
1.1 第一种:自定义“临时表空间”

-- 1) 创建永久表空间
create tablespace AVFAR_DATA
datafile'E:\app\XIAO\oradata\orcl\AVFAR_DATA.ora' size 1800m
autoextend on next 10m maxsize 20000m
default storage(initial 64k minextents 1 maxextents 2147483645)
minimum extent 64k

-- 2) 创建临时表空间
create temporary tablespace AVFAR_TEMP
tempfile'E:\app\XIAO\oradata\orcl\AVFAR_TEMP.ora' size 40m
autoextend on next 10m maxsize unlimited

-- 3) 创建用户(账户:avfar,密码:avfar)
create user avfar identified by avfar
default tablespace AVFAR_DATA
temporary tablespace AVFAR_TEMP
profile default;

-- 4) 授权(给avfar用户分配DBA权限,使用system用户登录授权)
grant connect to avfar;
grant dba to avfar with admin option;
grant resource to avfar;
grant unlimited tablespace to avfar with admin option;

1.2 第二种:使用默认“临时表空间”

create tablespace AVFAR datafile 'E:\app\XIAO\oradata\orcl\AVFAR.ora' size 200m autoextend on next 10m;

create user avfar6y identified by avfar6y default tablespace AVFAR temporary tablespace TEMP profile DEFAULT;

grant connect to avfar6y;
grant dba to avfar6y;
grant resource to avfar6y;
grant unlimited tablespace to avfar6y;
grant create materialized view to avfar6y;