先了解下SMTP Connector的功能,具体功能请参考官方文档,以下列出的功能是本次和大家讨论的内容。(http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa997032(EXCHG.65).aspx
  • 提供与Internet上其他域的邮件通信。通过设定地址空间为*的SMTP Connector。在一般Exchange组织内必有这个SMTP Connector用与外界进行邮件收发任务。
  • 建立与其他域或不同邮件系统的连接。指定不同域的地址空间,可将指定地址空间的邮件直接投递至其他域的Smart Host主机。
集团有多个相互独立的域,集团内不同域之间的邮件通过设定SMTP Connector并走内部专线进行通信,不会经Internet线路进行投递。所以集团下各域间的邮件是不会经过地址空间为*的SMTP Connector。各域中在Exchange前端有一台Ironport的邮件网关,用与接收来自Internet的邮件进行防病毒,防垃圾过滤,并转投至后端的Exchange服务器群;同时用于将公司内的邮件投递至Internet。

在A域内的Connectors内有地址空间为B.COM的SMTP Connector,并将Smart Host指向了B.COM域内的Exchange主机(A域的Exchange桥头堡通过专线直接连接到)
1.A域IT发测试信件时对方也都能收到,唯一不一样的现在是B域在升级至2010后那条SMTP Connector时常有队列,不向以往能快速的邮件投递完。因为那台服务器原本是2003用的,现在又是2010在用,同时将3个角色都安装在一台上。
原本至B.COM域的邮件没有被投到指定的Smart Host主机上,而被投到了地址空间为*的SMTP Connector指定的Smart Host上(即Ironport网关设备)。
3.在Ironport设备上查询B域的邮件,发现丢失的邮件全部在该设备上,由于对方升级至2010后,Ironport上的邮件路由B.COM域的Smart Host主机地址还未被修改成正确的地址。所以这些从Exchange投递来的信件也没有被通过Internet投到B.COM域。
4.在Exchange上通过重新指定B域的另外一台Smart Host,A域至B域的邮件恢复正常,即这些邮件没有经过地址空间为*的SMTP Connector.

1.A域至B域的邮件,应该全部由指向B域Smart Host接收,即使该Smart Host不可用时,所有至B域的邮件也应该处于该Connector的队列中,待该队列恢复时再进行投递。
solate a Route for Communicating with Other Domains
You can also use an SMTP connector to establish an isolated route for communicating with other domains. This approach can be useful when you want to use secure communications with a particular company. 
In previous versions of Exchange, you can configure settings per e-mail domain. Although these options are not available in Exchange Server 2003, you can create multiple SMTP connectors, set address spaces for these connectors, and then specify the settings that you want for those domains.
For example, suppose you want to use SSL to secure all e-mail messages that are sent to the military, but you do not want to use SSL for other e-mail communications. To achieve this outcome, you need two SMTP connectors: 
  • One with an address space of SMTP:*.mil
  • One with an address space of SMTP:*
Because Exchange routes all mail through the connector that most closely matches the address space, all mail that is destined for the.mil domain initially tries to pass through the*.mil connector. You can specify that the *.mil connector send mail to only one server (a smart host), and that it use SSL and require authentication. Because routing considers *.mil and * as two separate destinations, if the *.mil connector is unavailable, mail queues until the connector becomes available. Mail does not reroute through the SMTP connector that uses the * address space.