举例 :

为xiaoming 创建profile 同时允许两个用户连接进来


SYS@ odb>create profile prof_xiaoming limit sessions_per_user 2;

Profile created.


//用户和profile 绑定起来;

SYS@ odb>alter user xiaoming profile prof_xiaoming;    


User altered.



SYS@ odb>grant create session to xiaoming;


随后用该用户登录几个客户端都无报错;疑问:这里限制登录session数量为2 为何终端登录3个4个 还是可以的,没提示报错;


SYS@ odb>alter system set resource_limit=true;

System altered.

在重新以xiaoming用户登录就会提示 超出限制,不能登录;

SYS@ odb>conn xiaoming/xiaoming
ORA-02391: exceeded simultaneous SESSIONS_PER_USER limit

Warning: You are no longer connected to ORACLE.
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