1. This topic decribe how to install tectia ssh on aix7.0 with deault configration.
a. Download install package from http://www.ssh.com website. But now you can find it in /Scratch/jchense/tectia-server-

b.Use 'lslpp -l' command to check if server already installed open-ssh, if installed, use 'simtty deinstall' or 'installp' comand to uninstall it.
bash-3.2# lslpp -l|grep openssh
  openssh.base.client  COMMITTED  Open Secure Shell Commands
  openssh.base.server  COMMITTED  Open Secure Shell Server
  openssh.man.en_US  COMMITTED  Open Secure Shell
  openssh.msg.en_US  COMMITTED  Open Secure Shell Messages -
  openssh.base.client  COMMITTED  Open Secure Shell Commands
  openssh.base.server  COMMITTED  Open Secure Shell Server

c. Uncompress the downloaded tar package.
bash-3.2# tar -xvf tectia-server-
bash-3.2# ls
TectiaClientServer_ProductDescription.pdf              ssh-pam-proxy32-aix-readme.txt
TectiaClientServer_UnixQuickstart.pdf                  ssh-tectia-client-
TectiaClient_UserManual.pdf                            ssh-tectia-client-
TectiaServer_AdminManual.pdf                           ssh-tectia-common-
releasenotes-client.txt                                ssh-tectia-common-
releasenotes-server.txt                                ssh-tectia-server-
ssh-pam-proxy32-            ssh-tectia-server-

d.Unpack the installation packages:
bash-3.2# uncompress ssh-tectia-client-
bash-3.2# uncompress ssh-tectia-common-
bash-3.2# uncompress ssh-tectia-server-
bash-3.2# ls -l
total 286504
-rw-r--r--    1 root     system     13312000 May 06 23:41 ssh-tectia-client-
-rw-r--r--    1 root     system     98304000 May 06 23:41 ssh-tectia-common-
-rw-r--r--    1 root     system     35072000 May 06 23:41 ssh-tectia-server-

e. Install the packages by running the following commands with root privileges:
# installp -d ssh-tectia-common-<version>-aix-5-6-powerpc.bff SSHTectia.Common
# installp -d ssh-tectia-client-<version>-aix-5-6-powerpc.bff SSHTectia.Client
# installp -d ssh-tectia-server-<version>-aix-5-6-powerpc.bff SSHTectia.Server

f.Starting and Stopping on AIX
If the server needs to be started or stopped manually on AIX platforms, use the System Resource Controller(SRC) of the operating system.
To start Tectia Server, enter command:
startsrc -s ssh-tectia-server
bash-3.2# startsrc -s ssh-tectia-server
0513-059 The ssh-tectia-server Subsystem has been started. Subsystem PID is 5111854.
bash-3.2# netstat -aAn|grep *.22
f1000e0002a2b3b0 tcp4       0      0  *.22               *.*                LISTEN
f1000e0002aaf400 udp4       0      0  *.2279             *.*
To stop Tectia Server, enter command:
stopsrc -s ssh-tectia-server

g. Logging in with Command-Line sshg3
You can connect to a remote host by using the sshg3 command on the command line:
1. Enter the sshg3 command using the following syntax:
$ sshg3 <hostname>
For example: $ sshg3 abc.example.com.
The basic syntax is:
$ sshg3 user@host#port
bash-3.2# sshg3 root@
Tectia Client: Evaluation period will end in 44 days.
Product: Tectia Client
Evaluation period will end in 44 days.
Host key for the host "" not found from database.

The fingerprint of the host public key is:
Babble: "xomol-holak-zuzen-becuh-kydir-homid-cohis-bymil-rumig-gokyp-kexox"
RFC4716: "9a:1d:ed:4c:90:1d:b3:ac:33:2b:bf:24:86:fa:41:0e"

You can get a public key's fingerprint by running
% ssh-keygen-g3 -F publickey.pub
on the key file.

Please select how you want to proceed.
    cancel) Cancel the connection.
      once) Proceed with the connection but do not save the key.
      save) Proceed with the connection and save the key for future use.
Please select one (cancel, once, save): save
This server is running on an evaluation license.
It will expire after 44 days.

root@'s password:
Authentication successful.
Last login: Mon May 07 2012 00:24:04 -0500 from
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