
Nginx_auth_basic_module 简单认证

用"http basic authentication(简单的认证)"来限制用户的访问 一般的用法

location / { auth_basic string; auth_basic_user_file /etc/nginx/conf.d/htpasswd; }

Syntax:	    auth_basic string | off;
Default:	auth_basic off;
Context:	http, server, location, limit_except

使用基本的'http basic authentication'用户名和密码验证

Syntax:	auth_basic_user_file file;
Default:	—
Context:	http, server, location, limit_except


comment name1:password1 name2:password2:comment name3:password3 <!-- more -->文件名支持变量 我们也可以使用htpasswd工具来生成密码。用法如下 先安装yum -y install httpd-tools


[root@test ~]# htpasswd --help Usage: htpasswd [-cimBdpsDv] [-C cost] passwordfile username htpasswd -b[cmBdpsDv] [-C cost] passwordfile username password htpasswd -n[imBdps] [-C cost] username htpasswd -nb[mBdps] [-C cost] username password -c Create a new file. //创建一个新的文件 -n Don't update file; display results on stdout. -b Use the password from the command line rather than prompting for it. //使用命令行中的密码,而不提示输入密码,非交互式创建密码 -i Read password from stdin without verification (for script usage). //从stdin读取密码而不进行验证(用于脚本) -m Force MD5 encryption of the password (default). //使用md5加密(默认) -B Force bcrypt encryption of the password (very secure). //强制密码加密(非常安全) -C Set the computing time used for the bcrypt algorithm (higher is more secure but slower, default: 5, valid: 4 to 31). -d Force CRYPT encryption of the password (8 chars max, insecure). -s Force SHA encryption of the password (insecure). -p Do not encrypt the password (plaintext, insecure). //不加密密码(明文,不安全) -D Delete the specified user. //删除指定用户 -v Verify password for the specified user. On other systems than Windows and NetWare the '-p' flag will probably not work. The SHA algorithm does not use a salt and is less secure than the MD5 algorithm.

用法实例 创建一个新的文件,并设置密码和用户,交互式

[root@test ~]# htpasswd -c /tmp/htpasswd linux New password: Re-type new password: Adding password for user linux [root@test ~]# cat /tmp/htpasswd linux:$apr1$3VhLd1HR$uSkhBgwIGYFDY5lWzZZsM0


[root@test ~]# htpasswd -b /tmp/htpasswd baodian 321 Adding password for user baodian [root@test ~]# cat /tmp/htpasswd
linux:$apr1$3VhLd1HR$uSkhBgwIGYFDY5lWzZZsM0 baodian:$apr1$ApIm66k6$CpqxwyqMUq.ZbcmMVELu10


[root@test ~]# htpasswd -D /tmp/htpasswd linux Deleting password for user linux [root@test ~]# cat /tmp/htpasswd baodian:$apr1$ApIm66k6$CpqxwyqMUq.ZbcmMVELu10 从指定的文件里面删除指定的用户

Syntax:	    allow address | CIDR | unix: | all;
Default:	—
Context:	http, server, location, limit_except

Syntax:	    deny address | CIDR | unix: | all;
Default:	—
Context:	http, server, location, limit_except


ngx_http_limit_conn_module tcp连接次数限制
Syntax:	    limit_conn_zone key zone=name:size;
Default:	—
Context:	http

设置一个记录key区域的大小和名称 这里一般用客户端的地址来做他的key值 $remote_addr 占7到15个字节 $binary_remote_addr 固定占用4个字节(为了让同等的共享内存中,记录更多的客户端信息,我们一般使用$binary_remote_addr来当作key值.如果这个共享内存区域被占完,那么服务器将对来后来的tcp连接返回错误)

Syntax:	    limit_conn zone number;
Default:	—
Context:	http, server, location


Syntax:	    limit_conn_status code;
Default:	limit_conn_status 503;
Context:	http, server, location


ngx_http_limit_req_module 请求次数限制


Syntax:	    limit_req_zone key zone=name:size rate=rate [sync];
Default:	—
Context:	http

limit_req_zone $binary_remote_addr zone=one:10m rate=1r/s; rate:一分钟处理多少次请求

Syntax:	    limit_req zone=name [burst=number] [nodelay];
Default:	—
Context:	http, server, location

burst:代表表请求了1次的之后接着允许几次请求 如果我们限制了1s中只能处理一次请求的话,我们请求一个页面不管发起多少次请求,都会只请求第一次