C.152: Never assign a pointer to an array of derived class objects to a pointer to its base




Subscripting the resulting base pointer will lead to invalid object access and probably to memory corruption.




struct B { int x; };
struct D : B { int y; };

void use(B*);

D a[] = {{1, 2}, {3, 4}, {5, 6}};
B* p = a; // bad: a decays to &a[0] which is converted to a B*
p[1].x = 7; // overwrite D[0].y

use(a); // bad: a decays to &a[0] which is converted to a B*


  • Flag all combinations of array decay and base to derived conversions.
  • 提示所有数组退化和基类类型向派生类类型转换的情况。
  • Pass an array as a span rather than as a pointer, and don't let the array name suffer a derived-to-base conversion before getting into the span
  • 使用span传递数组而不是指针,也不要再放入span之前让数组名经过一次派生类向基类类型的转换。


