用 console mode 在 command-line 下命令来阅读文章。打开这个blog:​​http://blog.elinc.ca/rodcli/index.php​​​ 。不要以为这是一个Unix/Linux命令行界面,如果你有用过 UNIX /Linux的 console mode,看到这样的界面大概都会下意识地输入 ​​ls​​​ 命令(在 UNIX/Linux 中这个命令通常是列出当前目录下的所有文件),没错!这样就会列出blog的所有的文章 ,还可以用 ​​cls​​​ 命令清除屏幕。支持那些命令可以输入help。输入 ​​help​​ 之后列出下列的命令:

WordPress GUI Theme (c) 2006 Rod McFarland

command, alias required [optional]: description

help, h, ?: Help (this)
gui, startx: Return to GUI (graphical interface) blog
ls, list: List all posts (ordered by ID/date)
search, find [search terms]: Search posts
read, cat, show [post_id]: Read post # (no post_id: read current)
comments: Read comments for current post
current, cursor [post_id]: Show current post_id (set if post_id
given, nearest higher if no post
latest, last, l: Move to and show latest post
next, n: Move to and show next post
prev, p: Move to and show previous post
first, f: Move to and show first post
random, rand, r: Show random post
comment, c: Leave comment on current post
categories: List categories
category cat_id | cat_slug: List posts in category
cloud: Display tag cloud
date: Current date/time
cls: Clear screen
gpl, license: Show GNU General Public License
[post_id] | [post_slug]: Read post
login: Login (to admin)
