_split.split(row))[selected_indices]
rs = np.array(['-99'] * len(selected_indices))
return rs
# return record_split.split(row)
Now, instead of using lambda we will use the extractInformation(...) method to split and convert our dataset.

# map()转换:对每一个元素进行转换

data_from_file_conv = data_from_file.map(extractInformation)
data_from_file_conv.map(lambda row: row).take(1)
[array(['1', ' ', '2', '1', '01', 'M', '1', '087', ' ', '43', '23', '11',
' ', '4', 'M', '4', '2014', 'U', '7', 'C', 'N', ' ', ' ', 'I64 ',
'238', '070', ' ', '24', '01', '11I64 ', ' ', ' ',
' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ',
' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ',
' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', '01',
'I64 ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ',
' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ',
' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', '01', ' ',
' ', '1', '1', '100', '6'],

​​​ https://www.jianshu.com/p/38b12977f51f​