QUESTION 102 Given:

  1. Object [] myObjects = {

  2. new Integer(12),

  3. new String("foo"),

  4. new Integer(5),

  5. new Boolean(true)

  6. };

  7. Arrays.sort(myObjects);

  8. for(int i=0;i<myObjects.length; i++) {

  9. System.out.print(myObjects[i].toString());

  10. System.out.print("");

  11. }

What is the result?

A. Compilation fails due to anerror in line 23.

B. Compilation fails due to anerror in line 29.

C. A ClassCastException occurs inline 29.

D. A ClassCastException occurs inline 31.

E. The value of all four objectsprints in natural order.

Answer: C


QUESTION 103 Given:

  1. public class Donkey {
  2. public static void main(String[] args) {
  3. boolean assertsOn = false;
  4. assert (assertsOn) : assertsOn = true;
  5. if(assertsOn) {
  6. System.out.println("assert is on");
  7. }
  8. }
  9. } If class Donkey is invoked twice, the first time without assertions enabled, and the second time with assertions enabled, what are the results? A. no output B. no output assert is on C. assert is on D. no output An AssertionError is thrown. E. assert is on An AssertionError is thrown. Answer: D

考察assert,如果是断言有效的情况,即assert(false),就会抛出一个AssertionError 如果是true,则返回的是assert is on

QUESTION 105 Given:

  1. public static voidmain(String[] args) {

  2. try {

  3. args = null;

  4. args[0] = "test";

  5. System.out.println(args[0]);

  6. } catch (Exception ex) {

  7. System.out.println("Exception");

  8. } catch (NullPointerExceptionnpe) {

  9. System.out.println("NullPointerException");

  10. }

  11. }

What is the result?

A. test

B. Exception

C. Compilation fails.

D. NullPointerException

Answer: C 首先是小异常处理,然后是大的异常处理!!!!如果返过来,就有问题了,导致编译失败!!!

QUESTION 106 Given: 22. public void go() { 23. String o = ""; 24. z: 25. for(int x = 0; x < 3; x++) { 26. for(int y = 0; y < 2; y++) { 27. if(x==1) break; 28. if(x==2 && y==1) break z; 29. o = o + x + y; 30. } 31. } 32. System.out.println(o); 33. } What is the result when the go() method is invoked? A. 00 B. 0001 C. 000120 D. 00012021 E. Compilation fails. F. An exception is thrown at runtime. Answer: C





当x=2,y=1,break掉断点处的外循环,o=000120; QUESTION 109 Given:

  1. public class Boxer1{
  2. Integer i;
  3. int x;
  4. public Boxer1(int y) {
  5. x = i+y;
  6. System.out.println(x);
  7. }
  8. public static void main(String[] args) {
  9. new Boxer1(new Integer(4));
  10. }
  11. } What is the result? A. The value "4" is printed at the command line. B. Compilation fails because of an error in line 5. C. Compilation fails because of an error in line 9. D. A NullPointerException occurs at runtime. E. A NumberFormatException occurs at runtime. F. An IllegalStateException occurs at runtime. Answer: D

第五行5. x = i+y;,还没有为i赋值(此时i为null),无法运算,注意看属性Integer i,没有给i赋值;

QUESTION 111 Given:

  1. public class Venus {
  2. public static void main(String[] args) {
  3. int [] x = {1,2,3};
  4. int y[] = {4,5,6};
  5. new Venus().go(x,y);
  6. }
  7. void go(int[]... z) {
  8. for(int[] a : z)
  9. System.out.print(a[0]);
  10. }
  11. } What is the result? A. 1 B. 12 C. 14 D. 123 E. Compilation fails. F. An exception is thrown at runtime. Answer: C

int[]... z表示可变参数,而可变的是数组的个数。一共有两个数组,输出每个数组的第一个元素 QUESTION 112 Given: 10. public class Foo { 11. static int[] a; 12. static { a[0]=2; } 13. public static void main( String[] args ) {} 14. } Which exception or error will be thrown when a programmer attempts to run this code? A. java.lang.StackOverflowError B. java.lang.IllegalStateException C. java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError D. java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException Answer: C

还没new呢,就赋值。初始化错误。 QUESTION 113 Given: 11. class X { public void foo() { System.out.print("X "); } } 12. 13. public class SubB extends X { 14. public void foo() throws RuntimeException { 15.; 16. if (true) throw new RuntimeException(); 17. System.out.print("B "); 18. } 19. public static void main(String[] args) { 20. new SubB().foo(); 21. } 22. } What is the result? A. X, followed by an Exception. B. No output, and an Exception is thrown. C. Compilation fails due to an error on line 14. D. Compilation fails due to an error on line 16. E. Compilation fails due to an error on line 17. F. X, followed by an Exception, followed by B. Answer: A

多态性,首先是调用的SubB里面的foo()函数,而执行SubB里面的foo()函数首先就要;即调用父类的foo()函数输出X,后来就会抛出一个异常,回到调用该抛出异常的方法的地方。不会输出B QUESTION 125 A team of programmers is reviewing a proposed API for a new utility class. After some discussion, they realize that they can reduce the number of methods in the API without losing any functionality. If they implement the new design, which two OO principles will they be promoting? A. Looser coupling B. Tighter coupling C. Lower cohesion D. Higher cohesion E. Weaker encapsulation F. Stronger encapsulation Answer: A

内聚:一个模块内各个元素彼此结合的紧密程度 耦合:一个软件结构内不同模块之间互连程度的度量
