2.做个dos启动,进纯dos,进入 DOSUTILS 目录,并执行 AUTOBOOT.BAT;
附:一般来说:用FDISK看到的第一硬盘的第一主分区对应 Linux 下设备 /dev/hda1,第一硬盘扩展分区第一、二、三 ......扩展分区对应 Linux 下 /dev/hda5、/dev/hda6、/dev/hda7;
如果是第二块硬盘,则上述设备名分别换成 /dev/hdb1、/dev/hda2 ......
须注意,不要把 WINDOWS 下盘符与 Linux 下设备名做一一对应,因为如果有一个以上硬盘或在一个硬盘上用分区工具进行分区 WINDOWS 盘符会出现交错现象, Linux 只是根据分区的顺序对设备进行命名,因此 WINDOWS 下的盘符也就不再有实际的意义了
现在以redhat 9.0的硬盘安装为例进行安装说明:
前提条件:已经下载redhat 9.0 的三张安装光盘映像,并把第一张盘中的目录dosutils解压出来(注意:仅解出来这一个目录就可以了),然后随便放在fat32格式一个分区中, 如:d:\dosutils.三张光盘映像要放在一个分区当中,并且最好放在分区的根目录下.如:
d:\shrike1.iso ,d:\shrike2.iso.d:\shrike3.iso
cd d:\dosutils


从 GRUB 命令行启动系统

##########################################下载 GRUB for DOS,网址为http://newdos.yginfo.net/grubdos.htmDF7Linux联盟
可以下载最新的版本,下载后拷贝到 C 盘,用 Winrar 解压到子文件夹,DF7Linux联盟
重命名此文件夹为 grub(以便和下文相对应)。DF7Linux联盟
注意:我的 C 盘是 FAT32,下面的过程也只针对此格式,至于 NTFS 格式DF7Linux联盟
3   Windows XP 下,打开“我的电脑”,进入 C 盘,点击“工具->文件DF7Linux联盟
件了。打开 boot.ini 文件,在末尾添加DF7Linux联盟
            C:\GRLDR="运行 GRUB"DF7Linux联盟
存盘,接着拷贝 grub 目录下的 grldr 文件到 C 盘根目录下,最后拷贝DF7Linux联盟
到 C:\grub\boot 下的整个 grub 文件夹到 C:\boot 下(没有就建一个)。DF7Linux联盟

下载发行版的光盘映像文件,如果你想装 Hiweed-debian,请到DF7Linux联盟
ftp://debian.ustc.edu.cn/debian-cd/hiweed-debian/ 目录里下载一个DF7Linux联盟
光盘映像(当前最新版本为“国庆特别版”,即 *0.55_i386.iso),下载DF7Linux联盟
的文件放到 C 盘根目录下,接着下载子目录 hiweed-hard-disk-install DF7Linux联盟
里的文件,也放到 C 盘根目录下。如果你想安装 Red Hat 9.0,你可以到DF7Linux联盟 下载光盘映像,共有三个映像文件,光盘映像同样DF7Linux联盟
放到C盘根目录下,然后用 Winrar/WinImage 打开第一个映像文件,提取DF7Linux联盟
isolinux 子目录下的 initrd.img 和 vmlinuz 文件到 C 盘根目录下。如DF7Linux联盟
果你想安装 Fedora Core 2(Red Hat 的后继版本),你可以到DF7Linux联盟 下载光盘映像,共有四个映像文件,光盘映像还是DF7Linux联盟
放到C盘根目录下,然后用 Winrar/WinImage 打开第一个映像文件,提取DF7Linux联盟
isolinux 子目录下的 initrd.img 和 vmlinuz 文件到 C 盘根目录下。DF7Linux联盟

“运行 GRUB”,选择、回车,这样就开始运行 GRUB 程序了,不管你DF7Linux联盟


# This is a sample menu.lst file. You should make some changes to it.
# Added items for installing GRUB [ which is on your DOS drive C: ] to MBR

color black/cyan yellow/cyan
timeout 60
default 0

title DOS/Win9x/Me/NT/2K/XP on (hd0,0)
root (hd0,0)
chainloader +1

title Mandrake Linux on (hd0,7)
kernel (hd0,7)/boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/hda8 quiet devfs=mount acpi=ht vga=788
initrd (hd0,7)/boot/initrd.img

title Red Hat Linux on (hd1,1)                                             
kernel (hd1,0)/boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/hdb1                 //说明  (hd1,0)表示redhat Linux安装在第二个硬                                                                                  //   盘第一个分  区

title floppy on (fd0)
root (fd0)
chainloader +1

title DOS/Win9x on (hd1,0) -- Do not use this to start WinMe/2K or later
pause Warning: drive map used. Press any key to start DOS/Win9x on (hd1,0)...
root (hd1,0)
map (hd1) (hd0)
map (hd0) (hd1)
chainloader +1

title DOS/Win9x on (hd2,0) -- Do not use this to start WinMe/2K or later
pause Warning: drive map used. Press any key to start DOS/Win9x on (hd2,0) ...
root (hd2,0)
map (hd2) (hd0)
map (hd0) (hd2)
chainloader +1

title install GRUB on (hd0,0) to MBR (hd0) and reboot. Password: danger
pause You requested to install GRUB onto MBR. We highly recommend you NOT to do so, basically for two reasons: 1. For some non-MS-compatible boot loaders(in case you might be using), the install is INDEED dangerous and may cause your whole disk(and all your operating systems on it) unaccessible. 2. Even if you are using(in MBR)an MS-compatible boot loader such as LILO and GRUB, you may encounter problems like hard-disk-boot-failure when you move or delete the /boot/grub/stage2 file, or even when disk defragmentation operations are made. Press any key to continue...
pause A password prompt will confirm that you want the operation anyway. Press any key to continue...
password danger
pause This will install GRUB in (hd0,0)/boot/grub/ to MBR. Press any key to begin...
root (hd0,0)
setup (hd0)
pause GRUB install OK! Press any key to reboot your machine...

title install GRUB on (hd0,1) to MBR (hd0) and reboot. Password: danger
pause You requested to install GRUB onto MBR. We highly recommend you NOT to do so, basically for two reasons: 1. For some non-MS-compatible boot loaders(in case you might be using), the install is INDEED dangerous and may cause your whole disk(and all your operating systems on it) unaccessible. 2. Even if you are using(in MBR)an MS-compatible boot loader such as LILO and GRUB, you may encounter problems like hard-disk-boot-failure when you move or delete the /boot/grub/stage2 file, or even when disk defragmentation operations are made. Press any key to continue...
pause A password prompt will confirm that you want the operation anyway. Press any key to continue...
password danger
pause This will install GRUB in (hd0,1)/boot/grub/ to MBR. Press any key to begin...
root (hd0,1)
setup (hd0)
pause GRUB install OK! Press any key to reboot your machine...

title install GRUB on (hd0,2) to MBR (hd0) and reboot. Password: danger
pause You requested to install GRUB onto MBR. We highly recommend you NOT to do so, basically for two reasons: 1. For some non-MS-compatible boot loaders(in case you might be using), the install is INDEED dangerous and may cause your whole disk(and all your operating systems on it) unaccessible. 2. Even if you are using(in MBR)an MS-compatible boot loader such as LILO and GRUB, you may encounter problems like hard-disk-boot-failure when you move or delete the /boot/grub/stage2 file, or even when disk defragmentation operations are made. Press any key to continue...
pause A password prompt will confirm that you want the operation anyway. Press any key to continue...
password danger
pause This will install GRUB in (hd0,2)/boot/grub/ to MBR. Press any key to begin...
root (hd0,2)
setup (hd0)
pause GRUB install OK! Press any key to reboot your machine...

title install GRUB on (hd0,3) to MBR (hd0) and reboot. Password: danger
pause You requested to install GRUB onto MBR. We highly recommend you NOT to do so, basically for two reasons: 1. For some non-MS-compatible boot loaders(in case you might be using), the install is INDEED dangerous and may cause your whole disk(and all your operating systems on it) unaccessible. 2. Even if you are using(in MBR)an MS-compatible boot loader such as LILO and GRUB, you may encounter problems like hard-disk-boot-failure when you move or delete the /boot/grub/stage2 file, or even when disk defragmentation operations are made. Press any key to continue...
pause A password prompt will confirm that you want the operation anyway. Press any key to continue...
password danger
pause This will install GRUB in (hd0,3)/boot/grub/ to MBR. Press any key to begin...
root (hd0,3)
setup (hd0)
pause GRUB install OK! Press any key to reboot your machine...

title mandrake ISO install (using vmlinuz and all.rdz)
pause Installing an OS is dangerous because it may overwrite all your disks(and partitions)! A password prompt will confirm that you want the operation anyway. Press any key to continue...
password danger
pause This will install Mandrake using iso files. Press any key to continue...
kernel (hd0,0)/vmlinuz ramdisk_size=128000 root=/dev/ram3 automatic=method:disk acpi=ht vga=788
initrd (hd0,0)/all.rdz
